
We pointed out that in order to avoid the divergence of Hawking temperature , we should introduce a cut-off with the order of Plank scale in the vicinity of event horizon .
The Classical Black Hole Quantum Black Hole and Its Thermal Property
We discuss thermal radition and is heat perty of quantum black hole .
In the end , the thermal effect of classical and quantum black holes is discussed .
Unfortunately , at present no one is smart enough to solve the problem of a quantum black hole .
Several groups of physicists independently announced that string theory can completely solve the problem of a quantum black hole .
Microcanonical statistics of Kerr black holes and the bootstrap condition
Quantum Schwarzschild black hole and dark matter
These calculation and discussion imply that the high density quantum states near the event horizon are strongly correlated with the quantum states in black hole and the ultraviolet cut-off in the brick-wall model is not reasonable .
The result we calculated is that the black hole entropy is proportional to the horizon area .
When we take the black hole as a canonical ensemble composed of a naked black hole and the two-dimensional thermodynamic surface ( horizon of the black hole ), using the quantum statistical method , we derive the energy spectrum of the black hole Hawking radiation .
The decay of the external scalar-field of a black hole is studied in the third chapter , i.e. , the physical mechanism of the decay of neutral scalar-field in the gravitational collapse , and the physical mechanism of the decay of charged massive scalar-field in the gravitational collapse .