
  • 网络feed-forward;Forward compensation;feedforward compensation
  1. 详细研究了比例、积分、微分和前馈补偿控制在高度与航向控制中的作用,设计了基于PID反馈和前馈补偿复合控制方法的高度与航向控制律。

    After a detailed study of the role of proportional , integral , differential and feed forward compensation control in altitude and heading control , it has designed the altitude and heading control law based on the PID feedback and feed forward compensation control .

  2. 文章提出广义逆矩阵来设计离散型状态观测器的方法,用该法设计的观测器,可对SF型矢量控制系统的负载力矩进行估计,再进行前馈补偿。

    The generalized inverse matrix is introduced to calculate the discrete state observer in this paper . This observer can estimate the load disturbance of SF vector control system so as to obtain forward compensation .

  3. Fuzzy前馈补偿及应用

    Fuzzy Feedforward Compensation and Its Application

  4. 天然气内燃发电机组频率前馈补偿模糊PID控制

    Feedforward Compensation and Fuzzy-PID Control for Frequency of Natural Gas Engine Generating Set

  5. 基于前馈补偿的PID控制算法。

    Feedforward compensation based on the PID control algorithm .

  6. 在系统和扰动定性知识的基础上,设计了基于B样条网络的学习前馈补偿控制。

    The learning feed-forward component is a neural-network-based controller , comprised of a one-hidden-layer structure with second-order B-spline basis functions .

  7. 一种基于前馈补偿技术的高性能CMOS运算放大器

    A High Performance CMOS Operational Amplifier Implemented with Feedforward Compensation Technology

  8. 准谐振PWM控制器的线电压前馈补偿技术

    Line Voltage Feed-forward Compensation for Quasi-Resonant PWM Controllers

  9. 针对微进给伺服机构的基本特性,采用PID校正控制和前馈补偿控制。

    According to the basic characteristics of the microfeed servo mechanism , a PID controller with feedforward compensation is developed .

  10. 将PID校正、串联校正、前馈补偿校正相结合,设计了负载模拟器的综合控制器。仿真和实验结果表明,本文提出的综合控制器有效提高了负载模拟器的动静态性能及载荷谱跟踪精度。

    Then , PID controller , cascade compensation and feed-forward compensation are combined together to design the synthetical controller of loading simulator .

  11. 非正常输入条件下SPWM矩阵变换器的前馈补偿控制

    A Feed-Forward Compensation Strategy of SPWM Matrix Converter Under Abnormal Input Voltage Conditions

  12. 基于前馈补偿的SPWM矩阵变换器控制策略研究

    A Compensation Method for SPWM Matrix Converter Based on Feed - forward Control

  13. 与PD加前馈补偿控制相比,直接PD控制对机器人手臂动态模型误差及外界不确定性干扰具有更强的鲁棒性。

    But direct PD control has better robustness against modeling error and uncertain disturbance compared with PD control with feedforward compensation .

  14. 为此研究了转塔系统智能PID控制算法,并针对系统的实际情况引入前馈补偿控制。

    Thus the intelligent PID control is applied in the turret system . The feed-forward compensation control is imported based on the practical system situation .

  15. 为消除端部效应的影响,采用基于B样条网络的学习前馈补偿控制技术,从而达到了良好的补偿效果;

    In order to eliminate the influence of the end-effect , the learning feedforward compensation control technology based on B-spline network is adopted ; therefore , the better compensation effect is obtained .

  16. 与此同时,利用交轴电流iq的前馈补偿来减小转矩波动。

    At the same time , the torque current feedforward is used to reduce the torque fluctuations .

  17. 提出了天然气内燃发电机组频率采用模糊前馈补偿和模糊PID反馈协调控制的方法,并设计了控制器。

    A new frequency control scheme using fuzzy feedforward compensation and fuzzy - PID for natural gas engine generating set was proposed and the controller was designed .

  18. 该控制器的核心采用含有直流电压波动前馈补偿的双环串级PI结构。

    The core of the controller is the infrastructure of double feedback loop and series PI regulators with DC voltage variation feed-forward compensation .

  19. 将输出电流视为对控制系统的扰动,并利用前馈补偿,通过对输出电压的微分运算获得输出滤波电容电流值,从而在不使用电流传感器的情况下,实现了对UPS逆变器的准双环控制。

    The output filter capacitor current comes from the differential to the output voltage to give quasi double loop control without current sensor .

  20. 滚珠丝杠螺距误差前馈补偿法提高X-Y工作台定位精度的研究

    Research on the Method of Lead - Screw Error Compensation for Improving X-Y Table Position Accuracy

  21. 基于前馈补偿的五通连接器机器人GTAW熔透控制

    Penetration Control of Robotic GTAW for Five-port Connector Based on Feedforward Compensation

  22. 在漆包机烘炉温度控制系统中采用模糊PID结合前馈补偿算法的模糊解耦控制算法,把多输入多输出的漆包机烘炉改变成为多个单输入单输出系统。

    The enameling machine oven temperature control system using fuzzy PID combined with feed-forward compensation algorithm , transferred multi input and multi output into a number of single input single output system .

  23. 仿真结果表明采用智能PID和前馈补偿的复合控制方法能够获得很好的控制效果,满足系统的技术指标要求。

    The simulating result shows that the good control performance can be achieved by the compound control method including intelligent PID and feed-forward compensation control . It can meet the performance index requirement .

  24. 用同一给定转速作为系统的主令参考信号,采用单神经元自适应PID控制算法对各台电机的转速环PID参数进行自整定,并加入前馈补偿环节,以消除负载扰动带来的转速误差。

    The PID parameters of each motor system were adopted by a single neural element self-adaptive PID controller , and a feed-forward compensator was added to it to eliminate speed errors from load disturbances .

  25. 光纤CATV系统的一个主要设备是AM光发送、接收端机。外调制CATV光发射机前馈补偿的理论分析

    An important equipment in optical CATV system is AM optical transmitting and receiving headers . Research on High Linearization of Externally Modulated Optical CATV Transmitter with Feedforward Compensation

  26. 提出了一种基于动态BP算法的对角回归网络解耦控制策略,利用神经网络实现前馈补偿,使补偿以后的系统实现解耦,且解耦单变量系统具有原对象主通道的特性。

    Diagonal Recurrent neural network decoupling control strategy based on dynamic BP arithmetic is presented and used to realize feedforward compensation decoupling . The decoupling single variable system has the characteristics of main channel of the plant .

  27. 其次,在此IP位置控制的基础上,提出了对该系统的最优预见前馈补偿,以提高原伺服系统的跟踪性能。

    According to PMSM , the IP position servo system is built , and then a method of optimal preview feedforward compensation for this system is also presented to improve the tracking performance based on IP position control system .

  28. 介绍了高精度微进给直线永磁同步电机伺服系统的IP位置控制,提出了对该系统的最优预见前馈补偿,以提高系统的跟踪性能。

    After presenting briefly IP position control for a high-precision micro-feed linear permanent magnet synchronous motor ( LPMSM ) servo system in this paper , we present a method of optimal preview feedforward compensation for this system to improve the tracking performance .

  29. 通过由干扰观测器对电堆电流的前馈补偿,PEMFC发电系统的稳态特性及系统抗干扰能力大幅提高。

    By feedforward compensation of the estimated stack current yielded by the disturbance observer , the steady-state performance and the disturbance attenuation ability of the PEMFC system was significantly improved .

  30. 针对大型模锻压机极低速运动存在非线性摩擦影响与不确定性的特点,设计了摩擦前馈补偿控制器,并提出了结合摩擦前馈补偿控制与基于PID的反馈控制的复合控制方法。

    For huge forging press exists the influence of nonlinear friction and uncertainty under low speed , designes the friction compensation controller , and then proposes a compound control method combined friction feed forward compensation control and feedback control based on PID .