- 名Crime of maltreatment;crime of abusing a member of one's family

Angry social media users have accused the parents of putting their baby 's life at risk for the sake of a picture , and some have even called for them to be sent to prison , saying they are guilty of abuse .
But they could have been guilty of animal cruelty without even knowing it .
The reaction among some Twitter users was less tempered , with some calling for the three-year-old to be arrested for animal cruelty .
A couple in Georgia was arrested and charged with cruelty to children in the first degree after allegedly giving their two-year-old son a mixed drink made of Coke and 40 proof Paul Masson Brandy .
Compton was arrested , when he was charged with four counts of bestiality , four counts of criminal trespassing and four counts of misdemeanor cruelty to animals .