
jiāo yùn
  • deliver;have good luck
  • be in luck
交运 [jiāo yùn]
  • [be in luck] 遇到某种运气,多指好运气;走运

  1. 我们希望生产者能允诺准时交运零件。

    We hope to get a commitment from the manufacturer to deliver the parts on time .

  2. 一个人交运的时候,勇气,主意,进取心这些东西是何等重要啊!

    Nerve , ideas , aggressiveness , how these counted when one had luck !

  3. 今天真交运!

    What good luck today !

  4. 当向TL9000论坛管理员提交数据时,返还件和交运件应该只被报告一次。

    Returns and shipments should only be reported once when submitting date to the TL9000 Administrator .

  5. 交易员们表示,交运到lme韩国仓库的铜,有许多可能来自中国尽管其中一部分可能原本是从别处运到中国、但由于中国需求疲软而被转运来的。

    Traders say that much of that metal that has been delivered into LME warehouses in Korea is likely to be from China , although some of it may have come from shipments that had been destined for China but were diverted due to weak demand in the country .

  6. 你知道本月份交运的货物吗?

    You know the cargo to be shipped in this month ?

  7. 贵方订购的产品正准备交运中。

    The goods of your order are being manufactured for shipment .

  8. 请将货物交运时间通知我们。

    Please advise us of the dispatch of the goods .

  9. 我中了个头奖,可真是交运!

    I am so lucky , I 've won the first prize .

  10. 如果对您所交运的行李有任何问题,请与本柜台人员联系。

    If you have any questions , please contact our counter staff .

  11. 货物必须在六月底前交运。

    The goods have to be delivered by the end of June .

  12. 我把行李交运后就离开了车站。

    I checked my baggage and left the station .

  13. 我们将以邮寄交运给你。

    We will transport it to you by means of the mail service .

  14. 由外国航空公司的员工及授权代表交运的货物。

    Cargo accepted from a foreign air carrier 's direct employees or authorized representatives .

  15. 勇气航空公司的打折机票一般情况下行李交运费会更高。

    Discount airlines like Spirit typically charge more .

  16. 我这些行李要交运。

    I have these suitcases to check .

  17. 如果努力想的话,我记得交运行李是免费的。

    If I think hard enough , I can remember when checking luggage was free .

  18. 他们的交运行李费用30美元起步,依据姓李的重量增加费用。

    Their checked baggage fee starts at $ 30 and increases depending on the weight .

  19. 除上述物品外,其他物品应与交运行李一起过磅并按逾重行李的有关规定办理。

    All other articles must be registered and weighed and are subject to excess baggage charges .

  20. 对不起,请你告诉我,我们的货物何时将从台湾交运呢?

    Excuse me , but could you tell me when our goods will be despatched from taiwan ?

  21. 国际航线按全票百分之十付费的儿童,不享受免费交运行李的优待。

    No free baggage allowance is granted to an infant paying 10 % of the adult fare .

  22. 韩进携手青岛交运引领山东现代物流浪潮

    Hanjin cooperates with Qingdao Communications & Transport Group to lead the modern log (?) stics trend in Shandong

  23. 利用客票交运或者捎带非旅客本人的行李物品;

    Taking advantage of the passenger ticket to check or bring along the baggage not belonging to the passenger himself .

  24. 另外,卖方应在交运后小时内以特快专递方式邮寄给买方第项单据副本一套。

    In addition , the sellers shall , within hours after shipment effected , send each copy of the above-mentioned documents NO.

  25. 有交运行李的旅客烦请核查手中行李签,以确保行李提取无误。

    Passengers who have check-in luggage , please double check your luggage tag to make sure you claim the right luggage .

  26. 其他买主对这货物很满意,但如果你能先付40%货款,我们可以延迟交运。

    544 Other buyers are satisfied with it , but we could delay it if you could pay 40 percent up front .

  27. 按照华沙条约的规定:国际航线的交运行李,每公斤赔偿最多不得超过20美元。

    Our maximum liability for international checked baggage is limited to US $ 20 per kilogram in accordance with the Warsaw Convention .

  28. 现在,如果你交运自己的行李而不是单单将包裹带上飞机,几乎所有航空公司都会收取额外的费用。

    These days , almost all airlines charge extra if you check a bag rather than just carry it on your flight .

  29. 例如,德尔塔、美国和维尔京在国内航班的第一个交运的包裹收费为25美元。

    Delta , United , and Virgin all charge $ 25 for the first checked bag on domestic flights , for example .

  30. 通用设备、专用设备、交运设备和电气机械制造业等固定资产投资也势必将保持高速增长。

    Meanwhile , the demand of common equipment , specialized equipment , shipment equipment and electrical machinery manufacturing investment will keep fast growth .