
  • 网络tamoxifen citrate;Nolvadex
  1. 目的对国产和进口枸橼酸他莫昔芬片的质量进行比较。

    Aim To compare the quality of domestic and imported tamoxifen citrate tablets ( TCT ) .

  2. 5个企业枸橼酸他莫昔芬片的体外溶出度考察

    Study on the dissolution of tamoxifen citrate tablets of different companies in vitro

  3. 枸橼酸他莫昔芬联合维生素E治疗痛经52例分析

    Analysis on the Effect of Tamoxifen Citrate Combined with Vitamin E to Treat Dysmenorrhea

  4. 枸橼酸他莫昔芬凝胶剂在大鼠体内的药动学研究

    Pharmacokinetics of Tamoxifen Citrate Gel in Rats

  5. 目的:减少枸橼酸他莫昔芬的服用次数,提高病人用药的顺应性。

    Objective : To reduce the frequency of administration of tamoxifen citrate so as to improve its bioavailability and patients ' compliance .

  6. 枸橼酸他莫昔芬口服液的人体药物动力学及相对生物利用度方法:加入枸橼酸钠作为反絮凝剂。

    Human pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of tamoxifen citrate oral solution Methods : The Sodium Citrate be used ases the Defloculating agents .

  7. 在模拟生理条件下,研究了石蒜碱和枸橼酸他莫昔芬分别与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用,结果表明,两种药物与蛋白质的结合模式是完全不同的。

    Interaction of lycorine or tamoxifen citrate with bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) was investigated by various spectroscopic analysis methods under simulative physiological conditions . The results showed that the two kinds of interaction were with completely different binding modes .