
nèi mù
  • what goes on behind the scenes;inside story;lowdown
内幕 [nèi mù]
  • [inside story;what goes on behind the scene] 不为外界所了解的内部情况(多指不好的)

  • 内幕新闻

内幕[nèi mù]
  1. 揭开1938年黄河决口的内幕

    Inside story of dyke-breach on the Yellow River in 1938

  2. 联通A股上市内幕

    Inside Story About China Unicom 's A Shares Listing

  3. 我得知有关他新女友的最新内幕消息。

    I got the inside scoop on his new girlfriend .

  4. 这本书披露了好莱坞的内幕。

    This book gives you the skinny on Hollywood .

  5. 了解重要人物的一些内幕真令人高兴。

    It was gratifying to be in the know about important people

  6. 德国的法律条文中仍未设立内幕交易罪。

    Germany still has no insider-dealing offence in its statute books .

  7. 我们问了娱乐圈里的女性有关电影制作的内幕。

    We asked women in the biz for their low-down on film-making .

  8. 斯隆利用外交内幕消息发了财。

    Sloane used inside diplomatic information to make himself rich

  9. 她经常打电话向记者们提供大把内幕消息。

    She was constantly on the phone , ladling out inside details to reporters .

  10. 1月22日,四家上市公司发布公告称,他们的独立董事宋常因涉嫌内幕交易和短线交易被证监会立案调查。

    Four listed companies announced on Friday that their independent director Song Chang is under investigation1 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for suspected insider trading and short-swing trading .

  11. 【互联网资讯网站AllThingsD、商业内幕人网站(BusinessInsider)】

    ( all things D and business insider )

  12. 我在这篇导游中讨论了Java授权内幕的大量基础内容。

    I 've covered a lot of ground in this guided tour of Java authorization internals .

  13. 在“Web服务内幕”的这部分中,我想与您分享一下以下报告及讨论中的精彩片断。

    In this installment of the " Web services insider ," I want to share with you some of the highlights of the presentations and discussions that followed .

  14. 美国科技博客“商业内幕人士”(BusinessInsider)猜测,作为回报,Zynga因此将可在Facebook上获得免费的广告位。

    The Business Insider blog speculates that Zynga will get free ad space on Facebook in return .

  15. 因此,潜山内幕反射空校的关键是求反射点p的水平偏移距xp和铅垂深度zp。

    Therefore , the essential of graphic migration of reflections inside buried hill is to calculate the horizontal offset x_p and vertical depth z_p of reflecting point p.

  16. 今年9月,上海祖龙景观开发有限公司(DragonWingDevelopment)成为1997年以来,首家被判犯有内幕交易罪的中国企业。

    And , in September this year , a real-estate company called Dragon Wing Development became the first Chinese corporate entity convicted of insider trading since 1997 .

  17. 然而,了解此次IPO内幕的人士表示,通用汽车或许将募集120亿至160亿美元的资金。

    However , people close to the IPO say that it might see GM raise between $ 12bn and $ 16bn .

  18. 业内人士向“商业内幕”网站(BusinessInsider)透露,扎克伯格和他的团队对Path“深感恐惧”。

    Sources have told businessinsider that Zuckerberg and his team are " afraid " of path .

  19. 出于商业机密的考虑,目前各个搜索引擎使用的Crawler系统的技术内幕一般都不公开。

    At present , because of commercial confidentiality considerations , the various search engines ' techology of Crawler are generally not open .

  20. 美国证交会(SEC)对顾磊杰提起了民事指控,但后者否认有任何不当行为。检察官称他为内幕交易的合谋者。

    Mr Gupta has been charged with civil violations by the Securities and Exchange Commission and denied any wrongdoing . Prosecutors have called him a co-conspirator .

  21. 华尔街最大的对冲基金之一SAC资本在被认定内幕交易之后,已经同意支付18亿美元的罚款。

    One of Wall Street 's biggest hedge funds - SAC Capital - has agreed to pay $ 1.8 billion in fines after pleading guilty to insider trading .

  22. 涉及一名摩根士丹利(morganstanley)资深银行家的内幕交易案今日将再次开庭审理,预计这将进一步揭示大型国际投行在中国相关交易上的操作手法。

    An insider dealing trial involving a senior Morgan Stanley banker resumes today , promising to shed more light into the workings of major international investment banks on deals in China .

  23. 熊丽美(VickyHung)承认了四项有关内幕交易的控罪,被判入狱6个月,并处以罚款22万余港元(合28205美元)。

    Vicky Hung was given a suspended six-month prison term and fined more than HK $ 220,000 ( $ 28,205 ) after admitting four counts of insider trading .

  24. 如果记录生活中的艰难时刻的做法是一种药物,德雷克·贝尔(DrakeBaer)在商业内幕(BusinessInsider)网站上写道,一些不知名的制药公司就可以一夜暴富了。

    And if writing about the difficult parts of your life were a drug , writes Drake Baer at Business Insider , it would be making bank for some faceless pharmaceutical company .

  25. 上周三上午,咨询巨头麦肯锡公司(McKinsey&Company)前董事总经理、62岁的拉雅•古普塔向联邦调查局(FBI)自首。他将面临内幕交易指控。

    This morning , 62-year old Rajat Gupta , the former managing director of consulting powerhouse McKinsey & Company , turned himself into the FBI to face insider trading charges .

  26. 最近,美国证券交易委员会(TheSecuritiesandExchangeCommission)指控高盛前董事拉吉特•古普塔涉嫌泄露高盛董事会会议内容(包括2008年9月那次批准伯克希尔哈撒韦投资的会议)用于内幕交易。

    The securities and Exchange Commission recently charged a former Goldman director , Rajat Gupta , with insider trading for allegedly ratting out the details of Goldman board meetings – including the one in September 2008 at which the Board approved the Berkshire investment .

  27. 不过就在上周,这家公司原总裁及其他几位高管,因涉嫌延边公路(YanbianExpressway)股票的非法交易(内幕交易)被逮捕。延边公路是广发证券的借壳对象。

    Just last week , however , the firm 's former chief executive and a number of other senior managers were arrested over allegations of illegally trading shares in Yanbian Expressway , a GF acquisition target .

  28. 香港一家法院昨日庭审得知,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)合规事务主管批准了投资银行家杜军的交易。杜军是香港最受关注的内幕交易案的核心人物。

    Morgan Stanley compliance officers approved the trades of investment banker Du Jun , who is at the centre of Hong Kong 's highest profile insider dealing trial , a court in the territory heard yesterday .

  29. 对于经验丰富的UNIX开发人员或者管理员来说,inode的结构相对比较简单,但是可能还有一些您尚不了解的、令人惊讶的有关inode的内幕。

    The inode structure is relatively straightforward for seasoned UNIX developers or administrators , but there may still be some surprising information you don 't already know about the insides of the inode .

  30. 在本文中,我已经尝试给出了SaxonXSLT处理器内幕的概述,特别是它用于提高转换速度的一些技术。

    I have tried in this article to give an overview of the internals of the Saxon XSLT processor , and in particular of some of the techniques it uses to improve the speed of transformation .