
qián shì yìng
  • preadaptation
前适应[qián shì yìng]
  1. 结果术前适应症选择不当;

    Result Preoperational indications were not properly chosen ;

  2. 结论精神分裂症患者儿童期病前适应困难可能增高未来攻击行为发生的风险。

    Conclusion The data indicate that difficulties in social relationships during childhood increase the risk of future violent behavior among schizophrenic patients .

  3. 本文对该分流术前适应症的选择和手术前后门脉系血流动力学的彩色双工多普勒改变进行分析比较和讨论。

    The paper analyses and discusses the patient selection , indication of TIPSS and the hemodpnamic changes of portal system before and after TIPSS detected by color duplex dopper .

  4. 许多商学院已对面向国际学生的开学前适应项目予以大量投入,其中包括帮助学生找房子、开设一个本地银行账户、获取一部手机,等等。

    Many schools already invest heavily in preterm orientation programs for international students , which can include help with a housing search , opening a local bank account or obtaining a cellphone .

  5. 不同生育期水稻根系对干旱的反应,以返青期至拔节孕穗前适应能力最强,后期土壤干旱,易导致其根系早衰。

    The rice roots can adapt to drought best from returning green stage to before jointing booting , It is easy to lead to premature senescence of rice roots if soil drought at later growth stages . 7 .

  6. 方法所有SD大鼠经循环光环境适应7天,实验前暗适应36小时,分别于光照3、6、9、12、15、18小时,灌流固定,摘除眼球。

    Methods All Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained under cyclic light environment for 7 days , the rats were kept in darkness for 36 hours before experiment . The rats were killed after 3,6,9,12,15 and 18 hours continuous intense white light exposure .

  7. 目的:探讨TCD在测定椎基底动脉血流参数中的作用以及做为颈部推拿前筛选适应证的价值。

    To provide a basis of the Transcranial Doppler ( TCD ) on the parametric measurement of blood flow of vertebral artery and basilar artery and its clinical value for screening the patients of cervical manipulations .

  8. 舟山地区学龄前儿童适应行为的调查

    Study on preschool children ′ s adaptive behaviors on Zhoushan island

  9. 目的了解学龄前儿童适应行为的影响因素,为促进其适应行为发展提供指导依据。

    Objective To study on influential factors of preschool children 's adaptive behavior , and to provide guidance for promoting their adaptive behavior .

  10. 光照射前暗适应24小时,然后接受光照射,用强度为2380±569Lux绿色荧光灯为致伤光源,连续光照射24小时建立连续性光损伤模型;

    The green fluorescent lamp of 2380 ± 569 Lux was used as injury light source , Continuous damage group were illuminated for 24 hours continuously ;

  11. “是一个师兄教我这么做的。因此,我可以在被论文和作业压垮前重新适应校园生活。”他说。

    " An upperclassman gave me the tip , so that I could readapt to college life before feeling overwhelmed by all the essays and assignments ," he said .

  12. 结果学龄前儿童适应行为发展水平与儿童的居住地区、母亲文化程度、教育方式、营养状况及小儿月花费有关。

    Result The development level of adapt behavior is related with living ares , mother 's level of education , ways of education , state of nutrition , money of spent for children , etc.

  13. 结论学龄前儿童适应行为受家庭环境及教养方式影响,父母应为儿童创造良好的生活环境,采取适当的教养方式,促进其适应行为的发展。

    Conclusion Preschool children 's adaptive behavior was influenced by home environment and education methods . Parents should provide good home environment and take adequate education methods , so as to promote their adaptive behavior .

  14. 实证研究显示,为了保证改革的收益,必须在机场私有化前建立适应私有化变化后的条件,避免机场滥用垄断势力,保证私人投资安全的管制制度。

    Some empirical research indicate that before privatization government should set up regulation system which can adapt to variational condition , avoid abusing monopoly power , and ensure safety of private investment in order to achieve goals of reform .

  15. 对Parkin基因外显子的突变的检测,成为术前选择手术适应证的一个非常重要的判定指标。

    The detection of Parkin gene mutation will be the important operative indication .

  16. 出现的失误和并发症与术前准备、适应证的选择、DHS的选用、手术技术及术后功能锻炼指导等医源性因素有关。

    The errors and complications are related to iatrogenic factors such as inadequate preoperative preparation , improper DHS choice , unskillful surgical technique , and improper postoperative functional exercise .

  17. 术前选择有适应症的患者,术中重建粘膜平坦、大于1cm的阴道前庭以及术后辅以必要的药物有助于提高疗效。

    Choosing suitable patients , making mucosa smooth , lengthening vaginal vestibule longer than 1 cm and administering necessary medicine after operation are important in improving the therapeutic effect .

  18. 家庭因素对学龄前儿童社会适应行为的影响

    The effect of family factors on social adaptive behavior of preschool children

  19. 比尔博·巴金斯,在我们旅程结束前你还要适应其他东西。

    And a good many other things , Bilbo Baggins before we reach our journey 's end .

  20. 结论子宫动脉栓塞治疗子宫肌瘤能有效的改善症状,缩小瘤体,失败率低,严重并发症少。术前严格选择适应症,术后预防感染是降低并发症的关键。

    Conclusions UAE is an effective treatment for fibroid with significant fibroid reduction , few complications and low failure rate .

  21. 讨论了激光切除前膜的适应证及术后前膜复发的因素。

    The indication of laser ablation for the anterior surface membrane and the cause of postoperative recurrence on the anterior surface were discussed .

  22. 结果:共调查病例676例,应用醒脑静的前10种适应证中18.0%与药品说明书不符,17.5%缺乏临床研究证据支持;

    RESULTS : A total of 676 cases were sampled with more than 25 kinds of indications , and among the top 10 indications , 18.0 % were inconsistent with the instruction , and 17.5 % were in lack of evidence support such as randomized controlled trials .

  23. 你好,这里还有一个前一段时间适应天堂享受永恒之塔怪物。

    Hello there , well here a AION Monster adapted to Lineage some time ago enjoy .

  24. 目的建设具有武警特色的现代化院前急救系统,适应处置突发事件卫勤保障的需要。

    Objective To establish modern pre-hospital emergency medical service system ( EMSS ) with the characteristics of the Armed Police Forus .

  25. 一份研究发现大约700万年前,颗石藻必须适应大气中的低二氧化碳含量。

    A study finds that some seven million years ago , the algae had to adapt to low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere .

  26. 张瑞敏坚称,海尔的前员工已经开始适应行业变革——找到和互联网相关联的新角色,作为小微企业主和海尔合作,或者向海尔提供服务。

    Zhang insists that Haier 's former workers are already adapting to industrial change - finding new internet-linked roles as small-scale entrepreneurs , collaborating with Haier or selling services to it .