
  1. 给出了航天电脉冲点火器的参数、设计方案和工作原理。

    The parameters , design scheme and operation principle for the aerospace electrical pulse igniter were given .

  2. 介绍了研制中突破的小姿控发动机电脉冲点火器、气/液组合的有效混合、发动机稳态工作时的烧蚀,以及高空真空点火等关键技术。

    The breakthrough in research of electrical pulse igniter for small attitude control engine , effective mixing for the gas and liquid propulsion , ablation during the stable operation of engine , and ignite in vacuum was presented .

  3. 地面热试车和高空模拟热试车的结果表明,电脉冲点火器可实现发动机的可靠点火,采用同轴离心式内混合喷注、铌合金液膜辐射冷却方案的该气氧/煤油发动机真空比冲可达2800N。

    Monte-Carlo simulation on static characteristics of a liquid oxygen / kerosene staged combustion cycle engine The hot firing test on the ground and in simulated vacuum showed that the ignite of the engine could be implemented reliably by the electrical pulse igniter .