
  • 网络Exchange program;swapper;trader;bulk link exchange programs;bulk linl exchange programa
  1. SPC交换程序的半自动生成技术

    Semi-automatic Generation Techniques for SPC Switching Program

  2. 应用PLC控制技术后,实现了交换程序紊乱保护,使煤气交换机电控系统更加安全可靠。

    After PLC control technology is applied , the revering program disturbance protection is realized , enabling electric control system for gas reversing machine more safe and reliable .

  3. 介绍用ASP和ADO技术实现网络数据库访问的方法熏并给出了网络数据库交换程序实例。

    The paper introduces the method of using ASP and ADO to realize accessing network database , and gives out the example of network database exchange program .

  4. 通过对JSP与ASP访问数据库技术进行对比研究,文章采用了JSP和ODBC结合实现网络数据库的方法,并给出了网络数据库交换程序实例。

    Compared with ASP technology and JSP technology , the paper introduces the method of using JSP and ODBC to realize accessing network data base , and gives out the example of network data exchange program .

  5. 单台测震分析与资料交换程序

    A program of seismogram analysis and data exchange for single station

  6. 上诉机构决策程序包括三人表决小组决策程序与意见交换程序。

    The Appellate Body decision-making procedure includes one three-people division decision-making process and the opinion exchange process .

  7. 离子交换程序对Pd/Y催化剂萘加氢活性和耐硫性能的影响

    Effect of Ion Exchange Procedure on Activity and Sulfur Tolerance of Pd / Y Catalysts for Naphthalene Hydrogenation

  8. 通常消息交换程序并不真正使用用户的私钥签署原始消息本身。

    Usually the messaging program doesn 't actually sign the original message itself with the user 's private key .

  9. 线程同步有两个基本用途:保证共享数据的完整性;在合作的线程间交换程序状态的变化情况。

    Two basic uses exist for thread synchronization : to protect the integrity of shared data and to communicate changes in program state between cooperating threads .

  10. 可与AUTOCAD进行数据交换和程序切换;

    Can exchange data and switch program with Auto CAD ;

  11. 本系统在软件设计中采用汇编语言、C语言编写数据采集,FLASH存储和对USB接口芯片进行协议处理及数据交换的程序。

    The system using compile and C language programme the data collection , FLASH storage , disposal to USB interface and data exchanging in software design .

  12. 根据DXF文件格式,结合VC++技术的图形处理、数据管理功能,本文开发设计出数据交换接口程序,可以在VC++程序中实现对CAD图形的调用以及二次开发。

    Based on the DXF file formats and combined with VC + + graphic processing and data management technology , a data exchange interface program is developed which realizes transfer of CAD graphics in VC + + program as well as subsequent development .

  13. 通过这些端点,您还可以与不同的企业信息系统交换应用程序信息。

    Through these end points , you exchange application information with the different enterprise information systems as well .

  14. 不过,Java代码永远不会把这种内部表示向与它交换数据的程序公开。

    However , Java code never exposes this internal representation to the programs it exchanges data with .

  15. 虽然这种方法不能适合于所有应用程序,但在一般情况下,对于那些将XML用于数据交换的应用程序是比较理想的。

    This isn 't suitable for all applications , but it is ideal for the common case of applications that use XML for data exchange .

  16. EPON交换芯片驱动程序的设计与实现

    Design of the IC driver of EPON switch and its implementation

  17. 通过使用SSL,我们可以确保在交换任何应用程序数据前,能识别服务器端并建立安全通道。

    By using SSL , we ensure that the server-side is identified and a secure channel established before any application data is exchanged .

  18. 将创建一个处理程序,它充当一个消息交换台操作程序(switchboardoperator)并将每个方法调用传递到相应的调用链。

    A handler is created , which acts as a message switchboard operator and routes each method call to the appropriate invocation chain .

  19. 在此基础上,建立了基于GIS的泥沙数学模型,设计了两种模式数据交换的接口程序,探讨了泥沙模型计算域空间离散问题。

    The mathematical model based on GIS is built , and the interface program of data conversion between the two models is designed , and the spatial discretion of the computational domain is discussed .

  20. 基于动态数据交换的应用程序设计技术

    The Application Programming Techniques Based on the DDE Method

  21. 随着证据交换制度的程序价值被不断认可,越来越多的国家将其纳入民事诉讼法或证据法中。

    More and more countries have established it in law of civil procedure or evidence law .

  22. 其中,数据交换软件应用程序分为服务器端程序与客户端程序,服务器端程序部署在国家疾控中心,客户端程序部署在各省疾控中心。

    The data exchange software application program is divided into server and client , server applications deployed in the National CDC , the client program is deployed in the provincial CDC .

  23. 并编写了实现图形交换的C语言程序,给出了解决问题的关键程序。

    Program The key program to realise , the solution by language C is listed .

  24. 一个提供一组公共的基础结构服务的框架,这些基础结构服务供支持B2B消息交换的客户应用程序使用。

    A framework providing a common set of infrastructure services for use by customer applications in support of B2B message exchange .

  25. 从数据转换到开放文件格式,从标准交换格式到应用程序接口,从空间数据库到Web服务的集成,随着时间和互操作技术的发展,互操作的性能也在逐步提升。

    From data transformation to open file format , from standard transformation format to application program interface , from spatial database to web service integration , as well as the rapid development of interoperability technology , the capability of interoperability has improved gradually .

  26. SRM层下面是TRM,TRM用于对标准、规范和技术进行分类,以构造、交付和交换业务和应用程序组件。

    Below the SRM layer is the TRM to categorize the standards , specifications , and technologies to construct , deliver , and exchange business and application components .

  27. 相反,这些应用程序希望交换特定于应用程序的业务数据。

    Instead , these applications want to exchange business data that 's specific to the application .

  28. 还把交换的思想引入程序设计,提高了回溯算法的效率。

    We also use the idea of exchanging base blocks to improve the efficiency of the backtracking algorithm .

  29. 响应时间长很可能意味着与目标主机交换数据的应用程序的性能会比较差。

    Long response times are likely to mean poor performance for any applications that exchange data with the target host .

  30. 然后在硬件平台基础上设计了层二交换模块的驱动程序,并对驱动程序作了功能测试。

    Then the driver software of the layer 2 switch model is designed in this thesis based on the hardware platform .