
  • 网络Transaction Management;Trade management;Deal Management
  1. 根据北京房地产交易管理网发布的统计数据显示,八月底北京一套普通公寓的均价达到每平方米23730元。

    In Beijing , the average price of a typical apartment reached 23,730 yuan a square meter at the end of August , according to statistics from the Beijing Real Estate Transaction Management Network .

  2. 某股票交易管理系统F就是一个典型的金融软件系统。

    A transaction management system F is a typical financial software system .

  3. 基于Web的建筑市场监管与交易管理信息系统的开发

    Development of Information System of Construction Market Supervision and Business Management Based on Web

  4. GIS在海洋国土资源交易管理中的应用研究

    Application and Research of GIS to Manage in Marine Territory Resource Trade

  5. 周二,证券交易管理委员会宣布了新的“熔断机制”(circuitbreaker)以支持有序交易。

    On Tuesday , the Securities and Exchange Commission announced new " circuit breakers " to support orderly trading .

  6. 电能量数据可被EMS、交易管理系统、负荷预测、信息发布等系统所使用。

    Energy data may be EMS , transaction management systems , load forecasting , information systems be used .

  7. Cheek说,自90年代以来,证券交易管理委员会一直试图让金融公司对产品进行更清晰的描述。

    Miz Cheek says , since the nineteen nineties , the Securities and Exchange Commission has tried to get financial companies to give clearer product descriptions .

  8. 通过使用UP的开发思想和UML的建模手段,解决了校园卡交易管理软件系统这样的复杂软件的建模问题。

    With the use of the development idea of UP and the instrument of UML modeling , the modeling problem of the complex software such as the Campus Card system is resolved in the paper .

  9. 该文针对计算网格的特点,提出了一种基于Bargain经济模型的网格资源交易管理算法:首先描述了分层的网格协议体系;

    In this paper , an algorithm for trade management of gird resources based on bargain economic model is presented : Firstly , the layered grid protocol architecture is described ;

  10. 但是,HT县的公共资源交易管理改革尚不成熟,与国内一些公共资源交易管理的先进地区相比仍存在较大差距。

    However , the transaction management reform of public resources in HT County is not yet mature , there is still a wide disparity compared with the advanced domestic areas of public resources transaction management .

  11. FFI是一家专业的客户服务公司,电脑网络系统程序管理和专业网络交易管理公司。

    The FFI is a professional customer service company , the computer network system procedure management and professional network trade the management company .

  12. 第四章讨论了包装类模式在EJB容器模型中的应用。接下来五、六、七章分别详细描述了容器对EJB组件的生命周期管理、交易管理和持续化管理设计与实现。

    The architecture of the EJB server and container are discussed in section 2 and 3 . We describe the design of the wrapper class model in section 4 . In section 5,6 and 7 , we elaborate the implementation of life-cycle management , transaction management and persistence management respectively .

  13. 对象服务包括安全、交易管理和数据交换。

    Object services include security , transaction management and data exchange .

  14. 公司规范关联交易管理、结算措施和建议。

    Regulation linklaters and alliance , to square measures and suggestions .

  15. 高可用性系统和交易管理中间件在金融系统中的应用

    On available of high availability transaction management medium in finance system

  16. 简化交易管理方式和减少交易费用;

    Simplification of the administration of transaction and lower transaction costs .

  17. 基于网络商盟的信任交易管理机制研究

    Research of Trust Transaction Management Mechanism Based on Online Marketing Coalition

  18. 工程建设交易管理系统研究与开发

    Study and Development on Management System of Engineering Construction Trade

  19. 城市地产交易管理制度具有导向性作用。

    Urban land property right transaction management system is the guided section .

  20. 交易管理在二手车信息发布系统中的应用研究

    Trade Management Application Search in Second-hand Car Information Issuance System

  21. 一种基于线性规划的交易管理实用算法

    A practical trading management algorithm based on linear programming

  22. 利用电子商务规范烟草行业的交易管理

    Normalizing the Tobacco Trade Management by Using Electronic Commerce

  23. 论建设工程交易管理系统中的计算机技术应用

    The application of the computer technology in construction engineering bargain market management system

  24. 它处理客户及交易管理。

    It deals with customer and trade management .

  25. 客票系统5.0版中连接交易管理服务器的设计与实现

    Design and implementation for CTMS in TRS V5.0

  26. 浅谈《零售商与供应商进货交易管理办法》对药品零售业的影响

    Influence of Regulation on the Stock Trade between Retailers and Suppliers on Drug Retailing

  27. 河流排污交易管理信息系统研究

    Study on River Effluence Trade Management Information System

  28. 矩阵方法在交易管理中的应用

    Application of matrix approach for transaction management

  29. 房地产交易管理中心

    Real Estate Exchange Management Center

  30. 电子转账被公认为是一种安全、可靠、方便的交易管理方式。

    EFT is considered to be a safe , reliable , and convenient way to conduct business .