
qián yán kē xué
  • frontier science;front-line sciences
  1. “中国天眼”是国家重大科技基础设施,实现了我国在前沿科学领域的一项重大原创突破。

    The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope ( FAST ) is an example of the progress in innovation the country has made in cutting-edge technologies .

  2. C(60)球形结构的发现是有机碳化学的又一大突破,现已成为合成化学中一个充满活力的前沿科学领域。

    The discovery of spherical structure of C60 is an important breakthrough in carbon chemistry . Recently it had been an active research field .

  3. 虚拟现实(virtualReality,简称VR)技术是当今世界前沿科学之一,更是一个充满活力和挑战的研究领域。

    Virtual Reality ( VR ) technology is one of nowaday worldwide front edge sciences , and a field of full energy and challenge .

  4. 全球变化研究&一个新的国际前沿科学计划

    A study of global change & a new international frontal scientific program

  5. 纳米科学是当前全球都在谈论的前沿科学。

    Nanotechnology is a frontier science in the world .

  6. 在新的世纪里,海洋地球物理仍然保持着前沿科学的地位。

    In new century , marine geophysics still keeps the position of front science .

  7. 国内外农业地域结构研究进展与前沿科学问题

    Progress studies and frontier scientific issues on agriculture territorial structure at home and abroad

  8. 环境趋势和医学气象研究中的若干前沿科学问题

    Some Front Scientific Problems in the Study of Environment Variation Tendency and Medical Meteorology

  9. 除了前沿科学外,议程还应包括将取得的突破投入应用。

    As well as frontier science the agenda should include application of the breakthroughs made .

  10. 水文学的发展及其所面临的若干前沿科学问题

    Advances in hydrology and some frontier problems

  11. 纳米技术是一项前沿科学技术。

    Nanotechnology is an advanced science technology .

  12. 生命科学被誉为21世纪的最前沿科学之一。

    Life science has been recognized as one of the most frontiers of the 21st century .

  13. 创伤弹道学已成为当今弹药设计和战伤救治的前沿科学。

    There fore , the wound ballistics becomes the forward sci-ence for ammunition design and wound treatment .

  14. 复杂性科学的兴起乃当今之最前沿科学,其对思维方式的影响甚大。

    The rise of complex science is the top-press theory , and which affect the mode of thinking greatly .

  15. 信息网络时代,生物特征识别技术作为新兴的前沿科学技术得到很快的发展。

    In information network era , biological feature recognition technology is rapidly developed as an emerging advancing front technology .

  16. 因而对于介观化学体系中涨落作用机制与规律的研究是目前统计物理领域重要的前沿科学问题之一。

    By far , study on the effect of fluctuation in mesoscopic systems has become an important issue for statistic mechanics .

  17. 徐冠华还说,中国计划多建造一些国家级实验室,从事交叉学科和前沿科学的研究。

    Xu added that China plans to build several " advanced national-level laboratories " to specialise in interdisciplinary and cutting-edge sciences .

  18. 加强或重视对这些前沿科学问题的研究,将会有力地促进水文学的理论和应用水平不断提高。

    Paying much attention to these problems will greatly promote the development of hydrological theories and improve the level of their application .

  19. 作为一所新型研究型大学,西湖大学将主要开展基础性、前沿科学技术研究。

    Westlake University will be a new type of research-oriented university , with emphasis on basic and advanced scientific and technological research .

  20. 伴随计算机等技术的飞速发展,混沌学已发展成为一门影响深远、发展迅速的前沿科学。

    With the rapid development of computer technology , the chaos has developed to be an influencial pioneering science which develops rapidly .

  21. 着重介绍了分子识别、分子自组装、超分子催化、超分子器件及超分子材料等概念。对由此可能形成的新的前沿科学如分子电子学、分子离子学、分子光子学及超分子工艺学等作了扼要介绍。

    Emphasis has been given to the concepts of molecular recognition , molecular self-assembly , molecular devices , supramolecular materials and supramolecular catalysis .

  22. 人类前沿科学计划支持新颖的、创新性的和跨学科多器官机制的基础研究;

    The Human Frontier Science Program supports novel , innovative , and interdisciplinary basic research focused on the complex mechanisms of living organisms ;

  23. 复杂适应系统是系统科学的前沿科学,是从微观到宏观的研究系统行为产生的原理、机制及其演化等的理论。

    Complex Adaptive System is in front line of systematic science and focuses on systematic principle , mechanism and evolvement from microcosmic to macroscopic .

  24. 本文研究将为我国准确把握世界科学技术发展态势、整体部署前沿科学研究提供参考。

    The study will be reference for China to understand the world S & T development , and make plan for frontier science research .

  25. 网络作为一个与时维新的媒介,理应也必须站在最前沿科学的角度来关照自身。

    Further , the network as a new medium that reforms with hour should stand on the front line of complicated science to examine itself .

  26. 但随着新一辈的志愿者把公众不断推向前沿科学,可以清楚的看到,这还没有受到限制。

    But with new generations of volunteers pushing the frontiers of Citizens'Science ever further , it is clear that the limit has yet to be reached .

  27. 低相干光断层扫描,是近十几年来发展起来集多种前沿科学和技术为一体的超高精度成像技术。

    Optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) is a high resolution imaging technology developed in the recent years and based on many cutting-edge sciences and techniques .

  28. 数字生命研究是新兴起的计算机与生物学交叉的前沿科学领域,主要是采取软件的形式在计算机中产生展示生命特征的人工生命实体。数字生命是虚拟实在的一种重要形式。

    Digital life is an important form of virtual reality in that software technology is applied to create artificial entities which exhibit the characteristics of life in computer .

  29. 虚拟现实是以计算机图形学为基础并且涉及众多学科的一门前沿科学,是二十一世纪最受瞩目的技术之一。

    Based on the rapid development of computer graphics and many disciplines involved , virtual reality ( VR ) becomes one of the most watched technique in the twenty-first century .

  30. 当今前沿科学成果为唯物主义的进一步发展提供了可借鉴实证材料,当代西方哲学家对心智现象的种种认识为马克思主义哲学的发展也提供了深深地启示。

    Latest and most appropriate scientific fruits provide for materialism useful empirical data to advance , and contemporary western philosophers ' cognition on mental phenomenon present inspiration for developing Marxism philosophy .