
  • 网络patient satisfaction
  1. 在我以前的Healthcare公司进行过一次病人满意度调查问卷。

    We did Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires in my former Healthcare company .

  2. 跟医院的直接效益、信誉挂钩,KPI关键指标确定为科室目标完成率、护理质量、病人满意度和患者投诉。

    With the hospital directly benefit , credit hook , KPI target key indicator is determined as the department plan , the quality of nursing , patient satisfaction and patient complaints .

  3. PDCA循环在提高病人满意度中的应用

    Application of PDCA Circulation in Raising Patients Satisfactory Degree

  4. 健全严密的监控系统,跟踪并识别服务失误。结果实施服务补救后,病人满意度和补救成功例数提高,护理服务纠纷减少,分别经过χ2检验,P均0.01,有显著性差异。

    Results After implementation of remediation service , patient 's satisfactory rate and cases of successful remediation increased and nursing disputes decreased , which showed significant difference ( tested by x2 , P0.01 ) .

  5. 不满意(<60分)由原来的2%下降0%,效果明显,提高了病人满意度。结论针对不同层次病人的需求,合理地应用PDCA循环理论可提高护理服务的病人的满意度。

    Conclusions According to the needs of different patients , applying PDCA circulation rationally can raise the patients satisfactory degree to nursing service .

  6. 目的:探讨青少年甲亢131I治疗的临床疗效、副作用及治疗后病人满意度情况等问题。

    Objective : To probe into the clinical curative effect , side effect and gratification degree of adolescent hyperthyroidism after 131I therapy .

  7. 开发病人满意度测量工具的新思路&以RACGP全科医学服务满意度问卷为例

    New Perspective of Measurement Tool Development-General Practice Satisfaction Questionnaire as Example

  8. 结论QC小组活动可以提高护士的素质,激发其积极性与创造性,提高病人满意度,塑造病区护理服务品牌。

    Conclusions QC activity can improve nurses ' quality and arouse their energetic and creative power and evaluate the patients ' satisfaction degree as well as create a ward service model .

  9. 方法应用PDCA(计划、实施、检查、总结)管理循环模式循环对病人满意度下降的原因进行分析并制定措施,实施前后行问卷调查。

    Methods With PDCA circulation , including planning , doing , checking and administration , we analyzed the causes of patients satisfactory degree decline , then make improving measures .

  10. 结果股骨骨质疏松患者,如选用非骨水泥假体置换,Harris评分及病人满意度均比骨水泥组低(P<0.05),而大腿处疼痛率却比骨水泥组高(P<0.05);

    Results In the group of femur osteoporosis patients , the Harris Score and satisfaction score in those patients underwent uncemented HJR were lower than those used cemented prosthesis ( P < 0.05 ) while the incidence of thigh pain is higher ( P < 0.05 );

  11. 结果通过应用OEC管理模式,护理人员的责任感、学习积极性、护理质量、病人满意度明显提高。

    ( Results The ) application of OEC improved nurses ' sense of responsibility , learning enthusiasm , quality of nursing and patients ' satisfaction .

  12. 结果:不断上升的PDCA循环贯穿于临床护理工作的全过程,规范了护理管理,使护理质量合格率提高,病人满意度提高。

    Results : Continuous ascending PDCA ran through the whole clinic nursing progress . It standardized the nursing management and improved the quality of nursing care as well as satisfaction of patients .

  13. [结果]出院时2组住院天数、住院费用、病人满意度、健康教育达标率、血糖监测指标达标率比较均有统计学意义(均P0.05)。

    Result : In terms of hospitalization duration , medical cost , patients ' satisfaction degree , up to par rates of both health education and blood glucose monitoring indexes , there were significant differences between the groups at their discharge ( P0.05 ) .

  14. 结论经CHAID方法分析急诊病人满意度的影响因素,发现低年龄、过低收入或过高收入、给医护人员额外报酬的人群满意度低。

    Conclusion CHAID analysis indicated that those people who was young , had low income , or had provided money to the medical staff showed dissatisfaction .

  15. 结论MIOL植入安全而有效,可以提供与SIOL一样良好的远视力,及更好的近视力及立体视觉、更广的焦深、较低的戴近用镜率及较高的病人满意度。

    It can provide good DVA as the SIOL does , but better NVA and stereoscopic vision , less glasses use and higher satisfaction than the latter .

  16. 结论实施五常法是维持CCU优美环境,提高护理服务质量,缩短护患之间的距离,提高病人满意度,保证医疗护理工作顺利进行的有效方法之一。

    Conclusions Five-routine working regulation is one of the most effective methods to maintain favorable environment in CCU , improve the quality of nursing work , close the nurse-client relationship , increase patients ' satisfaction and guarantee medical and nursing care to be carried out smoothly .

  17. 柏拉图在病人满意度调查中的应用

    Application of Pareto Chart in survey of satisfaction degree of patients

  18. 澳大利亚病人满意度监测的政策和技术价值

    Values of Australian patient satisfaction monitoring on political and technical perspectives

  19. 实施护士长质量查房提高病人满意度

    Making head nurse quality ward round s to improve patient satisfactory

  20. 某院门诊病人满意度模糊综合评判及相关因素分析

    Fuzzy Synthetical Appraisal on Outpatients Satisfaction and Analysis of Associated Factors

  21. 急诊病人满意度量表的设计与评价

    Design and assessment on development of emergency patient satisfaction questionnaire

  22. 护理服务绩效管理模式对提升住院病人满意度的作用

    The effect of nursing services performance management model on patients ' satisfaction

  23. 生活技能训练对提高住院精神分裂症病人满意度的研究

    Effect of living skills training on improving the satisfaction of schizophrenic inpatients

  24. 病人满意度影响因素的统计分析

    A Statistic Analysis on the Factors of Influencing Patient Satisfaction

  25. 同时,护理质量的优劣,又直接关系到病人满意度的高低。

    The quality of nursing relates to the satisfaction degree of patient .

  26. 门诊小梁切除术的临床观察门诊病人满意度调查分析

    Clinical Research of Trabeculectomy on Outpatients Study on satisfaction degree in outpatients

  27. 病人满意度在卫生服务质量评价中的应用

    Application of the patients satisfaction degree in quality assessment of health service

  28. 应用电话调查出院病人满意度的做法与效果分析

    Analysis of the discharged patients ' satisfaction by telephone survey

  29. 住院病人满意度在提高护理质量中的作用

    Satisfaction of In-patients in the Improvement of Nursing Care Quality

  30. 基层医院住院病人满意度分析对护理服务的影响

    The Analysis and Countermeasures of Patient Satisfaction in Basic Hospital