
Units with the conduct of this article shall be punished in accordance with rules of this article ; and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be disciplinary warning or penalty .
Those units with the conduct of this article , shall be ordered to stop illegal activities , and can be given disciplinary warning or penalty , and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be punished in accordance with rules of this article .
Whoever commits an act mentioned in the preceding paragraph , thus causing injury to another person , shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 234 of this Law .
( IV ) Units with conduct of this article shall be punished in accordance with rules of this article and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be given warning or penalty .
If losses are caused to the parties to the instrument as a result of the above-mentioned act committed by a staff member of a financial institution , the said institution and the person who is directly responsible shall be liable for the losses according to law .
Organizations that commit violations mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be qualified accordingly .
If a motor vessel is involved in the commission of the unlawful act mentioned in the preceding paragraph , a disciplinary warning or fine shall be imposed by the harbour superintendency administration in light of the seriousness of the act .
Committing crimes in the preceding paragraph , perpetrator proactive release of the abducted persons , to lessen the penalty .
A state functionary who commits any of the acts as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given an administrative sanction in addition .
Where the creditors conference fails to select and appoint a supervise , permission shall be acquired from the creditors conference to conduct activities provided in the proceeding paragraph .
Any deviation in saving or attempting to save life or property at sea or any reasonable deviation shall not be deemed to be an act deviating from the provisions of the preceding paragraph .
If any of the acts specified in the preceding paragraph results in losses , the persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible for the offense shall be partially or wholly liable for the losses .
With respect to bankrupt enterprises which have committed acts listed in the previous paragraphs , the liquidation team has the right to apply to the people 's court to recover the property , which shall be added to the bankruptcy property .
Whoever obtains , uses or discloses another 's business secrets , which he clearly knows or ought to know falls under the categories of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph , shall be deemed an offender who infringes on business secrets .
The contractor which has violated the above clause and the subcontractor shall assume the associate liabilities for the losses incurred from the sub-par quality of the project due to subcontracting .
If the illegal act mentioned in the preceding paragraph causes damage to the interested party , the unit to which the animal quarantine officer belongs shall bear the liability for compensation .
Under the same article , obtaining , using or disclosing another 's trade secrets by a third party who clearly knew or ought to have known that the case fell under the unlawful acts listed in the preceding paragraph was deemed infringement upon trade secrets .