
  • 网络Dose-Response Curve;dose response curve;dose-effect curve;dose effect curve
  1. 各组峰张力随[Ca2+]o的升高而增强,但CHF组[Ca2+]o作用的量效曲线较LVH和Sham明显下移;

    Peak tensions of papillary muscles increased with [ Ca 2 + ] o increment , the dose-effect curve in CHF shifted downward compared with LVH and Sham ;

  2. 方法以体外兔胸主动脉条为标本,观察不同浓度WELLS对去甲肾上腺素(NE)、氯化钾(KCl)和氯化钙(CaCl2)量效曲线的影响。

    Methods The influences of water extract from herba leonuri on the dose-effect curve of norepinephrine ( NE ), potassium chloride ( KCl ) and calcium chloride ( CaCl_ ~ 2 ) were observed on the isolated aortic strips of rabbits .

  3. 结论一元二次方程可以很好反映淋巴细胞DNA断片迁移长度与γ射线照射剂量之间的量效曲线。

    Conclusions The quadratic model is fit for the curvilinear relationship of the migration length to radiation dose .

  4. 结果:对ISO和NE反应的量效曲线均右移。

    Results : The dose effect curve of response to ISO or to NE moved right .

  5. 结果Bre呈剂量依赖性地使NA缩血管量效曲线非平行右移,最大反应压低,对高钾的量效曲线却呈增强作用;

    Results Bre shifted the concentration-response curve for NA to right in a dose-dependent manner , but shifted that for high potassium to left ;

  6. 在小鼠55℃热板和小鼠热辐射甩尾实验中,灌胃给胍丁胺40mg/kg使吗啡镇痛量效曲线左移,吗啡镇痛ED(50)量较对照组减少40%。

    In mouse heat radiation tail-flick assay and 55 ℃ hot plate assay , agmatine given by ig , at dose of 40mg / kg could reduce the ED50 of morphine analgesia by 40 % .

  7. 结果Tet使敌百虫抑制的ChE活性量效曲线右移,最大抑制反应明显压低;

    Results The cumulative dose effect curves for inhibitory effect of dipterex on ChE were shifted to right and the maximal inhibitory effect of dipterex was obviously declined by Tet .

  8. 方法通过大鼠离体肠系膜动脉环(superiormesentericarterialrings,MARs)试验,观察GJ阻断剂Heptanol预处理对PE引起的去内皮和完整内皮MARs收缩及其量效曲线的影响。

    METHODS By using isolated rings of rat superior mesenteric arteries ( MARs ), without and with endothelium , the effects of GJ blocker heptanol on the PE-induced vasoconstriction and concentra tion-effect curves were recorded as changes in isometric force .

  9. Ca~(2+)累积量效曲线表明,DSPM与DSPM-Cl能使CaCl2量效反应曲线右移,最大效应降低,呈非竞争性拮抗。

    DSPM and DSPM-Cl , which shifted the cumulative dose-response curvets to the right and depressed the maximal responses to CaCl_2 , acted as non-competitive antagonists .

  10. 方法采用兔胸主动脉条,观察Bre对NA及高钾缩血管量效曲线、对NA和咖啡因在无钙液中所致短暂收缩及复钙后NA缩血管反应的影响;

    Methods The effects of Bre on the concentration-response curves for NA and high potassium , and on the transient contractions induced by NA and caffeine in Ca 2 + - free medium and the sustained contraction by NA after replenishing Ca 2 + were surveyed using rabbit aorta strips ;

  11. 对组胺引起的支气管平滑肌痉挛有强烈的对抗作用,可使组胺量效曲线右移,其pA2为(8.22±0.22)。

    Cetirizine inhibited the bronchi muscle contract induced by histamine obviously , and caused histamine dose effect curve a right shift , the pA 2 was ( 8.22 ± 0.22 ) .

  12. 加用沙丁胺醇后,其量效曲线进一步压低。

    After adding Sal , the curve was further depressed .

  13. 量效曲线呈钟罩形。提示有浓度依赖性的双向免疫调节作用。

    Their concentration effect curves seem to be bell-shaped , suggesting that LNT have a dual immunomodulatory activity in a dose-dependent manner .

  14. 3.6~5.2mg纳洛酮治疗明显好转,但从量效曲线上看上升趋势已不明显。

    Symptoms were markedly improved with the dosage of 3.6 mg to 5.2 mg naloxone , but the ascending tendency of curve became less distinct .

  15. 眼压的波动性与角膜内皮细胞的损伤之间存在相关性,高压力对角膜内皮细胞有损伤作用,导致细胞凋亡的发生,并且呈现时间-量效曲线。

    The fluctuation of intraocular pressure is related to the corneal endothelium cell damage and resulted in apoptosis ; high pressure could induce damage which was time - dose curve relation . 3 .

  16. 目的:在狗的冠状动脉上建立17β-雌二醇和5-羟色胺之间作用的量效曲线;寻找超敏血管环并观察其变化规律。

    AIM : To establish dose-response curves of 17 β - estradiol and serotonin ( 5-HT ) on canine coronary artery , search the vascular ring with supersensitivity phenomenon and observe its change regularity .

  17. 发现在麻醉状态下,酮舍林对SAD和假手术大鼠均有显著的降压作用,且它们的量-效曲线完全重合。

    It was found that the dose-effect curves of kelanserin on blood pressure were the same between SAD and sham-operated rats under anaesthesia .

  18. 两者对H2O2的清除作用的量效关系曲线十分相似。迷走神经与脊神经的拉伸强度几乎完全相同。

    Cap and GSH are very alike in their quantitative effect curve when scavenging H2O2 . Results also indicate that Cap has the same anti-oxygen free radical effect as GSH . The tensible strength of vagus and spinal nerves is very alike .

  19. 提出了一种计算药物量-效曲线参数半数效量(EC50)的新方法,可精确计算落在两已知浓度间的EC50,不需绘图测算或计算机曲线拟合。

    A new method for the calculation of EC50 of drug concentration-effect curves is presented . It may avoid the necessity for graph construction or computational curve-fitting programs and allows accurate calculation of the EC50 where the value falls between two known concentrations .

  20. 通过卵巢癌细胞株对化疗药物的量效关系曲线求出药物的ID50值及AUCatID50值来判断药效。

    Ten chemotherapeutic agents were used in this test . From the dose effect curve of ovarian cancer cell lines to the agents with 10 different concentrations , we obtained the values of ID 50 and AUC at ID50 to evaluate the potency .

  21. 药理量效关系曲线实验中常见错误分析

    Analysis of Common Mistakes in Dose-Effect Relationship Experiment of Pharmacology

  22. 能使量效反应曲线右移。

    XC-1 could make dose-effect curve to the right .

  23. 结论根据量效关系曲线分析,纳洛酮治疗急性脑梗死的最佳剂量在3.6~5.2mg/d之间。

    Conclusion The best dosage of naloxone to treat acute cerebral infarction may be at the range of 3.6 ~ 5.2 mg .

  24. 【结论】结合量效关系曲线,纳洛酮治疗脑梗死最佳剂量为3.6~5.2mg。

    [ Conclusion ] According to analysis of CDER , the best dosage of naloxone to treat CI is 3.6 ~ 5.2 mg .

  25. 结果:根据量-效关系曲线,阿曲库铵和罗库溴铵的作用强度比率为1:1.2,两药的ED(50)、ED(90)和ED(95)均有显著性差别。

    Results : According to the dose-response curves , the potency ratio of atracurium : rocuronium was 1: 1.2.There were significant differences in the ED_ ( 50 ), ED_ ( 90 ), and ED_ ( 95 ) between the two drugs .

  26. 采用累积给药方法建立罗库溴铵的量-效关系曲线。

    The dose-response relationship of rocuronium was established with a cumulative dosing regimen .