
  • 网络space environment detection
  1. 日地空间环境探测

    Sun - Earth Space Environment Detection

  2. 从而基本描绘了我国空间环境探测的现状及发展前景。

    Thereby , it was depicted that the present situation and the development scene of Chinese space environment detection .

  3. 军事空间环境探测技术及其设备研究

    A Thought about the Technology and Equipment of Military Space Circumstance Detection

  4. 天基空间环境探测是探测外层空间、保障空间活动安全的重要手段。

    Monitoring space charge particles and X ray is the most important task for space environment exploring .

  5. 在空间环境探测中,需要及时高效地采集、存储和处理空间环境探测仪器所获得的科学数据,以便于进一步开展科学研究。

    In space environment exploration , spacecraft-borne sensor data output is needed to be efficiently acquired , stored and then to be studied .

  6. 随着人类对地面和空间环境探测进程的不断深入,设计新型高性能探测移动机器人成为各国研究的前沿问题。

    As the deeper research into the earth and planet exploration , designing novel mobile robots with higher motion performances becomes a leading research area .

  7. 卫星应用在开发太空资源方面已取得丰硕成果,文中从卫星空间环境探测、卫星天文观察和卫星侦察监视三个角度论述了卫星在空间科学和军事侦察方面的应用。

    Satellites have already been successfully used in the field of developing space resources . This article introduces the applications of satellite in space science and military reconnaissance .

  8. 火星空间环境磁场探测研究&萤火1号磁强计的研制与应用

    Martian space environment magnetic field research : Development and application of the YH-1 precision magnetometer

  9. 空间带电粒子探测以及空间X射线的探测是空间环境探测中最主要的内容。

    Space explorers for charge-particles detecting and those for solar X-ray detecting are kernels of space environment monitoring systems for space charge-particles monitoring and space soft 、 hard X-ray monitoring respectively .