
  1. 指出单纯的外感致病论及内伤致病论不足以反映SLE复杂多变之病情,内外合邪致病论更利于从整体上把握SLE的病因病机;

    Only exopathogen or internal injury is not enough to reflect the complication of SLE , both together are beneficial to grasp the etiology and pathogenesis of SLE .

  2. 脾气虚弱是乙型肝炎的内因,湿热邪毒是乙型肝炎的外因,内外合邪则是乙型肝炎的发病条件。

    The cause of hepatitis B are considered two kinds such as internal cause and external cause .

  3. 新加坡人咳嗽的特点主要表现为外有风寒侵袭,内有湿热痰浊,内外合邪,肺失宣肃,发为咳嗽。

    The characteristic major expression of Singaporean cough is outside chill is attacked , wet hot phlegm is turbid , join evil inside and outside , lung loses Xuan Su , hair is cough .

  4. 因此,温老认为这种内外风合邪为患是过敏性疾病的主要病因病机。

    Therefore , Professor Wen thought that Internal and external wind evil was the main pathogenesis and etiology of allergic disease .