
  • 网络Front End Engineer;WEB
  1. 优秀的前端工程师应该知道在什么情况下使用哪种方案更合适,而在什么情况下应该重新选择。

    A good front end engineer knows when to use a particular solution and when to consider other alternatives .

  2. •前端工程师:项目上马时工作时间过长,某些时候无暇顾及工作和生活的平衡。

    • front end Engineer : long hours during project launches and work / life balance takes a backseat at some points .

  3. 室内地图显示控制SDK目前已经开放使用,Web前端工程师可调用它给用户提供各类地图服务。

    Web front-end engineers can call it which provides users with all kinds of map service .

  4. 不像其他方案需要附加的库或插件,Dojo和YUI有现代前端工程师需要的一切(甚至更多)。

    Unlike other solutions that involve additional libraries or plug-ins , Dojo and YUI have everything ( and more ) that today 's front-end engineer could want .

  5. 对一名前端工程师来说,这绝对是最重要的能力。

    This is an absolutely critical skill to have as a front-end engineer .

  6. 要成为一名优秀的前端工程师,最重要的莫过于对自己做的事要有激情。

    Perhaps the most important part of being a good front-end engineer is enthusiasm for what you do .

  7. 一个方案无效就无计可施的人,做不了前端工程师。

    You can 't be one of those people who gets deterred when the first solution doesn 't work .

  8. 我们的技能都不是从学校中或者研讨会上学来的,因此前端工程师必须具备自学能力。

    We haven 't been taught our skills in college or in seminars , so front-end engineers need to be self-taught .

  9. 从某种意义上说,优秀的前端工程师就像是一位大使,需要时刻抱着外交官的心态来应对每一天的工作。

    A good front end engineer is an ambassador , of sorts , and needs to have that mentality on a day-to-day basis .

  10. 我告诫新来的前端工程师最多的一句话,就是不要在没有作出评估之前就随便接受某项任务。

    One of the most important things I tell new front end engineers is not to simply agree to do tasks without first reviewing them .

  11. 我虽然不能强迫谁必须多看博客、不断学习,但想应聘前端工程师的人恐怕还是必须得这么做。

    I can 't force someone to follow blogs and keep trying to learn more , that has to be something the candidate brings to the table .

  12. 在昨天的应聘者中,只有一个人的问题是我认为最好的,那个人问我:“你觉得怎么才能成为优秀的前端工程师?”

    Yesterday 's candidate I think asked me the best question I 've heard yet : " What would you say makes a good front end engineer ?"

  13. 作为一名前端工程师,最值得高兴的事莫过于解决同一个问题会有很多种不同的方法,而你要做的就是找出最合适的方法来。

    The thing that makes front-end engineering so interesting is that there are multiple ways to solve the same problem , and it 's the context that determines the correct approach .

  14. Weebly是一家让用户利用定制软件工具创建网站的服务提供商,该公司的前端工程师南森o格雷迪认为,对免费员工餐征税的想法“令人尴尬”。

    Nathan Grady , a front-end engineer at Weebly , a service that lets users build web sites with custom software tools , called the idea of taxing free food awkward .

  15. 作为前端开发工程师,你有能力编写复杂的代码,但你真正需要的是你最喜爱的,可信赖的文本编辑器。

    You can make writing code as complicated as you want , but at the end of the day , all you really need is your favorite , trusty text editor .