
ɡuānɡ cún chǔ qì
  • Optical memory;light memory
  1. CD-ETOM是电子捕集光存储器的简称。其形式给数字化媒体存储带来了令人鼓舞的变化。

    CD-ETOM is the shortened form of electronic trapping optical memory . Its form has brought inspiring changes to the storage technology employing digital media .

  2. 本发明为一种用于磁光存储器记录的磁场调制控制电路。

    A magnetic field modulation circuit for recording a magneto-optic memory .

  3. 光存储器是近年的研究热点,更是未来光信号处理系统及光子计算机的重要发展趋势。

    Optical memory is a research hotspot in recent years , being the important development trend of the future optical signal processing systems and photon computer .

  4. 由于目前缺乏光随机存储器和成熟的全光处理技术,光分组交换网络技术还处于研究阶段;

    All optical packet switching networks are still in their experimental stage because we lack optical random access memory and mature all optical processing technologies nowadays .

  5. 均光波导多层存储器的原理和实验

    Principles and Experiments of Uniform Scattering Waveguide Multilayer Memory

  6. 介绍了均光波导多层存储器的基本结构和原理。

    The structure and principles of the uniform scattering waveguide multilayer memory are introduced .

  7. Ar~+激光光折变全息照相存储器的研究

    Calculation on holographic memory of photorefraction with A_r ~ + laser

  8. 近两年来,人们对基于各种慢光技术的光存储器进行了大量的研究。

    Over the past two years , there is a great deal of studies on optical memory based on slow light .

  9. 本文提出了光计算中关联存储器的一种新的存储模式,称为自反关联存储器。

    A new memory model of associative memory called the reflexive associative memory in optical computing is presented in this paper .

  10. 因此,光折变体全息存储器大多基于铌酸锂晶体。目前,光折变存储器在并行计算、光通讯、军事目标快速识别、星载信息存储等方面的研究正方兴未艾。

    The photorefractive storages are in the ascendant in parallel computing , optical fiber communications , military targets fast recognition and satellite-borne data storage .

  11. 由于嵌入SiO2基体中的Ge纳米晶(nc-Ge)能发射可见光而有望用于制备新型光数据存储器等,目前它正成为人们感兴趣的研究热点。

    Ge nanocrystals ( nc-Ge ) embedded into SiO_2 matrix are becoming a field of increasing interest due to visible and near-infrared photoluminescence ( PL ) and potential applications in novel optical data storage devices .

  12. 在光通讯器件、有机发光、有机光存储器的制作等方面有广泛的应用前景。

    It is useful to make optical communication devices , organic electron luminescent devices , and optical memories .

  13. 波导多层存储器通过收集波导侧面信息符发出的散射光来读取数据,而均光波导多层存储器的设计主要是为了解决波导多层存储器侧面散射光强不均匀的问题。

    To read the information in the waveguide multilayer memory , an optoelectronic detector is used to detect the scattering beams emitted from the information dots on the waveguide surface .

  14. 光分组交换由于缺乏高速光逻辑器件、光缓冲存储器等,因此还处于研究阶段。

    OPS still is placed in to study the stage because of lacking of the high-speed optical logic device and optical buffer .

  15. 光折变晶体中光栅的各向异性衍射可用来提高光折变存储器读出信号的信噪比。

    Anisotropic diffraction of gratings in photorefractive crystals can be used to improve the signal to noise ratio of readout signals from photorefractive memories .

  16. 将波导多层存储与光卡存储技术相结合,提出了一种波导多层光卡存储器的结构方案和软刻印制作方法。

    Combining the technologies of the waveguide multilayer storage and the memory card , we put forward a new technology of waveguide multilayer optical card ( WMOC ) read only memory ( ROM ) and its fabrication method .