
  • 网络interior point;interior point method;interior-point methods;interior-point
  1. 该软件使用C++编写,采用统一的接口,包含有效集法,内点法和Wolfe单纯形法三种可选算法,能够处理规模在500维以上的大规模二次规划问题。

    The software is programmed in C + + with a unified interface and consists of active set , interior point and Wolfe simplex methods , which can solve large scale quadratic programming problems over 500 dimensions .

  2. 组合同伦内点法(CombinedHomotopyInteriorPointMethod,简记为CHI方法)不但可以求解凸规划问题,而且对满足一定条件的非凸规划问题也具有大范围的收敛性。

    Combined homotopy interior point method is used to solve not only the convex problem , but also the non-convex problem which satisfies some conditions .

  3. 最近学者们提出了组合同伦内点法(简记为CHIP方法)去求解一类非线性规划问题。

    Recently , a combined homotopy interior point method ( denoted as CHIP method for convenience ) was presented to solve a class of nonlinear programming problems .

  4. 新算法组合使用了层次分析法(AHP)中的标权转换法和内点法,将q个有效鞍点减少为一个。

    Scale - weight transformation method in AHP and affine - scaling interior points algorithm reduced the number of efficient anchor points to one .

  5. 基于非线性原-对偶内点法的OPF算法及其校正策略

    The Nonlinear Primal-dual Interior Point Algorithm and Correction Strategies for Optimal Power Flows

  6. 一种基于Karmarkar内点法的最优潮流算法

    A New OPF Algorithm Based on Karmarkar ' Interior Point Method

  7. 推导给出该凸优化模型对应的拉格朗日函数及KKT条件,并引入凸优化内点法作为负荷分配的有效计算工具。

    The interior-point method for convex optimization is presented here as a computationally efficient tool .

  8. 运用内点法和改进的POWELL方法对有约束条件下双Y结的几何参数进行优化;

    Geometry parameters of dual Y junction subjected to stated situations were optimized using inner point solutions method integrated by improved POWELL means .

  9. 最后,建立了计及UPFC的暂态稳定约束最优潮流的模型,并用内点法进行求解。

    Lastly , the model of Transient Stability Constrained OPF ( TSCOPF ) with UPFC is established , and also solved by interior point method .

  10. 组合同伦内点法由Feng等[1]提出,是求解有界区域上的非凸数学规划的一种大范围收敛性方法。

    The combined homotopy interior point method ( denoted by CHIP ), was presented by Feng [ 1 ] , is a global convergence method for solving nonconvex programming in bounded sets .

  11. 基于扰动KKT条件的原始-对偶内点法和分支定界法的最优潮流研究

    Study on optimal power flow based on primal-dual interior point algorithm under perturbed KKT conditions and branch-and-bound method

  12. 然后采用内点法求解有功安全校正问题来修正AGC的功率设置点,以满足电网的安全约束条件。

    Through solving an active power security corrective problem by using the interior point method , the set-points of the AGC system are updated for satisfying transmission and generation constraints .

  13. 并利用罚函数内点法寻优方法,在任意确定Rq条件下寻求工艺参数的最佳组合。

    The best processing parameters were optimized by the inner - punishing - function method .

  14. 本文致力于基于PMU同步测量量的静态电压稳定性分析研究和基于原-对偶内点法的电压稳定校正控制研究。

    This thesis was working for PMU synchronous measurement based the steady-state voltage stability analysis and voltage stability corrective control research using primal-dual interior point method .

  15. 同伦内点法解一般非线性规划K-K-T点的较弱条件

    A weaker condition of combined homotopy interior point method for getting K-K-T point of general nonlinear programming

  16. 对这一模型,应用非线性原对偶内点法及相应有效的稀疏处理手段和计算技巧,形成灵活、实用的软件,在山东电网AVC实际实施中,获得在线的、有效的应用。

    To this model , a non-linear primal-dual interior point method and corresponding effective sparse means as well as some computing skills are used to solve the problem .

  17. 在优化计算层中使用障碍内点法处理非线性优化问题。2在算法结构研究的基础上,使用科学计算语言FORTRAN实现了内点拟序贯算法。

    In optimization layer an interior-point method is applied to solve nonlinear programming problem from simulation layer . 2 Based on approach structure , a software package was coded to implement interior-point quasi-sequential approach with FORTRAN .

  18. 应用APP方法,将大电网最优潮流问题转化为多个规模相对较小子系统的并行协调优化问题,在每个子系统中采用跟踪中心轨迹内点法求解子系统的优化问题。

    A distributed processing model based on subsystem decomposition and auxiliary problem principle ( APP ) method is proposed , where the large scale system OPF problem is decomposed into several parallel coordinating subsystem optimization ones and solved with the interior point algorithm .

  19. 1正则化方法根据目标函数和约束项的不同,存在几种正则化形式,但它们都可以划归到二阶锥规划(SOC)的范畴,并采用内点法来求解。

    The 1 regularization has some different forms due to the objective function and constrain item , fortunately however , they can be translated to conform to second order cone programming ( SOC ) and can be solved effectively by inner point method ( IPM ) .

  20. 上层无网络约束的机组组合模型的求解运用Benders分解法将整数变量和连续变量分开求解,下层模型用原对偶内点法求解。

    The integer variables and continuous variables of upper-layer unit commitment without network security constrains were solved by Benders decomposition method . The sub-layer model was solved by interior point method .

  21. 引入非线性互补函数,将内点法中KKT条件的互补松弛条件约束转化为等式约束,并采用牛顿方法求解。

    By leading in the nonlinear complementarity function , the constraints of complementarity relaxation conditions in KKT equation of interior point method are changed into equality constraints and can be solved by Newton method .

  22. 论文采用了预测-校正原对偶内点法求解该模型,并通过Q-V模态分析研究切负荷前后系统降阶雅可比矩阵的特征值变化情况,评估切负荷控制措施的有效性。

    The Predictor Corrector Primary Dual Interior Point Method ( PCPDIPM ) is used to solve the OPF model . The effectiveness of load shedding is confirmed using the Q-V mode analysis method , which can be applied to compute eigenvalues of a reduced Jacobian matrix .

  23. 基于内点法的含暂态稳定约束的最优潮流计算

    Interior point method based optimal power flow with transient stability constraints

  24. 解非凸约束极小极大问题的凝聚同伦内点法

    An Aggregate Homotopy Interior Point Method for Nonconvex Constrained Min-Max Problems

  25. 线性规划内点法中判别最优基的准则

    An optimal basis identification criterion for interior point linear programming algorithms

  26. 关于原对偶内点法若干问题的讨论

    A Discussion on Some Problems about the Primal-dual Interior Point Method

  27. 网络流和内点法结合的有功动态优化调度

    Optimal active power dispatching combining network flow and interior point methods

  28. 基于内点法的电力系统最大输电能力计算

    Power System Total Transfer Capacity Calculation Based on Interior Point Method

  29. 解凸规划问题的一种半内点法

    A Semi - Interior - Point Method for Convex Programming

  30. 基于原-对偶内点法的无功优化不可行问题研究

    Infeasibility Study of Reactive Power Optimization Based on Primal-Dual Interior Point Method