
  1. 营销大师塞思•戈丁(SethGodin)不久前刚用一整篇博文记录来自别人的恭维之词。

    Seth Godin , a marketing pundit , has just devoted an entire blog post to reproducing gush from a third party .

  2. 苹果(Apple)聘请博柏利(Burberry)CEO安吉拉•阿伦德负责零售及在线业务,为苹果招徕了一名时尚达人、数字传道者和千禧一代的营销大师。

    In recruiting Burberry ( burby ) CEO Angela ahrendts to head its retail and online unit , apple ( AAPL ) is acquiring a design fanatic , a digital evangelist , and a master of millennial marketing .

  3. 关于网络营销大师课程的预先告知。

    Be forewarned about The Affiliate Masters Course , though .

  4. 任何企业的竞争最终都将是对顾客的竞争营销大师菲利普.科特勒如是说。

    " Any enterprise competition will eventually be the competition of customers " marketing guru Philip Kotler says .

  5. 长期以来,营销大师们一直声称,消费者更有可能苛责不满意的产品或服务,而不是推荐好的产品和服务。

    Marketing gurus have long claimed that consumers are more likely to bad-mouth unsatisfactory products and services than to recommend good ones .

  6. 销售商、营销大师们和广告商,你们能做到满足消费者欲望和维护利益的事情吗?

    Vendors , marketing gurus and advertisers , you can do to meet consumer desires and maintain the interests of the thing ?

  7. 品牌识别最初是建立在美国著名营销大师里斯和特劳特的市场定位论基础之上研究出的针对市场营销的重要分支理论。

    Brand identity is founded on the basis of Market Positioning theory set by famous America business master Al Ries , Jack Trout , and acts as an important branch theory aiming at Marketing .

  8. 艺术拉夫并不是一个营销天才或大师。

    Art Luff is Not a Marketing Genius or Guru .

  9. 营销业没有大师

    No Master in Marketing