
qián tīng
  • a lobby;vestibule;antechamber;foyer
前厅 [qián tīng]
  • [antechamber] 位于通往主要房间前面的房间或门厅,可作会客接待室

  • 住宅的前厅

前厅[qián tīng]
  1. 现代观演建筑前厅设计研究

    The Research on Antechamber of Modern Architecture for Performing Arts

  2. 埃姆斯,埃姆斯,快到前厅去。

    Eames ! Eames , get to the antechamber now !

  3. 我在博物馆的前厅遇见了她。

    I met her in the lobby of the museum .

  4. 他在前厅耐心地等了一个小时。

    He had been patiently waiting in the anteroom for an hour .

  5. 她把我领进了她用作办公室的前厅。

    She ushered me into the front room , which served as her office

  6. 他们进入了前厅,跺着靴子,蹦跳着抖掉身上的雪。

    They came into the front hall , stamping their boots and jumping up and down to knock the snow off

  7. Jill说前厅……我也要说前厅。

    Chandler : Jill says vestibule ... I 'm going with vestibule .

  8. 她的博美犬名叫“周宝宝”,精神十足,围绕在她身边。她带我们走过前厅,这里挂着朱利安·施纳贝尔(JulianSchnabel)和达米安·赫斯特(DamienHirst)的油画。

    With her spunky Pomeranian , Baby Chow , capering about her feet , Mrs. Chow walked us through the entry hall , where paintings by Julian Schnabel and Damien Hirst are hung .

  9. 部长们在内阁的前厅等着开会。

    The ministers waited for their meeting in the cabinet anteroom .

  10. 到旅馆门前接你们。还有,请你叫如梅在十点半钟到旅馆前厅等凯西。

    Tell Rumei to meet Kathy in the hotel lobby at10:30 ?

  11. 从总库为前厅各部门申请并领取所需用品。

    Requisition items from general store room for front office sections .

  12. 谈前厅、客房服务与管理课程教学

    On Teaching of Service and Management of Reception Desk and Guest Room

  13. 里克站在我的宿舍前厅里,那么高大,那么英俊。

    Rick stood in my dorm lobby , so tall and handsome .

  14. 我们前厅部全体人员祝您新年快乐!

    From all of us in front office : Happy New Year !

  15. 前厅与客房管理课程的教学改革实践

    Teaching Reform Practice of the Course on Front Office and Housekeeping Management

  16. 行李领班,礼宾主管,前厅部经理。

    Bell Captain , Concierge , Front Office Manager .

  17. 根据领导指示,准确打印和分发文件给前厅部相关部门。

    Print and distribute reports to front office relevant sections according to instruction .

  18. 维护前厅部所有文档管理体系。

    Maintain general filing systems for front office administration .

  19. 他们从前厅走进另一个房间。

    From the ante-room they walked into another room .

  20. 我家的前厅也就是我从事治疗的诊所。

    I work in my front room , which doubles as the clinic .

  21. 负责领导和作出决定,并管理前厅。

    Leading the Front Desk , monitoring performance , providing guidance and make .

  22. 她做手势让我们穿过接待前厅走向起居室。

    She motioned us through the reception area toward a sitting - room .

  23. 递交第一份价格差异报告给前厅部经理。

    Submit the1st set of the Rate Discrepancy Report to the Front Office Manager .

  24. “这间前厅里的大理石像太普通了,”基督山说。

    " These are but indifferent marbles in this ante-chamber ," said Monte cristo .

  25. “把这些花搬到前厅更衣室去,”子爵说。

    " Take these flowers into the anteroom or dressing-room ," said the viscount ;

  26. 前厅很小,两侧各有一间餐厅。

    The vestibule is small , as are the two dining rooms on either side .

  27. 这个世界显然是另一个世界的前厅,这儿没有幸福的人。

    In this world , evidently the vestibule of another , there are no fortunate .

  28. 为前厅部会议提供信息。

    Provides input for Front Office meetings .

  29. 她把那书放在前厅的家用圣经上。

    She put the book in the front room on top of the family Bible .

  30. 至集合点听取前厅部经理和人事部经理报告人数清点的结果。

    D.Listen to the report of Front Office Manager and Human Resource Manager at assembly point .