
  • 网络sclc;space charge limited current;space charge limited current, SCLC
  1. 根据空间电荷限制电流(SCLC)理论,通过公式推导求解了聚乙烯的平均电荷体密度、视在迁移率、陷阱深度分布及阈值场强。

    According to space charge limited current ( SCLC ) theory , the derivation of quantities such as mean volume density of space charge , apparent trap-controlled mobility , trap depth distribution and threshold stress were discussed .

  2. 由于外加磁场将约束其产生电子束的发散,结果使其空间电荷限制电流减小,其值在无外加磁场并且自磁场可以忽略时的空间电荷限制电流值的0.5~1倍范围内。

    The space charge limited current decreases as external applied magnetic field increases .

  3. 对a-SiC∶H膜平面电极结构样品的空间电荷限制电流的测量

    A Measurement of Space-Charge-Limited-Current for GD a-SiC : H Films with Coplaner-electrode Structure

  4. 用温度调制空间电荷限制电流法研究GD-a-Sic∶H膜的隙态密度

    Measurement of Density Gap State in GD-a-Sic : H Films by Temperature-Modulated-Space-Charge-Limited-Current Method

  5. 介绍了OLED器件空间电荷限制电流(SCLC)模型的MATLAB分析计算方法。

    The MATLAB analysis and computation methods for space charge limited current model ( SCLC ) of organic light emitting diode ( OLED ) are presented .

  6. 对非欧姆区的导电机理用空间电荷限制电流(SCLC)模型和晶界限制电流(GBLC)模型来解释,同时对样品正向与反向的导电机理进行了对比研究。

    The theory of non ohmic conduction can be explained by the models of space charge limited conduction ( SCLC ) and grain boundary limited conduction ( GBLC ) . The theory of conduction was comparatively studied by the fields with different directions .

  7. 分析表明,在较低的正向偏压和反向偏压下,电流输运机制分别为Schottky发射和欧姆输运电流;而在较高的正向偏压下,Frenkel-Poole发射和空间电荷限制电流两种机制共同作用。

    The analysis shows that Schottky emission mechanism and ohmic conduction contribute to the current in the film under the lower forward biases and the lower reverse biases respectively , while the current is induced mainly by Frenkel-Poole emission mechanism and space-charge-limited current under the higher forward biases .

  8. 具有多重陷阱能级的固体中的空间电荷限制电流

    Space - charge - limited currents in solids containing multi-level traps

  9. 结果表明,微观漏电流可由空间电荷限制电流模型加以描述。

    It reveals that the leakage current can be well described by the space-charge-limited current model .

  10. 用空间电荷限制电流法测量非晶硅基薄膜的隙态密度

    Measurement of the Density of Gap States in Amorphous Silicon - Based Films by the SCLC Method

  11. 进一步研究表明,薄膜导电遵从空间电荷限制电流机制。

    The J-U characteristics of films indicated that the conduction of the films obeyed the mechanism of the space-charge-limited injection model .

  12. 利用空间电荷限制电流和能谷间的电子跃迁解释了上述实验现象。

    We explain these phenomena by the space charge limited current and the electronic transition between the X and Γ valleys of the conduction band .

  13. 当外加磁场足够强时,束流轨迹主要受外加磁场控制,二极管产生的电子束既不箍缩也不发散。强外加磁场条件下的空间电荷限制电流近似为无外加磁场时的一半;

    With intense enough external applied magnetic field , the space charge limited current of diode is about half of the current without external applied magnetic field .

  14. 模拟结果表明:当注入电流超过同轴波导中的空间电荷限制电流时,在同轴波导漂移区将会形成虚阴极振荡。

    The results of simulation indicate that the oscillation of virtual cathode will be formed in coaxial guide when the current above the space charge limiting current is injected .

  15. 研究异质结中载流子的输运方式表明,退火前后,载流子在异质结中的传输有两种方式,即较低电压下的欧姆传输和较高电压下的空间电荷限制电流传输。

    Studying the transport mechanism of carrier of heterojunction indicated that , before and after annealing , there were two ways of transport mechanism of carrier in the heterojunction , which were ohms transmission in low voltage and the space charge limited current transmission in high voltage .

  16. 空间电荷限制流与传导电流的定量关系

    Dependence of space - charge - limited flow on conducting current

  17. 对其相关束流特性进行了理论分析,得到了同轴空间径向传输空间电荷限制电流,以及虚阴极产生的条件和电子束运动的基本规律。

    Theoretical analyses are carried out to study the space-charge-limiting current in coaxial configuration and the terms of virtual cathode formation .