
nèi zài huó xìnɡ
  • intrinsic activity
  1. 本文从建模具有复杂资源使用方式的柔性制造系统的一般Petri网模型子类中辨识和提取出内在活性结构的特征和本质。

    The characteristics and essence of intrinsically live structures are identified and derived from subclasses of generalized Petri nets modeling FMSs with complex resource usage styles .

  2. 无明显包膜的肿物具有更高的内在增殖活性,复发率更高;

    Tumors without capsule possess higher proliferative indices than the ones with capsule , and they have higher recurrent rate .

  3. 尿激酶原催化纤溶酶原的激活包括3个反应:(1)尿激酶原内在酶活性催化纤溶酶原转化为纤溶酶;

    Prourokinase catalyzed plasminogen activation is poorly understood since it includes following three reactions and is complicate for kinetics analysis : ( 1 ) the intrinsic activity of prourokinase activates plasminogen to plasmin ;

  4. 保持你身体的活动,这样做,内在的活性能量会自由地流淌,沿着能量中心,在致密体和以太体两方面沟通贯穿。

    Keep your body active and , by doing so , the internal vital energy will flow freely and will be channeled throughout the organism along the energy centers both in the dense and etheric bodies .

  5. 这显示了Ti02纳米结构内在的光催化活性的加强是因为半导体在可见光下产生的光生电子和空穴有效分离。

    It is shown that these nanocomposites can have enhanced photocatalytic activity via effective charge separation of photogenerated electrons and holes in TiO2 under visible-light irradiation .

  6. 受体酪氨酸激酶是一个具有内在酪氨酸蛋白激酶活性的膜受体超家族,成员众多,信号转导通路复杂多样。

    Receptor tyrosine kinase ( RTK ), a membrane receptor superfamily with intrinsic protein tyrosine kinase activity , has many members and complicated signal transduction pathways .