
  • 网络Electro-Optic Systems;PV System;EOS;MOEMS
  1. 综述了坦克用光电系统的发展过程、现状及发展趋势。

    The present status and developing of electro-optic systems for tanks is described .

  2. 彩色面阵CCD光电系统在白血球自动识别中的应用研究

    Applications of Colour Plane Array CCD Photoelectric System to Automatic Recognition of Leucocyte

  3. 黑硅技术能够很好的与现代MEMS技术相结构,实现光电系统的微型化、集成化与智能化,是现代光电探测器研究的一个重要领域。

    Black silicon technology can be well cooperated with modern MEMS technology , makes the structure , photovoltaic systems miniaturization , integration and intelligencer realized . As a result it is an important field for modern photoelectric detectors research .

  4. 残留农药残留量速测仪光电系统的实验研究

    Experiment Research on Rapid Determination Meter Photoelectricity System of Pesticide Residues

  5. 机载光电系统中二元光学技术的应用分析

    Application of binary optical technology in airborne opto - electronic system

  6. 为解决由舰船动力装置、武器发射以及海浪撞击等震动引起的光电系统图像的高频抖动,研究了舰载成像系统的稳像软平台技术。

    A new image stabilization technology based on soft-platform was studied .

  7. 复杂光电系统可靠性鉴定试验方案研究

    Research into Testing Scheme of Reliability Qualification of Complex Optoelectronic Systems

  8. 用扫描干涉法测定光电系统高频响应

    Measurement of high frequency response of opto-electrical system using scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer

  9. 采用了光电系统和高速开关器件。

    The design uses poto-electrical system and high speed switches .

  10. 光电系统对空间目标成像建模仿真研究

    Research on Imaging Simulation of Electro-Optical System for Space Target

  11. 高能红外光栅光谱仪高速便携式近红外光栅光谱仪光电系统设计

    Design of photometric system of portable high-speed near-infrared grating spectrometer

  12. 评估排种器下落种距的光电系统

    Photo-electronic system for assessing seed spacing by seed-metering device

  13. 舰用复杂光电系统可靠性的环境工程技术研究

    Study on environment engineering reliability technology for complex optoelectronic system used for warship

  14. 高电压测量用光电系统的设计

    Design of the Electro-Optic System for High Voltage Measurement

  15. 裂纹探测智能光电系统的研制

    The Research on Intelligent Crack Detection System

  16. 船用光电系统中摄像机参数的标定方法

    Calibrating method of camera in opto-electronic system

  17. 介绍了“残留农药速测仪”光电系统的设计依据。

    The design bases of rapid determination meter photoelectricity system of pesticide residues were introduced .

  18. 采用工程实例进行了机载光电系统的目标定位误差分析。

    Using engineering examples , positioning error analysis on airborne photoelectric system was carried out .

  19. 介绍光电系统中球形壳体上光学窗口的设计方法。

    The design of optical window on a spherical shell in electro-optical systems is introduced .

  20. 对光纤电压互感器暂态信号处理的原理和设计进行了论述,提出了光电系统信号延时测试方法,分析了延时产生的原因,展示了动模试验结果。

    The idea and design of transient signal processing in optical fiber voltage transformer are described .

  21. 这种新型的微热光电系统具有无运动部件、热量利用效率高、制造成本低等优点。

    The latter system has high efficiency burner , no moving parts and low cost of fabrication .

  22. 其中光电系统又可以提供高精度、高准确性的探测。

    The photoelectric detecting systems can provide the high precision , high accuracy in detecting the space target .

  23. 为了解决光电系统的目标定位问题,提出了一种机载光电系统的自主定位方法。

    An self-positioning of airborne electro optical system was proposed in order to solve the target positioning problem .

  24. 激光在大气中的传输特性是研究激光探测设备中光电系统设计的一个关键问题。

    The characteristic of laser propagation in the atmosphere is a key issue while designing photoelectric sensor of laser detector .

  25. 白天对空间目标进行观测时,采用光谱滤波技术可以提高光电系统的极限星等探测能力。

    The limiting magnitude of an electro-optical system can he improved through the spectral filtering technology in daytime apace target observation .

  26. 经过十多年的研究,半导体激光器已经发展成为光电系统的重要器件。

    After more than a decade of research , the semiconductor laser has emerged as an important component in optoelectronic systems .

  27. 光电系统由于其较强的抗电子干扰能力和较高的自主性,在导航中起着越来越重要的作用。

    With of the ability of anti-jamming and autonomous , electro-optical systems are playing more and more important part in the field of navigation .

  28. 论文的最后部分对所研究的智能光电系统进行了总结,并提出了该课题的进一步研究的发展方向。

    The last part of the thesis summarizes the intelligent photoelectricity system , and put forward the developping direction of further research of this subject .

  29. 为估算光电系统的目标探测距离,研究了目标的红外辐射特性和在实验室内对系统灵敏度进行测试的方法。

    For evaluating the detection distance of an electro-optic system , the characteristics of target infrared radiation and the test method of detection sensitivity of the system in laboratory are studied .

  30. 为保证光电系统正常工作,结合工况的使用条件和要求,选择和设计了实用的冷却系统与温控装置。

    For the normal working condition of the optical electronic system , Combining the conditioning and requirement of usage , the practical cooling system and temperature control devices are chose and designed .