- cross validation

The grid search method based on k fold cross validation error for selecting the model parameters of SVM is also presented .
They are tested using 10-fold cross validation with two real world data sets , and compared with five neural network models of David West 's.
Cross-validations of FAN model and ANNs ( Artificial Neural Networks ) were conducted on two different sample datasets .
Design of RBF Network Based on cross-validation method
Then Cross-Validation method which is based on statistical learning is introduced for confirming the best classification parameter . 4 .
And using cross validation to optimize the SVM penalty parameter and kernel parameter , effectively improve the prediction accuracy .
The transformer condition estimate model is constructed based on SVM and the parameter for SVM-based classifier is determined by adopting cross validation method .
An Application of V-fold Cross-validation Technique and BP Neural Networks to Credit Analysis
After cross & validating the parameters of the structure model and the estimating project , the spatial distribution of g ( Au / Ag ) was modeled .
Choosing proper Kriging model , verifying of the Cross-Validation and correcting the parameters are important factors influencing accurate analysis .
The CoMFA model had good cross-validated coefficient ( q2 ) and predictive potency .
In addition , in order to further improve the diagnostic accuracy , the cross-validation function in the installation package is used to select the best paraments c and g , which can optimize the model .
A cross-validated R2 ( q2 ) guided conformation selection approach of CoMFA studies was proposed .
Cross validation and prediction results show that this QSPR model is of good stability and powerful prediction ability .
The testing accuracy to this vehicle dataset reaches 85.59 % by means of 9-fold cross-validation which demonstrates that the classification performance of SVM ~ (★) is superior to those of other classifiers .
Experiment results show that this algorithm holds a good accuracy of classification by stratification-cross-validation on the sets of UCI . 3 .
In this article , the R2 guided region selection CoMFA method was used to investigate 12 saponins for their 3D - QSAR .
Through the simulation experiment , we selected the radial basis function ( RBF ) as the kernel function , and by the cross validation method we determined the best punishment factor for the ε - SVR algorithm .
The influences of the number of hidden neurons , learning rate , Momentum , and epochs were discussed in this paper , and the models were validated using leave-n-out cross-validation approach .
Training and identifying SVM by selecting Gaussian kernel function and polynomial kernel function and using cross-validation method , the optimal parameter model is obtained and the significant experimental results are achieved , which lay a good foundation for further studies .
The average AUC in 5-fold cross-validation was more than 0.93 , average 0.967 , and that of principle components reduction model was lower than the other two reduction models with statistic significance .
A leave-one-out cross-validation method was used to select the number of latent variables for the building of the QSAR models by principal component regression ( PCR ) and partial least square regression ( PLS ) method respectively .
The denoising method based on GCV has been used in image denoising , but it is hard to improve PSNR greatly and can ′ t maintain the details of the image well .
Before SVM classifier application , a set of data was used for training , the use of cross-validation and grid search techniques to optimize the SVM RBF kernel parameters . Afterward tomato picture was took for the SVM classifier to recognition experiments .
The cross experiments indicated that the average matching relative error and the average prediction relative error of this model , was 0.0063 % and 0.1210 % respectively . The model was applied to predict the concentration of CO_2 in the exit of purifying column .
Hv - Block Cross-Validation Method for Hydrological Model Calibration
This method takes SVR parameters as the particle swarm and the minimization of the 5-fold cross-validation error as the adaptation goal . Then it uses PSO with strong global search ability to achieve the parameter optimization .
The raw spectra were pretreated by the second derivative and smoothing , prediction models were established by using RBF , the models were validated using Leave-one-out cross-validation approach , and the influence of parameters was discussed .
In the one-tailed ANOVA analysis table only the index " rural per capita net income " had the highest F value and the classification accuracy of Cross-validation samples is 88.9 % in discriminant analysis which show the classification results is ideal .
This paper pointed out the disadvantages of the spilt-sample validation method and introduced the hv-block cross-validation method for the hydrological model calibration .