
  1. 脑瘫患儿则无论学龄前组或学龄组,其重心移动轨迹长度均延长(P<0.01),压力重心面积增大(P<0.01)。

    Length and area were significantly increased in children with cerebral palsy as compared with healthy children ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 各组血清Cr含量均显著低于实验前组,由低到高依次为实验油A、B、C、D组。

    The serum Cr content was lower in A , B , C , D groups than that in the lard group .

  3. 术前组D/F、A/P、α/p小于术后组。

    D / F , A / P , a / p ratios in pre operation group are smaller than in post operation group .

  4. 目的探讨中鼻甲气化的CT表现、诊断标准及分类,评价中鼻甲气化与慢性前组鼻窦炎的关系。

    Objective To investigate the CT findings , diagnostic criteria and categories of concha bullosa , so as to evaluate the relationship between concha bullosa and chronic anterior nasal sinusitis .

  5. 结果与实施APS前组比较,实施APS后组的术后镇痛效果指标(VAS值)显著降低(P<0.01);

    Results Compared with the Pre-APS Group , Post-APS 's mean VAS was significant lower ( P < 0.01 );

  6. 两组在用药后30min,疼痛行为反应评分明显低于用药前组(P<0.05),但各时段两组间比较无显著差异(P>0.05);

    Pain behavior reaction scores in both groups at 30 min after treatment significantly decreased ( P < 0.05 ), but without significant difference at different periods ( P > 0.05 );

  7. MMH与MNHL对比观察,前组有肉芽组织结构,其中有异型细胞,并常见淋巴上皮病表现及容易侵犯血管壁等特点,后组形态与淋巴结内淋巴瘤无异;

    The comparative observation On the MMH and on the MNHL morphologically demonstrated that the former reveals a granulated structure , usually consisting of some atypical cells , lymphoepithelial lession and invasive vascular paries , and that the latter shows a pattern the same as lymphoma of lymph node .

  8. 激光钩突切除术治疗前组鼻窦炎

    Pulse Nd : YAG laser removed uncinate in treating anterior nasosinusitis

  9. 鼻内窥镜下窦口鼻道复合体手术治疗前组付鼻窦炎

    Treatment of Anterior Nasosinusitis by Rhino Sinus Compound Operation under Intranasal Rhinoscope

  10. 在前组疾病中D-二聚体阳性18例(20.93%);

    In the first group the positive of D-dimer was 18 cases ( 20.93 % );

  11. 目的:报告在鼻内窥镜下行窦口鼻道复合体手术治疗前组鼻窦炎、鼻息肉30例。

    Objective : To report the treatment of anterior nasosinusitis by rhino sinus compound operation under an intranasal rhinoscope .

  12. 前组鼻窦脓液细菌培养结果及耐药性分析

    Antibiotic-resistance of the Bacteria in Pus of the Anterior Group of Accessory Sinuses of the Nose : Cultural Results and Analysis

  13. 有前组颅神经侵犯时颅底骨质破坏发生率较高。

    When patients with the front group CNP , the bone erosion of the base of the skull was found more frequent .

  14. 目的:探讨国人前组筛窦的相关解剖变异,为临床手术提供参照数据和资料。

    Objective : To explore anatomical variations of the anterior ethmoid sinus in Chinese people and to provide reference for clinical management .

  15. 根据诱导分化的时间分为:诱导分化前组、诱导分化1周组和诱导分化2周组。

    According to the differentiation time , MSCs were divided into 3 groups : undifferentiated group , 1-week differentiated group and 2-week differentiated group .

  16. 结果:学龄前组儿童慢性扁桃体炎患病率为4.17%,其中3岁组及6岁组为高发年龄组;

    Result : incidence of 4.17 % in the children prior to primary school , in which incidence of three-year - old children group is the highest .

  17. 三者之间无差异。前组颅神经损害、后组颅神经损害或前后组颅神经损害者的5年生存率分别为75.0%、50.0%和16.6%。

    The 5-year survival rates of those with anterior group and both groups were 75 . 0 % , 50 . 0 % qnd 16 . 6 % .

  18. 中鼻甲气化很可能是慢性前组鼻窦炎的潜在危险因素,而且不同气化类型引起鼻窦炎的危险性不尽相同。

    Concha bullosa is probably a potential risk factor for chronic anterior nasal sinusitis , and the degree of risk is somehow different according to different pneumatized types .

  19. 方法:回顾性分析近3年显微外科手术治疗的62例前组循环动脉瘤患者的临床资料、手术方式、手术时机及术后并发症。

    Methods : The clinical data , surgical procedures , opportunities and complications of 62 cases with aneurysms in anterior Willis loop within the latest 3 years were analyzed .

  20. 按病程分为四组:术前组、术后1周组、术后1个月组和术后3个月组。

    According to the course is divided into four groups : preoperative group , 1 week after operation group , 1 month after operation group and 3 months after operation group .

  21. 方法:对16具(32侧)成人尸头的前组筛窦解剖进行研究,同时观察了钩突与眶内侧壁的毗邻结构关系。

    Method : 16 adult cadavers were studied on the applied anatomy of between anterior ethmoid and fossa of lacrimal sac and the anatomic relationship between uncinate process and medial wall of orbit .

  22. 结果术前组鼻黏膜标本可见90%(27/30)的上皮损伤为3期,10%(3/30)为2期;

    Results In nasal mucosa samples of preoperation group , epithelial damage showed 90 % ( 27 / 30 ) of stage 3 and 10 % ( 3 / 30 ) of stage 2 ;

  23. 通过有限元分析表明,裂纹扩展形态与巴西COPPE/UFRJ的实验结果相符合。(2)研究了立管在焊接前组对偏差造成的应力集中和对疲劳寿命的影响。

    The finite element analysis showed that the crack shape and Brazil COPPE / UFRJ the experimental results . ( 2 ) Riser of the group before welding and stress concentration caused by deviation of fatigue life .

  24. 资料与方法:评价HIV/AIDS治疗前组患者腹腔脏器的声像图特征及其与其肝、肾功能、血常规方面的数据有无相关性,并找出其中规律;

    Methods : the correlation between the ultrasonic diagrams of abdominal organs of the 80 HIV / AIDS patients addicted to drugs and the data of their liver function , renal function , blood count was evaluated ;

  25. 在测试肝郁脾虚型厌食患儿的尿木糖吸收率实验中,治疗组48例,对照组22例,两组治疗后前组高于后组差异显著(P<0.05)。

    In testing the urine xylose absorption rate experiment of this type , The 48-cases therapeutic group is higher than the 22-cases control group after the treatment . The group 's difference is prominent ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. 本文从波差理论出发,由前组色差引起的后组入射光线座标变化,导出了衍生二级光谱计算公式,并应用于分离薄透镜系统,得到了简明的结论。

    In this paper , calculation formula for derivative secondary spectrum is derived based on the wave aberration theory , using the change of coordinates for incidence ray on the back group from the front group which has some chromatic aberration .

  27. 在严格掌握手术适应症的前提下,鼻中隔粘膜分离或鼻中隔粘膜下矫正术,前组筛房开放,下鼻甲部分切除的联合手术方式取得显著的近期疗效。

    In the premise of strictly surgical indications , The combined surgical methods of nasal septum mucous membrane dissection or nasal septum submucosal correction , the former group sieve room open , inferior submucous turbinectomy have made significant short-term effect . 3 .

  28. 比较碳酸锂缓释片与普通片治疗躁狂症各95例的疗效,结果前组有效率显著高于后组(P<0.01)。

    Sustained-release tablet ( S ) and ordinary tablet ( 0 ) of Li2CO3 were used to treat mania , 95 patients in each group . The response rates in groups S and O were statistically significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 使用衍射元件几乎不增加系统的重量,在匹兹伐物镜的前组引入衍射元件能够减少一片大尺寸的折射透镜,减轻系统的总重。

    Use of diffractive optical element nearly does not increase any system weight . Through introducing a diffractive optical element in the front group of the Petzval objective , a piece of large size lens can be saved so that its weight decreases considerable .

  30. 其主要并发症两组仍以产后出血及感染为主,但感染率前组(4.8%)明显的低于后组(42.9%),这可能与术前常规应用抗菌素有关。

    The main complications in both groups were postpartum hemorrhage and infection . That the infection rate of the anterior group ( 4.8 % ) was significantly lower than that of the posterior ( 42.7 % ) . It was probably related to the routine use of antibiotics .