
  • 网络vertical hemilaryngectomy
  1. 水平垂直半喉切除术41例报告

    A Preliminary Evaluation of the Horizontal-Vertical Hemilaryngectomy in 41 cases

  2. 颈部单蒂水平肌皮瓣在垂直半喉切除术中的应用垂直半喉切除术患者鼻音的定量评价

    Application of cervical horizontal muscle with single pedicel and its involved flaps to vertical hemilaryngectomy

  3. 气管套管的总体拔管率为76.7%,但各种术式的拔管率有所不同,扩大垂直半喉切除术的拔管率明显低于其他术式;

    The total decannulation rate is 76.7 % and difference is found between enlarged-vertical hemilaryngectomy and the other types of operations .

  4. 局部复发5例,其中4例再行扩大垂直半喉切除术补救治疗,观察5年无复发;

    Additional extended vertical laryngectomy was then performed for 4 cases of them and no recurrence was found after 5 year follow-up .