
nüè dài zuì
  • Crime of maltreatment;crime of abusing a member of one's family
  1. 愤怒的社交媒体用户们已经控诉了这对为了拍照将自己的宝宝置于危险当中的父母,一些用户称这两位父母犯了虐待罪,甚至要求将他们送入监狱。

    Angry social media users have accused the parents of putting their baby 's life at risk for the sake of a picture , and some have even called for them to be sent to prison , saying they are guilty of abuse .

  2. 但他们可能犯了虐待动物罪而不自知。

    But they could have been guilty of animal cruelty without even knowing it .

  3. 不过,一些推特用户的反应可就没有这么温和了。一些人甚至呼吁以虐待动物罪逮捕三岁的乔治小王子。

    The reaction among some Twitter users was less tempered , with some calling for the three-year-old to be arrested for animal cruelty .

  4. 因涉嫌给两岁儿子喝一种混合饮料,(美国)乔治亚州的一对夫妇被指控虐待儿童罪而被逮捕。这种饮料混合了可乐和40度的保罗·麦森白兰地。

    A couple in Georgia was arrested and charged with cruelty to children in the first degree after allegedly giving their two-year-old son a mixed drink made of Coke and 40 proof Paul Masson Brandy .

  5. 康普顿随后被捕,同时被指控四项兽奸罪、四项非法侵入罪和四项虐待动物的轻微罪。

    Compton was arrested , when he was charged with four counts of bestiality , four counts of criminal trespassing and four counts of misdemeanor cruelty to animals .