
nüè dài
  • maltreat;ill-treat;tyrannize;abuse;mistreatment;cruelty;punishment;misuse;overdrive;grind down
虐待 [nüè dài]
  • [maltreat;ill-treat] 用狠毒残忍的手段对待人

虐待[nüè dài]
  1. 我无法容忍虐待动物的人。

    I can 't stand people who are cruel to animals .

  2. 他因受他们的虐待而痛加报复。

    He exacted a terrible revenge for their treatment of him .

  3. 他们因虐待动物而被判有罪。

    They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals .

  4. 对这种虐待感到无能为力是自然的。

    It 's natural to feel helpless against such abuse .

  5. 孩子们无法抵御其父的虐待。

    The children had no protection against the tyranny of their father .

  6. 虐待可造成心理和情绪上的问题。

    Abuse can lead to both psychological and emotional problems .

  7. 据称他虐待犯人。

    It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners .

  8. 人人一看便知,那个孩子受过虐待。

    It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated .

  9. 他被指控虐待犯人。

    He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners .

  10. 那些动物受到了恣意虐待。

    The animals had been grossly ill-treated .

  11. 那条狗一直受虐待。

    The dog had been cruelly treated .

  12. 这是我见过的最严重的虐待动物的事例。

    It was the most extreme example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen .

  13. 这个男孩曾遭受过性虐待。

    The boy had been sexually abused .

  14. 除非受到了虐待,这只狗从不发怒。

    The dog never snarled / growled unless it was mistreated .

  15. 那是一个受虐待妇女的庇护所。

    It 's a shelter for battered women .

  16. 角斗之后受害的小狗们为人类的利益和“娱乐”被虐待并杀害,但那些犯下罪行造成动物一生痛苦的施虐者往往只是得到最轻的判决。

    Dog-fighting victims are tortured and killed for profit and " sport , " yet their criminal abusers often receive a minimal sentence for causing a lifetime of pain .

  17. 世界动物保护组织(WAP)称,全世界有多达55万只野生动物正受到虐待;比如,柬埔寨的报道就称大象会因为在炎热天气载客时间过长而死亡。

    The World Animal Protection ( WAP ) says that up to 550,000 wild animals are exposedto ill treatment around the world ; in Cambodia , for example , it 's been reported that elephants have died after carrying tourists for long in hot weather .

  18. 并非所有动物都遭到虐待。

    Not all animals are treated badly .

  19. 类似聚氨酯和PVC革的动物皮革替代品或许已经解决了时装业的动物虐待问题,但它们并非最环保的方案。

    Animal leather alternatives like Polyurethane and PVC leather may have solved the fashion industry 's animal cruelty problem , but they are not the most environmentally friendly solutions .

  20. Thorn集团的首席执行官朱莉·科尔多瓦说,大约一半的儿童性虐待内容为视频格式。该公司开发了一项帮助执法人员侦查性贩卖的技术。

    Julie Cordua , chief executive of Thorn , a group that has developed technology to help law enforcement officials detect sex trafficking , said about half of child sexual abuse material is formatted as video .

  21. 这是抗击虐待动物的一种方式。

    This is a way of fighting cruelty against animals .

  22. 我蔑视如此虐待孩子的人。

    I contemn the people who treat children so cruelly .

  23. 那位母亲因虐待孩子被送交法院

    The mother was taken to court for kicking the children around .

  24. 我们对虐待战俘之事提出抗议

    We remonstrated against the ill-treatment of prisoners of war .

  25. 他给它们过重的负荷来虐待他的马

    He misuses his horses by giving them loads that are too heavy .

  26. (四)虐待、遗弃家庭成员的。

    and ( 4 ) maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another .

  27. 他们虐待犯人的做法令人厌恶。

    Their cruel treatment of prisoners was abominable .

  28. 第二十七条继父母与继子女间,不得虐待或歧视。

    Article 27 Maltreatment or discrimination shall not be permitted between stepparents and stepchildren .

  29. “厌女症”患者指的是讨厌、不喜欢、不信任、或者虐待女性的人。

    Misogynist is a person who hates , dislikes , mistrusts , or mistreats women .

  30. 她憎恶虐待动物

    She abhors cruelty to animals .