
  • 网络internal noise;inner noise
  1. 而且传统的CMOS电路有相当大的内部噪声,这也阻碍了SOC中模拟和数字电路的集成。

    In addition , the considerable internal noise of the traditional CMOS circuits hinders the SOC integration of sensitive analog and digital circuits .

  2. 原子时钟稳定性主要受内部噪声的影响,而脉冲星时的最大噪声来源于自转的不稳定性,其稳定度一般使用?z方法估计。

    The stability of atomic clock are affected mainly by its internal noise , while , the biggest noise of pulsar time is the instability of pulsar spin . The stability of pulsar time is charactered by ? z method .

  3. 特别指出了随着现代数字VLSI电路的元器件几何尺寸进一步缩小,其内部噪声的影响趋于显著。

    As the geometric sizes of the components and devices in modern digital VLSI circuits are especially reduced further , the noise influence on the VLSI circuits tends to be remarkable .

  4. 为了定量地把握SEM在扫描图像时放大倍数的不稳定性、非线性和内部噪声对DSCM的影响,还对SEM下的DSCM精度和误差进行了实验分析。

    In order to quantificationally study the effect of excursion during SEM scanning on the DSCM , the precision and error of the DSCM under the SEM are analyzed experimentally .

  5. 在表征神经系统的单个小世界网络模型中,每个节点代表一个FHN神经元模型,其内部噪声为强度相同但相互独立的高斯白噪声。

    In the process of characterizing a small-world network model of the nervous system , each node represents a FHN neuron model , of which the internal noise components are with the same intensity same but mutually independent .

  6. 人的视觉对灰度级别的分辨能力及视觉内部噪声的研究

    The Gray Level Resolution and Intrinsic Noise of Human Vision

  7. 拖拉机驾驶室内部噪声响应的灵敏度分析

    Sensitivity analysis on interior noise responses of the tractor cab

  8. 雷达接收机内部噪声特性研究

    Research for Internal Noise Characteristics of the Radar 's Receiver

  9. 广州地铁修造车运行内部噪声测量与分析

    Measurement and analysis of running internal noise for Guangzhou metro overhaul vehicle

  10. 城市轨道交通车辆内部噪声分析研究

    Analysis and research of noise inside the metro vehicle

  11. 飞机内部噪声分析中改进的自由界面模态综合方法

    An Improved Unrestrained Interface Modal Synthesis Method for Aircraft Structural Borne Interior Noise Prediction

  12. 工程机械驾驶室内部噪声源识别的小波分析方法

    Internal noise source identification for cabins of construction machinery based on wavelet analysis method

  13. 用边界元法分析轿车内部噪声

    Analysis of Booming Noise in a Passenger Car by Means of Boundary Element Method

  14. 分析了拖拉机驾驶室内部噪声的主要来源。

    The main sources of the interior noises of the tractor cab are analyzed .

  15. 本文叙述了对三维闭合空间内部噪声控制的实验研究。

    The paper describes an experimental research of controlling the interior noise of three-dimension enclosure .

  16. 检定接收机内部噪声一般采用零基线法。

    Testing receiver 's internal noise from zero baseline tests is recognized by many people .

  17. 晶体管噪声模型复相关系数与其内部噪声源的关系

    Study on the Relation between Complex Correlation Coefficient Transistor Noise Model and its Internal Noise Sources

  18. 测试不同运行速度下高速列车车厢内部噪声,并进行噪声的频谱分析。

    Spectral characteristics of noises measured inside high speed train traveling at different speeds were analyzed .

  19. 从而说明了此方法对飞机座舱内部噪声抑制的有效性和可行性。

    All these proved the validity and feasibility of the method to the reducing of noise in the fighter cockpit .

  20. 随着工作温度的升高,器件内部噪声对器件性能的影响越来越大。

    With the development of operation temperature , intrinsic noise of the device has a much stronger effect on its performance .

  21. 由于多种杂波或剩余的存在,加上内部噪声的影响,过门限检测的结果可能使得终端计算机饱和。

    According to multiple clutter and the affection of inner noise , the detection of over threshold may make the terminal computer saturated .

  22. 在高频波段,由于外部大气噪声远高于内部噪声,低效率不再是制约超方向性天线应用的核心问题。

    While in the HF band , the inefficiency is no longer a key problem because external noise is much greater than internal .

  23. 针对某些特殊情况下飞机座舱内部噪声过大的实际情况,对其进行了噪声无源控制实验研究。

    Some experimental research work has been done on the passive noise control of the fighter cockpit , because of the larger noise generating under some circumstance .

  24. 基于这一应用背景,本文主要研究了对布里渊放大器内部噪声的抑制方法以及在噪声抑制情况下微弱信号光的放大规律。

    Based on this background , the method to suppress the noise in Brillouin amplifier and the rules of Brillouin amplification with weak signals in this situation are mainly investigated .

  25. 低噪声放大器在射频通道中的作用是,发挥其自身噪声系数低的特点,在放大小信号的同时尽量少地引入内部噪声。

    In the RF front-end , the function of the Low Noise Amplifier ( LNA ) is to amplify signal power and introduce the least noise at the same time .

  26. 在类似神经元性质的双稳态非线性阵列中,研究发现对于同一个含噪声的周期信号,阵列响应随阵列内部噪声强度增强的随机共振现象。

    In the bistable nonlinear array analogous to neuron models , for a common periodic noisy signal , the array response shows a resonance-typed behavior as the internal noise intensity increases .

  27. 考察了乘客流量、车站公共广播等因素对广州地铁一、二号线的车站环境噪声和列车车厢内部噪声的影响,探讨了车站环境噪声的日变化趋势。

    Several factors including train running , public broadcasting and the number of passenger , which affected the noise of the route No. 1 and No. 2 of Guangzhou Metro were studied .

  28. 由于外部噪声是通过柔性墙的振动辐射进闭合空间的,所以只要控制柔性墙的振动就可控制内部噪声。

    Because the outside noise radiates into the enclosure through the vibration of the flexible panel , we can control the vibration of the flexible panel so as to control the interior noise .

  29. 电子器件的内部噪声(特别是以1/f噪声为代表的低频噪声)中包含了大量关于器件质量和可靠性的信息。

    The interior noise of the electronic devices ( especially the low-frequency noise such as 1 / f noise ) contains a large amount of information of the quantity and reliability of the devices .

  30. 心理声学参数评价地铁车辆客室内部噪声可以为车内噪声品质改善提供控制目标。

    Furthermore , the psychoacoustical parameter analysis can be used to evaluate the interior noise of metro vehicle , thus to provide the noise abatement-controlled aims and improve internal sound quality of the car .