
qián kōng fān
  • forward somersault in the air
前空翻[qián kōng fān]
  1. 平衡木屈体前空翻站木是E组创新动作。

    Forward piked salto mount to stand on beam is a new creation of " E " part .

  2. 团身前空翻三周动作的运动学研究

    Kinesiology Research on " Three Saltos Forward Tucked " Movement

  3. 运用运动生物力学方法对团身前空翻三周动作进行运动学分析。

    Through biomechanics , three saltos forward tucked is analyzed in kinesiology .

  4. 前空翻后空翻

    Do a front flip . Do a backflip

  5. 平衡木双臂后摆式助跑团身前空翻的技术分析

    Analysis on Swing Arms Backward in Running Approach and Subsequent Forward Tucked Salto on Balance Beam

  6. 中国女子高低杠前空翻一周半越杠再握类动作技术的比较分析

    An Analysis of the Technique of Flipping for One and A Half Rounds in the Air on the Uneven Bars

  7. 平衡木木端助跑屈体前空翻上成站木动作的技术要领和训练方法

    Technical Essentials and Training Method of Forward Piked Salto Mount to Stand on Beam with Approach Run from Beam End

  8. 单杠屈体前空翻1(1/2)越杠再握动作技术特征及发展新动作可能性的研究

    Study on the Technical Characteristics of Forward Piked Salto with 1 1 / 2 Turn and Regrasp after over the Bar

  9. 跳马团身前空翻起跳技术分析及训练方法初探刚体滚动等时线方程轻轨车辆的车体及转向架

    Analysis and Training of Vaulting Horse Skill in Taking off Relating to Rolling Body into a Ball and Forwarding Somersault in The Air

  10. 结果表明,D组以上技巧动作的难度变化不大,动作类型仍以后空翻为主,但难度价值更高的前空翻2周迅速增加;

    The result showed that the movement difficult and skill of D group had not changed , while movement pattern was mainly backward somersault .

  11. 单杠屈体前空翻一周半越杠再握动作的运动生物力学分析

    Analysis on Horizontal Bar Movement : Stoop Over and Grip the Bar Again After Piked Somersault Forward 1_ ( 1 / 2 ) By Using Sports Biomechanics

  12. 本文对女子平衡木助跑团身前空翻的技术特点进行了理论分析,并根据这一技术的规律,提出了具体的训练方法。

    This essay analyses the technique characteristics of " the women balance beam running bound front flip " theoretically and puts forward concrete training methods according to this technique rule .

  13. 他做了一个前空翻,然后伴随着一阵短促而尖锐的声音就消失了,只在体育馆的地板上留下了一滩绿色的精灵眼泪。

    He did a forward flip and then just like that with a loud BLIP , he vanished , leaving just a puddle of green gossip goo on the gym floor .

  14. 高低杠D+D+D的难新连接&向前大回环转体360°接反吊接屈体前空翻

    A Difficult and New Connecting Part of D + D + D in High Low Bars & Giant Swing Forward with 1 / 1 Turn Followed by Eagle Swing Followed by Forward Piked Salto

  15. 通过与新科平衡木世界冠军眭禄的比较,我国运动员在完成助跑前空翻类动作时存在助跑速度低、起跳角度小、腾空高度不足的问题。

    By comparing with Lu jia , the new world beam champion , the study concludes there are such problems as low speed for run-up , small taking-off angle and insufficient height for gymnasts in China to perform forward somersault . 3 .

  16. 通过教学实践和各技术环节力学原理与传统技术的对照分析,认为:用先进技术取代传统技术,是发展前空翻类高难动作,把握自由体操制胜因素的重要条件。

    Basing on long period practice and mechanical analysis of the movements in details , the author recognizes that replacement of the traditional techniques with the newly advanced ones is the one of main factors to develop the forward somersault movements and to win the competition .

  17. 黄力平跳马踺子转体180°前手翻屈体前空翻的三维分析

    Three Dimensional Analysis of Huang Liping 's Vaulting-horse Movement-Round-off and 1 / 2 Twist to Handspring and Salto Forward Piked

  18. 跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体540°的运动学分析前进的气团为较为冷的空气形成的锋。

    Kinematics Analysis about Handspring Followed by Salto Forward Stretched with 11 / 2 turn ; the front of an advancing mass of colder air .

  19. 楼云和克劳尔跳马前手翻屈体前空翻转体180°动作运动学特征的对比

    Comparative Study on Kinematic Features of Handspring 1-1 / 2 Forward Tucked Somersault 1 / 2 Turn Out in Horse Vaulting by Lou Yun and Kroll

  20. 杨亚红和王湉湉跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体540°的技术分析与诊断

    Kinematics Analysis and Technical Diagnosis about Handspring followed by Salto forward with Stretched Body and 11 / 2 turn out of Vault of Yang Ya-hong and Wang Tian-tian

  21. 目的:揭示跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体540°动作运动学规律和技术特点,对进一步改进和发展此类难度动作提供了理论依据和技术参数。

    Objective , open out the kinematical rule and technical feature of horse vaulting Handspring followed salto forward stretched with 1 1 / 2 twist , to provide more theoretics gist and technique parameter for ameliorate and develop this difficulty agcy.

  22. 新的跳马器械改变后,男子跳马前手翻直体前空翻转体900°是该类动作中难度最大的动作之一,其难度分值为10分。

    After alternation of new vaulting horse apparatus , the forward handspring and salto stretched with twist 5 / 2 is one of the most difficult movements of same kind in men 's vaulting horse , with its grade of difficulty being 10 points .

  23. 平衡木前手翻接直体前空翻的设计与训练

    The Design and Training of Front Airspring on the Balance Beam

  24. 肖俊峰是我国跳马新秀,他完成的前手翻团身前空翻两周动作质量较高。

    He performed the handspring-double salto forward very well , with high quality .

  25. 对自由体操首次完成前手翻连接直体前空翻转体900°动作的分析

    Analysis of the First Finished Front Handspring and Subsequent Hollow Front Somersault with 900 ° Turn

  26. 前手翻接直体前空翻和直体前空翻转体360度动作的连接技术特征

    The Joining Technical Features of Front Handspring in Layout , Somersault and a Twisting Body Layout

  27. 男子跳马前手翻团身前空翻两周动作踏跳技术的运动学分析

    Kinematic Analysis of Take-off Technique in Handspring with Two Forward Saltos Tucked in Men 's Horse Vaulting

  28. 前手翻接直体前空翻及转体动作支撑环节变化的运动学特征

    Study on Characteristics of Both Support Sections ′ Changes and Movements of Front Handspring and Somersault Forward Stretched With Turn

  29. 本文论述了平衡木前手翻接直体前空翻的动作要领和训练方法,试图在平衡木上完成向前的挂串技巧动作。

    This essay describes the skills and training methods of front airspring on the balance beam so as to complete the movement on the balance beam .

  30. 前手翻在自由体操前空翻类动作发展方面具有较大的潜力。

    Forward handspring has great potentialities in its development among the forward somersault movements in floor exercises .