
  • 网络PV Inverter;photovoltaic inverter;Solar Inverter
  1. 本文研究了一种新型BoostAC模块式光伏逆变器,并以DSP和IPM为核心设计了硬件系统,具有优良的性能。

    A novel Boost AC module PV inverter is proposed in this paper . The hardware system is based on DSP and IPM which has good performance .

  2. 具有零电流关断特性的并网型光伏逆变器研制

    Grid-Connected PV Inverter with Zero-current-Switching

  3. 研究了Z源光伏逆变器并网逆变侧的控制技术。

    The z-source PV grid-connected control technology of AC side is studied .

  4. 本文通过对光伏逆变器和有源电力滤波器(APF)的工作原理、拓扑结构和控制策略的比较,研究了对两者实施统一控制的思想。

    This thesis compares the working theory , topology and control strategy of the PV grid-connected generation and APF is proposed .

  5. 重点分析了带两电平boost变换器的三相光伏逆变器的效率问题,讨论了直流母线和交错并联重数变化对效率产生的影响,最后给出了仿真验证。

    The efficiency of the three-phase PV inverter with two-level boost converter is discussed in detail . The impact on the efficiency is analyzed as the DC-link voltage and the interleaved multiplicity change . The simulation results are given to verify it .

  6. 一种新型的光伏逆变器控制方法

    A Novel Control Method for the Inverter in Photovoltaic System

  7. 太阳能发电系统的核心是一组光伏逆变器。

    The core of a solar power system is a group of photovoltaic inverter .

  8. 单级式并网光伏逆变器

    Single - stage photovoltaic grid-connected inverter

  9. 因此光伏逆变器需要能够实时跟踪光伏电池的最大功率点。

    So the PV inverter needs to track the maximum power point of solar panel at any moment .

  10. 这些进步将从根本上改变未来五年光伏逆变器市场,该报告指出。

    These advancements will radically change the PV inverter market over the next five years , the report notes .

  11. 本文建立在充分了解光伏逆变器现状的基础之上,对于微型光伏逆变器涉及到的关键技术进行了深入的研究。

    Based on fully understand the photovoltaic converter status , it thorough researches on the key technology in this paper .

  12. 本文首先阐述了本课题研究的背景及其意义,光伏逆变器的研究现状和趋势。

    Firstly , this dissertation introduces the dissertation background and significance , three level converter research status and research trends .

  13. 按照并网光伏逆变器的要求确定了系统主电路的拓扑结构,选择了的具体电路参数,并对系统其它硬件电路进行了设计。

    And then the topology of main circuit of system is determined , so do the other hardware circuit of system .

  14. 样机试验表明,该电源输出直流电压纹波在可以接受的范围内,能够适应输入直流电压的大范围波动,为光伏逆变器长期运行可靠供电。

    Prototype tests show that , it provides long-term reliable DC voltage with acceptable ripples and adapts to a wide fluctuation of input DC voltage .

  15. 微型光伏逆变器模块即插即用,可以广泛应用于各种中小功率光伏发电领域。

    Micro PV inverter module can Plug and Play , so it can be widely used in various small and medium power Photovoltaic power generation fields .

  16. 近年来光伏逆变器的研究热点集中在硬件电路和控制算法,光伏逆变技术获得了长足的发展。

    Photovoltaic converter technology , in which the study is focus on the hardware circuit and control algorithm in recent years , has obtained the rapid development .

  17. 光伏逆变器的拓扑结构多种多样,过去主要是集中式逆变器,目前应用较多的是串联式逆变器和多组串联式逆变器。

    In the past , the centralized inverters are mainly considered . Presently , the application of group tandem vibratory inverters and tandem vibratory inverters is more and more .

  18. 大功率光伏逆变器是光伏电站系统的重要组成部件,其效率是衡量并网发电系统的重要指标之一。

    Grid-connected PV inverter is a key component of the grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system . The efficiency of photovoltaic grid-connected inverter system is an important indicator measuring the power generation system .

  19. 本论文围绕这两个部分展开了研究,主要做了以下工作:首先,以光伏逆变器的理论为基础,详细分析光伏逆变器的三种控制策略。

    The main work about this thesis contains two parts discussed as below : Firstly , three control strategies of PV inverter are analyzed in detail is based on the theory of photovoltaic inverter .

  20. 最后,建立了电网不对称故障下光伏逆变器的数学模型;分析了光伏并网逆变器的功率流、直流侧电压波动机理,网侧负序分量对光伏逆变器输出并网电流的影响。

    Lastly , the mathematical model of the PV inverter is established under asymmetric grid fault . Power flow of PV inverter , and the mechanism of voltage fluctuation in DC bus is analyzed .

  21. 这种控制策略同样可以实现母线电压稳定和功率调度等功能,最后对光伏逆变器的第三种控制模型进行详细的设计。

    So the third control method is suggested , which performs the stability of the DC voltage and power factor regulator . And the third control strategy of the PV inverter is designed in detail in this thesis .

  22. 微型光伏逆变器具有输入电压低、输出电压高和功率等级低等特点,因而对其提出了功率密度高、转换效率高、可靠性高和成本低等设计要求。

    Micro PV inverter has the characteristics of low input voltage , high output voltage and low power level , and therefore it proposed the design requirements of high power density , high efficiency , high reliability and low cost .

  23. 相对于传统的集中式光伏逆变器而言,模块化光伏逆变器具有可靠性高,维修方便以及可在线扩容等优点,是一种极具发展前景的光伏逆变器。

    Compared with the traditional centralized photovoltaic inverter , the modular photovoltaic inverter is highly reliable , easy to maintain , and as well as the advantages of online capacity expansion , so it is to be seen as a very promising photovoltaic inverter .

  24. 基于DSP的电流无差控制光伏并网逆变器设计

    Design of Current Deadbeat Control Grid-connected Inverter based on DSP

  25. 基于DSP的光伏并网逆变器的设计

    Design of Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter Based on DSP

  26. 基于DSP控制的光伏并网逆变器最大功率的跟踪问题

    Research on maximum power point tracking control based on a DSP-controlled grid-connected photovoltaic inverter

  27. 基于Boost的单相两级光伏并网逆变器最优梯度控制研究

    Optimal Gradient Control of single-phase two-levels photovoltaic grid-connected inverter Based on Boost Circuit

  28. 基于重复PI控制的光伏并网逆变器

    Study on Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter Based on Repetitive PI Control

  29. 基于PI控制的三相光伏并网逆变器电流控制器设计

    Design of the PI current controller of three phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverter

  30. 基于最优梯度法MPPT的三相光伏并网逆变器

    Three-phase Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter of MPPT based on Optimal Gradient Method