
  • Ex-Girlfriend;ex girlfriends
  1. 5.thinkaboutsb想着某人(麦克老是想着他的前任女友。)

    Mike is always thinking about his ex-girlfriend .

  2. 他仍然继续和他的前任女友联络。

    He still keeps up his correspondence with his ex-girlfriend .

  3. 你把他的前任女友请来,真是少了个心眼。

    It was rather tactless of you to invite his exgirlfriend .

  4. 你该知道你的两个前任女友都是啦啦队员。

    You do realize that both your former girlfriends are cheerleaders .

  5. 他试图抹去对前任女友的回忆。

    He tried to wipe out the memory of his former girlfriend .

  6. 他的前任女友没有一个比她更善良、美丽。

    None of his ex-girlfriends are are nicer or prettier than her .

  7. 我肯定爸爸有几个前任女友的。

    I 'm sure dad probably has some ex-girlfriends .

  8. 泰勒:记得我前任女友菲蜜吗?她来自奈及利亚。

    Taylor : Remember my ex , Femi ? She was from Nigeria .

  9. 他撞入他前任女友的家。

    Terrence broke into his ex-girlfriend 's family home .

  10. 把我前任女友的快速拨号删除。

    Chandler : Oh , I 'm taking my ex-girlfriend off my speed dialer .

  11. 盖瑞把他前任女友的信全烧了。

    Gary burned all his ex-girlfriend 's letters .

  12. 我们离我的前任女友只有两个街区远。

    We are two blocks from my ex-girlfriend .

  13. 你使我想起我的前任女友。

    You remind me of my ex-girlfriend .

  14. 那家伙以为我睡了他前任女友而且还杀了他的鱼

    CHANDLER : Because he thinks I slept with his ex-girlfriend and killed his fish .

  15. 并且,你要杀死你前任女友的话,没有什么会比一把球头锤更适合的了。

    And , if you want to kill your ex-girlfriend , there 's really no substitute for a ball-peen hammer .

  16. 如果你和你前任女友能做朋友,那么你要问自己:为什么?

    If you and your former girlfriend and a friend can do , then you have to ask ourselves : Why ?

  17. 乐妮说发件者是她新男友的前任女友。

    For weeks , she tried to counter the allegations , which she says came from her new boyfriend 's former girlfriend .

  18. 所以,只要前任女友以来找他,就会认定她和小伙子之间一切都结束了。

    So whenever the ex-girlfriend came to visit him , she would be led into believing that it was all over between her and the guy .

  19. 但是,他说贝尼尔的辞职与他前任女友勾结“地狱天使”这一犯罪团伙成员没有任何关系。

    However , he said Bernier 's resignation has nothing to do with his former girlfriend Julie Couillard , who has been linked with Hells Angels members .

  20. 但那酒鬼们实际只占少数:36%的人说男士应该看着新前任女友,微笑,并感谢她。

    But those beer swillers are actually in the minority : 36 percent say a guy should look at his new ex , smile , and thank her .

  21. 说起西班牙,除去动感火爆的西甲联赛,我们不得不承认那也是个盛产美女的好地方,再提到西班牙美女,你是不是也会立刻想起阿汤哥的前任女友佩尼洛普·克鲁兹呢?

    Speaking of Spain , except for dynamic hot in the Primera Liga , we have to admit that it is also a good place rich in beauty .

  22. 这个问题中的“她”可能是你的前任女友或是你盯着看的一个过路人或是你们正在看的电影里的女演员。

    The " she " in the question could be an ex-girlfriend , a passer-by you were staring at or an actress in a movie you just saw .

  23. 好,我前任的女友叫提莉我们在吃早餐,我做了很多薄松饼大概有五十多个吧。

    My last girlfriend Tilly . Ok , we 're eating breakfast , right , and I made all these pancakes , there was like 50 pancakes right .

  24. 他们与前任男友(女友)经常联系。

    They keep in contact with their former lovers .

  25. 有些人粉碎了大摞的帐单和信件,另外一些人则试图忘记前任男友或女友。

    Some shredded reams of bills and correspondence while others sought to banish the memory of former boyfriends and girlfriends .

  26. 走出前任阴影看上去似乎是非常令人胆怯的任务。然而,遵循这些明确而简单的步骤,摆脱前任男友或女友的阴影将简单的多。

    Getting over your ex can seem like a daunting task . However , it 's made a lot easier and more manageable by following these clear and straightforward steps .