
  • 网络Pulse method;SPM;lvi
  1. 用激光脉冲法测量了晶体的热扩散系数,比较了晶体a轴和c轴的热扩散系数随温度的变化关系。

    The thermal diffusion coefficient of the crystals were measured by the crystal pulse method .

  2. 在Li2O/MgO上以脉冲法研究甲烷氧化偶联

    A Pulse Study of Oxidative Coupling for CH4 on Li2O / MgO

  3. 脉冲法测压电振子厚度模机电耦合系数kt

    Impulse response measurement the electromechanical coupling factor k_t of thickness mode piezoelectric resonator

  4. 采用脉冲法测定了蔗糖水解反应在连续搅拌釜式反应器内的停留时间分布,求得了停留时间分布密度函数E(t)、平均停留时间以及模型参数。

    Residence time distribution for sugar hydrolysis reaction in a contineous flow stirred tank reactor was m : asured by pulse input method .

  5. 用无氧脉冲法发现La2O3之晶格氧不参与甲醇的氧化反应。

    Investigation by pulse technique has shown that , ( 1 ) the lattice oxygen of La_2O_3 does not take part in the oxidation of CH_3OH .

  6. 本文介绍了与日本学者联合制作的用于平板型试品的电声脉冲法即PEA法空间电荷测量系统。

    This paper focuses on a pulsed electro-acoustic ( PEA ) system used for measuring the space charge in sheet samples .

  7. 利用生物介质的超声非线性参数BA与温度的相关性可实现超声无创测温,本文介绍了一种用双超声脉冲法测量介质非线性参数BA的方法。

    With the application of property of relations between ultrasound nonlinear parameter B / A and temperature noninvasive temperature measurement in biological media can be implemented .

  8. 测量了n-si电极的光电流-电位特性曲线,从光腐蚀的角度研究了用恒电位脉冲法沉积钯对单晶n-si光响应的作用。

    Photocurrent - Potential characteristics of n - si electrode was measured .

  9. 为研究不同掺杂GSGG激光晶体的导热特性,用瞬态脉冲法测量了273~393K温度范围内自己生长的Cr:GSGG、Nd,Cr:GSGG和Nd:GSGG激光晶体热导率。

    The thermal conductivity from 273K to 393K of Cr : GSGG 、 Nd , Cr : GSGG and Nd : GSGG laser crystals were measured by instantaneous measuring method .

  10. 在降雨强度为50mm/h的条件下,在降雨10min后,在坡面初步形成细沟时,用电解质脉冲法对4种坡度的水流速度进行了测量。

    Four types flow velocity are measured using electrolyte pulse method while rills are formed at slope , and when it rain for 10 minutes with intensity of 50 mm / h.

  11. 在22℃时,采用脉冲法测定了生漆的超声波传播速度为1550m/s,衰减系数分别为6.3dB/cm。

    The velocity of ultrasonic of lacquer is determined to be 1550m / c by the way of pluse and the attenuation coefficient of ultrasonic is determined to be 6.3dB/cm at temperature 22 ℃ .

  12. 用激光脉冲法测量煤的热物性

    Determination of thermophysical properties of coals by the laser pulse method

  13. 降低脉冲法停留时间分布实验误差的途径

    On Reducing the Error in RTD Determination with Pulse Injection Used

  14. 冲击脉冲法评价滚动轴承故障的系数自修正方法

    Parameter self-modification method for SPM using in rolling bearing fault diagnosis

  15. 矢量水听器的指向性和相位特性的脉冲法测试

    Directivity and phase measurement of vector hydrophone using tone pulse method

  16. 热脉冲法测定土壤热性质的研究进展

    Latest advance of Thermo-Pulse method for measuring soil thermal properties

  17. 用热脉冲法测定高聚物薄膜驻极体的电荷重心

    The Thermal Pulse Technique for Determining Charge Centroids in Thin Polymer Electrets

  18. 一个实用电声脉冲法的空间电荷测量系统

    A practical space charge testing system realized by the pulse electro-acoustic method

  19. 点热源热脉冲法测算生物流体的热物性参数

    Point Heat Pulse Method for Measuring Thermal Properties of Bio-fluids

  20. 冲击脉冲法在电机轴承故障诊断中的应用

    Application of shock impulse method on motor bearing fault diagnosis

  21. 激光脉冲法研究半透明PI/SiO2薄膜的热扩散率

    Thermal Diffusivity Research of PI / SiO_2 Films by Laser Flash Method

  22. 基于冲击脉冲法的滚动轴承故障诊断方法研究

    Research on Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Methods Based on Shock Pulse Method

  23. 应用激光脉冲法测试光纤模式耦合系数的研究

    Research on New System of Measuring Mode Coupling Coefficient of Optical Fiber

  24. 激光脉冲法测量半透明材料的热扩散率

    Measuring thermal diffusivity of semi-transparent materials by laser flash method

  25. 用交错脉冲法测量分层水速

    The Application of Staggered Pulse in Measuring Velocity of Water

  26. 利用常数周期脉冲法控制耦合Φ~4映象的混沌运动

    Controlling Chaos with Constant Periodic Pulse Method in Coupled Φ ~ 4 Hamiltonian

  27. 本文介绍的热脉冲法,最初R。

    The thermal pulse technique introduced in this paper , originally proposed by R.

  28. 用脉冲法及配套仪器查找电缆故障点

    Seeking Fault Points of Electric Cable by Pulse Method and its Necessary Instrument

  29. 电液压脉冲法可用于饮用水的活化。

    The electric-hydraulic impulse discharge technology could be used for activation of water .

  30. 电流脉冲法局部放电检测仪的研究

    Partial Discharge Detector of the Current Pulse Method