
liànɡ zǐ wù lǐ xué
  • quantum physics
  1. 没有量子物理学,就不可能发生硅谷革命。

    The silicon revolution would have been impossible without quantum physics .

  2. 或许量子物理学的说法更准确。

    Or maybe it 's more rooted in quantum physics .

  3. 你们的论文被量子物理学博客提到了。

    Hey , your paper got mentioned on the Quantum Diaries physics blog .

  4. 爱因斯坦因在量子物理学方面的成就而被授予诺贝尔奖。

    Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in quantum physics .

  5. 量子物理学的兴起和哥本哈根学派

    The rise of quantum physics and the Copenhagen School

  6. 量子物理学对我来说是有点深奥的。

    Quantum physics is a bit deep for me .

  7. 本仪器的研发者的理论基础接近于量子物理学。

    The developers of the device drew esoteric doctrines closer to laws of quantum physics ;

  8. 你是天才或者拥有量子物理学的博士学位也没什么大不了。

    It doesn 't matter if you have a genius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics .

  9. 量子物理学百年回顾

    Centennial review of quantum physics

  10. 在这个分子活动机制的背后,量子物理学提供给我们一个管窥,从内部发现“精神与身体”两个不同世界的联系。

    The quantum physics behind these mechanisms provide insight into the communication channels that link the mind-body duality .

  11. 它成了科学中从数学意义上讲最为繁复的学科之一,与量子物理学同样艰深。

    It is one of the most mathematically complicated subjects among the sciences , as difficult as quantum physics .

  12. 致力于寻找能够解释日后在量子物理学中被称为半导体的材料,其所具有的特殊效应的科学解释。

    He searched for an explanation of the effect from what was then known of the quantum physics of semiconductors .

  13. (真正的随机数字生成器代表了由量子物理学派生的另一项技术&这个稍后再说)。

    ( true random number generators represent another technology enabled by quantum physics & more on that in a moment . )

  14. 但是,最近金字塔的调查更加复杂,并从量子物理学中进行借鉴。

    But the latest investigation of the pyramid 's mysteries is far more sophisticated -- and takes a page from particle physics .

  15. 没有一本书是要在几天里教会人们欣赏贝多芬或者量子物理学,甚至怎样给狗打扮。

    There are no books on how to learn Beethoven , or Quantum Physics , or even Dog Grooming in a few days .

  16. 以经典密码学和量子物理学为基础的量子密码由于其显著的优点而引起越来越多的重视。

    Quantum cryptography , which is based on conventional cryptography and quantum physics , has gotten more attention because of its significant advantages .

  17. 实际上,自认为是一位反向投资者的莫特,在很多方面都是个异类。他拥有量子物理学博士学位。

    In fact Mr Mott , a self-confessed contrarian with a doctorate in quantum physics , is an exception in more ways than one .

  18. 亚特兰提斯人拥有超次元量子物理学的知识,并理解到可以使绕着圆柱晶体逆转之特定磁力场而创造出反引力波。

    The Atlanteans had the knowledge of hyper-dimensional quantum physics and understood that counter rotating specific magnetic fields around cylindrical crystals created antigravity waves .

  19. 比较系统地阐述氢原子光谱理论的五步进展,并以此介绍量子物理学的发展。

    This paper systematically formulates the theory of the five step advancement of hydrogen atomic spectrum and introduces the development of quantum physics from this perspective .

  20. ◆囚禁离子系统处于真空洁净环境以及可以高度控制离子的内外态,是量子物理学中最有前途的量子模拟平台之一。

    ◆ Attribute to the clear environment and high controllability , trapped ions are among the most promising platforms for the quantum simulation of quantum physics .

  21. 所以他们做的很多工作都是基于量子物理学之上的,我们还没有完全确定那(指代此事)是否真实。

    So a lot of the work they did was based on quantum physics and we hadn 't quite decided whether that was real or not .

  22. 2003年度诺贝尔物理学奖授予3位独立从事超导体研究的科学家,以表彰他们在量子物理学领域对超导体和超流体理论上做出的开创性贡献。

    The 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three physicists who have made decisive contributions concerning two phenomena in quantum physics : superconductivity and superfluidity .

  23. 在过去的二十年中,作为量子物理学的一个分支,量子信息已经逐步成为一个新兴的领域。它将量子物理的思想引入到信息理论中。

    In the last two decades quantum information theory has emerged as a branch of quantum physics which links concepts of quantum physics to ideas from information theory .

  24. 本文回顾了由卢瑟福所开创的α粒子碰撞实验的历史过程,展示了这类实验在量子物理学的建立和发展过程中所产生的影响和贡献。

    This paper reviews the historical process of the collision experiments with alpha articles initiated by Ernest rutherford , and shows its influence and contribution to the establishment and development of quantum physics .

  25. 本文综述了基于混沌动力学的混沌加密体制,基于量子物理学的量子加密体制,基于光学信息处理的光学模式识别加密体制。

    In this paper , physical cryptography is discussed , including three cryptosystem : cryptosystem based on optics patten recognition , cryptosystem based on chaotic dynamics , and cryptosystem based on quantum physics .

  26. 20世纪后半叶,量子物理学的成就为进一步提高基本单位的准确性提供了新的手段,建成了一系列的量子计量基准。

    In the latter half part of passed century new approaches to improve the accuracy of fundamental SI units were offered owing to the achievements of quantum physics and a series of quantum measurement standards were completed .

  27. 这块真实科幻解释心抗弯进展量子物理学,把光明的心所有事,而终于可以作时间旅行可能和改变世界,我们知道它永远。

    This piece of real-life science-fiction explains the mind-bending advances of quantum physics that put light at the heart of all matter and which could finally make time travel possible-and change the world as we know it forever .

  28. 随着量子物理学与信息科学的发展和结合,利用量子物理学的基本原理发展信息科学,突破经典信息技术的物理极限,一门新兴交叉学科就此诞生了,这门学科就是量子信息。

    With the development and combining of quantum physics and information science , developing the information science based on the fundamental principles of quantum physics , and breaking through the physics limit of classical information technology , a rising inter-discipline is born , which is quantum information .

  29. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的相对论解释重力控制的像行星一样运动的大型物体的牵引力如何;量子物理学理论则讨论亚原子规模粒子的行为,而霍金的工作集中于弥合其中的分歧。

    Hawking 's work has focused on bridging the gap between Albert Einstein 's theory of relativity - which explains how the pull of gravity controls the motion of large objects like planets - and the theory of quantum physics , which deals with the behavior of particles on the subatomic scale .

  30. 普朗克与量子论&物理学方法案例考察

    Planck and Quantum Theory ── Investigation on Case of Physics Methodology