
liànɡ zǐ zào shēnɡ
  • quantum noise
  1. 延迟线解调光PSK信号时的量子噪声谱

    Quantum noise spectrum in demodulating optical PSK signal by delay line

  2. 本文分析了激光源FM量子噪声对数字光纤相干通信接收机性能的影响。

    This paper deals with the effect of FM quantum noise of laser sources on the receiver performance in coherent fiber-optic communication systems .

  3. 在分析CR成像系统的基础上,文章指出影响CR图像质量的噪声主要是固有噪声和X线量子噪声,在统计规律上它们分别服从高斯分布和泊松分布。

    On the basis of analyzing the computed radiography system in detail , the authors point out that there are two kinds of noises affecting the quality of a computed radiography image : Gaussian white noise and Poisson noise .

  4. 最后,将更加准确地采用泊松分布的接收机量子噪声模型,研究MISOFSOIDMA系统的误码率性能。

    At last , more accurate poisson-distribution quantum noise model is adopted to study the BER performance of MISO FSO IDMA system .

  5. 本文用小信号分析的方法,研究了当对半导体激光器(LD)进行直接调制时(动态)LD的量子噪声,首次给出了LD的动态AM与FM噪声谱的解析表达式。

    The quantum noise for semiconductor lasers in direct modulation ( dynamic ) is presented using small signal analysis . The analytic expressions for the AM and FM noise spectra are given for the first time .

  6. 本文分析了延迟线法解调光PSK信号时的量子噪声谱,讨论了检测条件、信号传输速率等对量子噪声的影响。

    The quantum noise spectrum in demodulating optical PSK signal by delay line is presented . The effects of bit rate and detection condition on the quantum noise are discussed .

  7. 然而,在光与原子相互作用的过程中,受很多因素的影响,不可避免地被引入很多额外噪声。因此,对EIT介质中光场的量子噪声特性的研究很有必要,也非常重要。

    However , during the process of interaction of light with atoms , there are various factors that affect the quality of the output state , and a lot of extra noise will inevitably be introduced into the probe field .

  8. 解析分析证明原子的Rabi振荡将导致相干光场的位相扩散,虚光场的影响能够展现系统的量子噪声,并且使光场频率发生漂移。

    We verified that the atomic Rabi oscillation leads to the phase dissipation of radiation field by analytical method , and the effect of virtual field can exhibit the quantum fluctuations of system and leads to the frequency shift of radiation field .

  9. 运用WKBJ方法计算了电流平均值和电流平方的平均值,计算结果表明电流涨落是存在的,它是介观电路中主要的量子噪声。

    By using the WKBJ method , the average of currents and square of the current are calculated , the results show the existence of the current fluctuation , which causes the noise in the circuits .

  10. 基于虚、实部互关联的量子噪声及泵噪声驱动的单模激光模型的FokkerPlanck方程,运用平均弛豫近似方法研究了该激光模型的动力学性质。

    Based on the Fokker-Planck description of a single-mode laser model with correlations between the real and imaginary parts of the quantum noise as well as the pump noise , the dynamical properties of the laser system were studied by using of the mean relaxation time approximation method .

  11. 在理论上阐述了运转于阈值以上的双共振非简并光学参量振荡器(NOPO)的工作原理,分析了产生的非经典光场&孪生光束的量子噪声与NOPO腔参数的关系。

    The specific contents are divided into three parts : 1 . The operation principle of doubly resonant Nondegenerate Optical Parametric Oscillator ( NOPO ) above threshold is described . The dependences of the twin beams quantum noise on the cavity parameters are analyzed .

  12. 非线性激光场中量子噪声之间的耦合效应

    Coupling Effect of Quantum Noise Terms in a Nonlinear Laser Field

  13. 在失谐简并四波混频中实现量子噪声完全压缩的方法

    Perfect squeezing of quantum noise in detuned degenerate four - wave mixing

  14. 原子相干效应中的量子噪声特性研究

    The Property of Quantum Noise in Quantum Coherent Atomic System

  15. 温度越高,介观无损耗传输线中的量子噪声越大。

    The higher the temperature , the more quantum noise the line exhibits .

  16. 调辐半导体激光器量子噪声的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on AM Quantum Noise in Semicoductor Laser

  17. 计算了光强关联函数以及相应的平均弛豫时间,讨论了量子噪声实虚部的互关联强度对光强关联函数以及弛豫时间的影响。

    The intensity correlation function and the associated mean relaxation time were calculated .

  18. C~3半导体激光器的量子噪声

    Quantum noise in c ~ 3 semiconductor lasers

  19. 负频反馈半导体激光器的量子噪声

    Quantum noise in negative frequency feedback semiconductor lasers

  20. 集成外腔半导体激光器的量子噪声

    Quantum Noise of an Integrated-External Cavity Semiconductor Laser

  21. 在这博奕中,三个博弈者同时受到同一个量子噪声的影响,在最大纠缠态的情况下,量子噪声降低了博弈者的收益。

    All players are affected by the same quantum noise at the same time .

  22. 光外差检测中的量子噪声

    The Quantum Noise in Optical Heterodyne Detection

  23. 这向研究它的产生光场的量子噪声纠缠特性迈进了一步。

    This experiment makes a first step towards entanglement observation with SHG operation above threshold .

  24. 具有色量子噪声的单模激光的光强关联时间和含时矩

    Correlation Time and Time-Dependent Moments of Intensity for a Single-Mode Laser with Colored Correlation Noise

  25. 利用光子相关性降低量子噪声

    Reduction of quantum noise by photon correlation

  26. 线宽检测中的量子噪声

    The Quantum Noise in the Linewidth Detection

  27. 激光场特定方向上量子噪声实部和虚部之间的耦合效应

    Coupling effect of real and imaginary parts of quantum noise in a laser field with particular direction

  28. 针对在微光成像过程中起主要影响作用的噪声成分,建立了微光成像系统的量子噪声数学模型。

    A Mathematical model of quantum noise having much effect on the low-light-imaging system is set up .

  29. 量子噪声理论若干问题

    Quantum Effects in Noise Theory

  30. 量子噪声下的量子博弈

    Quantum Games under Quantum Noise