
  • 网络Pulse echo method;pulse-echo method
  1. 超声检测方法主要有声振法、脉冲回波法、背散射法、双探头法和超声谱分析法。

    Dynamic sonic vibration , pulse echo method , backscatter method , dual transducer methods and ultrasonic spectroscopy analysis were often used for ultrasonic testing .

  2. 分析比较了常用的几种超声测厚方法,根据检测对象与系统的特殊性,选用脉冲回波法。

    It analyzed and compared several commonly ultrasonic thickness measurement methods . According to the particular of the system , this paper used pulse echo method .

  3. 第二章首先分析了炭素制品缺陷检测的各种方法,着重对超声波检测及X射线检测方法作出了全面的评述,并提出炭素制品内部缺陷不宜采用超声波脉冲回波法进行检测;

    In chapter 2 , various detective methods of carbon product are analyzed , ultrasonic and x-ray detection are emphasized .

  4. 为研究超临界CO2流体的超声速特性,设计了单探头脉冲回波法的声速测量探头,频率2.5MHz。

    To study the characterization of ultrasonic velocity in supercritical fluid CO2 , a measuring detector of ultrasonic velocity based on a pulse-echo method with a single transducer operating at 2.5 MHz has been designed .

  5. 脉冲回波法研究微乳液体系的稳定性

    Applications of pulse echo measurement in the studies of Emulsions-system Stability

  6. 脉冲回波法在三峡工程混凝土检测中的应用

    Application on detecting concrete of Three Gorges Project by impact-echo method

  7. 脉冲回波法通信电缆断点测试系统

    A test system for measuring communication-cable cut-point based on pulse reflecting wave

  8. 等深度脉冲回波法进行非线性声参量成像的研究

    Study on Nonlinearity Parameter Imaging in Pulse Reflection Mode at a Constant Depth

  9. 超声脉冲回波法是一种高精度的弹性模量声速测量法。

    The ultrasonic pulse reflecting method is applied to survey the dynamic elastic moduli .

  10. 介绍了两种常用的材料薄层超声表征方法?纵波脉冲回波法和兰姆波法。

    This paper introduces two methods of ultrasonic characterization of thin layers : longitudinal pulse-echo and Lamb waves .

  11. 脉冲回波法能避免端头边界的干扰,用于圆周轴向和周向的探防。

    The interference from the end can be avoid by using the pulse-echo method so that the axial and circumferential detecting could be performed .

  12. 用A型脉冲回波法超声波检测系统研究了大电机定子线棒不同绝缘部位的超声波衰减系数及其随绝缘老化的变化规律。

    The measurement of attenuation coefficient of ultrasonic propagating in stator epoxy / mica insulation was performed using pulse echo method in A scan display mode .

  13. 在用超声脉冲回波法检测金属-非金属粘接结构的质量以及测量非金属层厚度时,需要提取出各界面回波间的延迟时间作为特征值。

    In the ultrasonic testing of metal-nonmetal bonding structure quality using pulse echo technique , we need to extract the time delay eigenvalue between interface echoes to measure the thickness of nonmetal layers .

  14. 在利用超声脉冲回波法测量液位、料位、厚度和河床地形时,通常会遇到杂散反射干扰、邻近物体干扰、电源和电磁干扰等。

    In measuring liquid level , powder position , thickness and riverbed topography by ultrasonic pulse echo method , there often exists interference that comes from floating grains , nearby objects , electric power resources and electromagnetic fields .

  15. 根据脉冲回波法,分别对无损管道、含周向裂纹管道、含轴向裂纹管道和含不同夹角的斜裂纹管道进行了数值模拟。

    Generally , a compromise method is selected . Thirdly , numerical simulations are performed respectively for the cases of a non-destructive pipeline , circumferential crack pipes , axial crack pipe and the oblique crack pipes from different angles , according to the pulse-echo method .

  16. 从应用的角度对NDT-CE中常用的振动分析、冲击回波法、超声脉冲回波法、声发射、雷达、激光干涉以及红外线成象等技术的原理、应用、局限性和发展前景作了简要介绍。

    Main NDT CE techniques such as the building dynamics , impact echo , ultrasonic echo , acoustic emission , radar , laser interference technique and infrared imaging are briefly discussed on their principle , application area , limitations and further research needed from the application point of view .

  17. 脉冲回波成像法斑纹噪声成因分析

    Analysis of speckle formation in ultrasonic pulse echo image system

  18. 然后分析了用超声波脉冲回波声速法测量冷轧乳化液浓度时,声速与温度、浓度和压力之间的关系,建立声速模型。

    Secondly the relation between emulsion concentrations , temperature , pressure , and ultrasonic velocity is discussed when we use pulse-echo sound speed method of ultrasonic to measure its concentration .

  19. 介绍了采用窄脉冲探头和脉冲回波法测量Zr-4合金管材壁厚的超声仪器和方法。

    A method of using the narrow pulse transducer and pulse echoes for measuring the wall thickness of Zr-4 tube is presented .

  20. 考虑了衰减的情况下,在各传播距离、频厚积和激发脉冲周数上,采用脉冲回波法,分析了导波的频散特性。

    In the condition of take into account the attenuations , at various propagation distances , various frequency-thickness products ( fd ) and various cycle numbers of the input pulse signal , the dispersion characteristics of guided waves are also analyzed using pulse echo method .