
kōnɡ qì pēn shè
  • Air injection;aerojet
  1. 空气喷射的强度和顶篷的大小控制按钮都在伞柄底部,让用户可以在雨量较大时增强空气的喷射强度并增大空气顶篷的尺寸。

    Power and canopy size controls reside toward the bottom of the shaft6 , providing users with the ability to strengthen the force of the air and widen the canopy in order to adjust for heavier rains .

  2. Air(初三适用)空气喷射处理饱和土壤和地下水中有机污染物

    Air sparging for removing volatile organic compounds from saturated soils and groundwater

  3. 介绍了Heberlein公司研制的新型空气喷射器,使用这种喷射器生产的变形丝更具价格竞争力。

    In this paper a new , important generation of air-jets developed Heberlein Inc. will be presented , that enable air-jet textured fine yarns to be produced at competitive prices .

  4. 经检查发现的差错可以通过空气喷射技术来清除。

    Misses discovered by inspection can be cleaned with air blast techniques .

  5. GB439-1990航空喷气机润滑油二次空气喷射减压阀

    Aviation jet engine lubricating oils secondary air injection relief valve

  6. 二次发射电子倍增管二次空气喷射减压阀

    Secondary air injection relief valve image intensifier with transmitted secondary electron multiplication

  7. 催化转化器与二次空气喷射技术

    Catalystic Converter and Technics for Second Air Injection System

  8. 用空气喷射装置阵低导管螺旋浆空泡噪声的研究

    Study on Reduction of the Ducted Propeller Cavitation Noise by Air Injection System

  9. 轴流式涡轮喷气发动机外装式空气喷射总管

    Axial flow turbojet external air ( injection ) manifold

  10. GB/T2916-1997塑料氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂用空气喷射筛装置的筛分析

    Plastics & Vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resins Sieve analysis using air-jet sieve apparatus

  11. 柴油机分为空气喷射发动机和固定喷射或者机械喷射发动机。

    Diesel engines are divided into air-injection engines and solid or mechanical injection engines .

  12. 空气喷射对旋转圆筒表面传质特性的影响

    Effect of air jet flow on the convective mass transfer upon a rotating cylinder surface

  13. 二次空气喷射减压阀

    Secondary air injection relief valve

  14. 空气喷射发动机利用一股高压气体将燃料吹到气缸内。

    Air-injection engines use a blast of highly compressed air to blow the fuel into the cylinder .

  15. 脉冲爆震发动机两相流喷射混合过程数值模拟二次空气喷射减压阀

    Numerical Simulation of Injection and Mixing on Two-phase for Pulse Detonation Engine secondary air injection relief valve

  16. (抽吸式)排气脉冲空气喷射

    Exhaust pulse air injection

  17. 如果你需要有机动性的直升吊舱,高性能的空气喷射,不要再找了!

    If you need the flexibility of a helipod , with the speed of a high-performance air jet , look no further !

  18. 值得注意的是,采用空气喷射方式在中空纤维膜内形成活塞流,可有效减轻膜污染和提高膜通量。

    It is noted that air sparging in hollow fibre module is efficient for ameliorating membrane fouling , though there are many countermeasures of membrane fouling in MBR .

  19. 本文介绍了经脱硫富液高塔并流再生改为自吸空气喷射再生的工艺后,可提高脱硫效率、减少其环境污染。

    We use self - absorbing air ejection technology instead of high toner cocurrent regeneration of desulfurized liquid . This technology can increase desulfurizing efficiency and decrease pollution .

  20. 发动机实际运行过程中,将依据工况通过查表得到脉宽值来控制电磁开关阀的空气喷射量。

    The value of pulse width of solenoid controlled Valve that can control the mount of air injection can be looked up on table by condition in actually engine running .

  21. 本文在深入研究催化转化器和二次空气喷射系统的基础上,设计了二级催化加二次空气喷射的摩托车尾气净化系统。

    This paper design a motorcycle emission reduction system which include a upstream catalyst , a downstream catalyst and AIR system after the thorough study of catalytic converters and AIR system .

  22. 空气喷射速度大于燃气喷射速度时,对燃气会产生卷吸作用,加强了两者的混合,速度比为2时燃烧效果较好。

    The whirlpool effect could be formed when the air jetting velocity is larger than the gas jetting velocity . As a result , the blend of gas and air is intensified .

  23. 压缩空气的喷射气流将气垫船浮在地面上,船的四周有柔性围裙来维持气垫并使气垫船稳定。

    Jets of compressed air lift the hovercraft off the ground , and flexible skirts around the craft retain the air cushion , and help to keep it stable .

  24. 这说明,所开发的空气辅助喷射系统能够进一步完善LPG缸内喷射,但是该系统过于复杂,只能在实验室环境下应用,实用性比较差,需要进一步改进。

    It shows that the air-assisted injection system improved emission of the LPG engine of direct injection .

  25. 对所开发的空气辅助喷射LPG发动机,初步进行了整机性能的台架试验。

    The experiment that tests the integral performance of the LPG engine of electronic-controlled air-assisted injection has been carried out .

  26. 他所使用的是一个从家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)买来的通用压缩机,再装上一个气针(就是用来给篮球或者自行车轮胎打气的那种)来精确地控制空气的喷射。

    He uses an all-purpose compressor he bought at Home Depot and fitted with an inflating needle ( the kind used to inflate a basketball or a bike tire ) to precisely direct the air flow .

  27. 并与实验室早期丌发的缸内直接喷射方式相比,LPG空气辅助喷射方式下的发动机动力性与缸内直接喷射接近,但是排放性能相比缸内直接喷射有了较大的改善。

    And compared with the LPG engine of direct injection , the power performance of the LPG air-assisted engine that was closed to the direct injection engine , but the performance of emission becomes better .

  28. 目前在小型二冲程直喷汽油机上使用的多为空气辅助喷射方案,单一液体喷射(如FAI直喷系统)应用很少。

    Currently , most of small two-stroke GDI engine utilize air-assisted fuel injection technology , while single fluid fuel injection , such as FAI ( Free Armature Injection ) injection system , is seldom used .

  29. 要成功起始爆震首先要解决燃油、空气的喷射与混合问题。

    The fuel-air injection and mixing is one of the most important research issues .

  30. 补燃加力式喷气飞机压缩空气燃油喷射系统

    Reheat jet aircraft compression operated fuel injection system