
chuí qiú
  • plumb;plummet
垂球[chuí qiú]
  1. 传统的古建筑测绘以直尺和角尺、垂球等工具直接量取建筑物及其构件的尺寸,而获取的最终资料是“图样”(即图纸)和一些文字记录。

    In traditional ancient architecture mapping , the dimension of the architecture and its components is directly measured through the tools such as ruler or ruler with plummet , while the final acquired material is pattern ( also called drawing ) and some character record .

  2. 双标准纬线圆锥投影双锥-垂球扭摆粘度计

    Conic projection with two standard parallels

  3. 三齿轮联动双曲柄四环板式针摆行星传动的研究双锥-垂球扭摆粘度计

    The Research of Double Crank Four Ring-Plate-Type Cycloid Reducer Drived by Three Gears ; bicone-bob torsion pendulum viscometer

  4. 总结传统垂球法测算斜插角钢坡比的不足,介绍利用经纬仪精确测算角钢坡比的新方法。

    Based on the summarization about deficiencies in traditional way calculating and controlling slope of embedded inclined-angle-iron with plummet , a new method on using theodolite was introduced .