
  1. 我们指出,对于量子黑洞,计算其Hawking辐射时,为避免发散,我们必须在视界附近引入一个Plank尺度的截断因子。

    We pointed out that in order to avoid the divergence of Hawking temperature , we should introduce a cut-off with the order of Plank scale in the vicinity of event horizon .

  2. 经典黑洞量子黑洞及其热性质

    The Classical Black Hole Quantum Black Hole and Its Thermal Property

  3. 阐述了量子黑洞的热辐射及其热性质;

    We discuss thermal radition and is heat perty of quantum black hole .

  4. 最后,讨论了经典黑洞和量子黑洞的热效应。

    In the end , the thermal effect of classical and quantum black holes is discussed .

  5. 不幸的是,目前没有人聪明到解决问题的量子黑洞。

    Unfortunately , at present no one is smart enough to solve the problem of a quantum black hole .

  6. 物理学家几个小组独立地宣布,弦理论能彻底解决问题的量子黑洞。

    Several groups of physicists independently announced that string theory can completely solve the problem of a quantum black hole .

  7. 经典Kerr黑洞和量子Kerr黑洞系统的微正则系综理论描述与统计自举条件

    Microcanonical statistics of Kerr black holes and the bootstrap condition

  8. 量子史瓦茨黑洞和暗物质

    Quantum Schwarzschild black hole and dark matter

  9. 计算和讨论表明:黑洞事件视界外部附近的高密度量子态与黑洞内部有强关联,brick-wall模型中的紫外截断是不合理的。

    These calculation and discussion imply that the high density quantum states near the event horizon are strongly correlated with the quantum states in black hole and the ultraviolet cut-off in the brick-wall model is not reasonable .

  10. 结果表明黑洞的量子熵与黑洞表面积成正比。

    The result we calculated is that the black hole entropy is proportional to the horizon area .

  11. 将黑洞看作由裸黑洞和二维热力学面(黑洞的视界)组成的正则系综,利用量子统计方法给出黑洞Hawking辐射的能量谱。

    When we take the black hole as a canonical ensemble composed of a naked black hole and the two-dimensional thermodynamic surface ( horizon of the black hole ), using the quantum statistical method , we derive the energy spectrum of the black hole Hawking radiation .

  12. 第四章主要研究有质量标量场在黑洞外部的衰减,即有质量中性标量场的真空量子极化,在黑洞时空背景中有质量荷电标量场的衰减。

    The decay of the external scalar-field of a black hole is studied in the third chapter , i.e. , the physical mechanism of the decay of neutral scalar-field in the gravitational collapse , and the physical mechanism of the decay of charged massive scalar-field in the gravitational collapse .