- vegetative period;trophophase

The results show that mowing in vegetative period will make the regeneration and DM yield of sugarcane obviously lower than elephant grass .
The mixed feeding stage of pre-larva is short , only 2-3 days .
Using Southern blot of gene localization , vegetative insecticidal protein gene was determined neither on chromosome nor circle plasmids .
These data suggest that there is variance in the structures of both macronuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA in the resting cyst and the vegetative cells .
The results of study by transcription in vitro suggest that vegetative RNA polymerase purified from mutant - 91 and respective parental strain respectively , could transcribe either phage DNA or poly d ( A-T ) .
Compared with that of common carp under the same conditions , the embryonic development period delayed by 18 ~ 20 hours and that the time for bladder aired delayed by 38 ~ 40 hours .
The period of mix nutrition has relationship with temperature .
Intake Rate and Digestibility of Sainfoin Hay in Sheep Diet
Studies on Cloning and Expression of Vegetative Insecticidal Protein from Bacillus Thuringiensis
Characteristic Analysis of Vegetative Insecticidal Protein Gene from Bacillus thuringiensis
The effects of short day treatment at different vegetative stages on Soybean Development
Light compensation point is tending to rise from vegetative stage to flowering stage .
Effect of water stress on physiological and growth charaters of Prunella vulgaris at the vegetative stage
Mean density expressed as : ephemerals and annuals with long period of nourishment have large density .
The results show that the difference of ramet population biomass between VP and RP is not significant .
Larva developed into the postlarval stage starting from 5th day after hatching , which belonged to the exogenous nutrition stage .
Content of soluble sugar and starch ( CSSS ) in five species of herbage was studied by anthrone colorimetric analysis .
Vegetative insecticidal protein ( VIP ) is a non-crystal and extracellular toxic protein discovered at the vegetative stage of Bacillus thuringiensis strain .
Among the 23 strains of 20 serovars , the occurrence of vegetative insecticidal protein gene was 56.5 % ( 13 positive in 23 ) .
The content of non protein nitrogen in crude protein is the highest at vegetative growth stage , which is about 30 % - 40 % .
In terms of life forms , ephemerals make up 53.76 % , herbage plant with long period of nourishment account for 22.58 % and arbor and shrub mahe up 16.13 % .
On the contrary , in the period of post-fruiting vegetation growth , the b value of grey-green ecotype ( 0.8048 and 0.0303 ) became bigger than that of yellow-green ecotype ( 0.7796 and 0.0258 ) .
The life cycle of Physarum polycephalum is complex . During the vegetative stage , the plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum is able to change shape , and construct a protoplasmic pipeline network of the food sources .
The results showed that from hatching to 2 days after hatching ( DAF ) at the temperature of 30 ± 1 ℃, the larvae were at the endogenous stage , consuming the yolk-sac for further development .
The result showed that activities of the three enzymes were increased with the development of digestive tube and organs , and with the development of different tissues and organs , the change of various enzyme activities had its own features .
In the vegetative cells , the localization of the reaction particles of acid phosphatase ( ACPase ) was in the food vacuoles or the autophagic vacuoles of different stages , while in the resting they formed the vacuolar or spherical bodies .
The content of crude protein and crude fat of sweet clover during various growing stages in various areas in Hexi , Gansu , have been determined . The results of analysis showed that the content were 20.59 % , 3.54 % in the nutrient stage ;
The transportation of P is significantly related with metabolism and growth centers of hybrid rice , too .
Contents change of N , P , K during the vegetative growth in platycodon grandiflorum
The stage of nutrition growth of Plantain was delayed .