
nèi jiān
  • mole;hidden traitor;fifth columnist;quisling;a secret enemy agent within one's ranks
内奸 [nèi jiān]
  • [hidden traitor;secret enemy agent within one's ranks] 暗藏在内部做破坏活动的人

内奸[nèi jiān]
  1. 就像拉斯基,以前给HR效力的俄罗斯内奸。

    Like Laskey , the Russian mole who worked for HR .

  2. 警校的内奸,我们才刚除掉了HR。

    A mole inside the academy , just when we flushed out HR .

  3. 现在看来,他是内奸。

    For all we know , he 's the rat .

  4. 我们认为在这房子里有个内奸。

    We think we got a rat in the house .

  5. 这些是给纳粹分子充当内奸的法国人。

    These are the Frenchmen who collaborated with the Nazis .

  6. 在我看来,你就是内奸。

    For all I know , you 're the rat .

  7. 如果我真的是内奸。

    Do you really think if I was the mole .

  8. 那个结巴说这里,磨坊里有一个内奸。

    The stutterer spoke of an informer . here * At the mill .

  9. 为什么多米尼克要派内奸从警校盗取文件?

    Why would dominic enlist a mole to steal files from the police academy ?

  10. 珀西,如果真有内奸

    Percy , if there 's a leak ,

  11. 我们都以为她是内奸。

    We all thought she was guilty .

  12. 我说计划可以取消,一旦我们发现这里有内奸的话。

    I say the plan becomes null and void once we found out we got a rat here .

  13. 党内似乎有泄漏计划给反对党的内奸。

    There seems to be a fifth column within the party which leaks its plans to the opposition .

  14. 奥沙利文补充道:想办法为‘内奸’对群体行为的影响力建模,也会很有意思。

    It would also be interesting , she adds , to try and model the influence of agent provocateurs in crowd behaviour .