
  • 网络vertical component;perpendicular component;normal component
  1. GPS组合天线相位中心垂直分量偏差的试验测定

    Testing mensuration of the vertical component deviation of phase center of GPS antenna combinations

  2. 按理论地震图公式,直达P波和S波地表垂直分量位移由地震矩、震源幅射和介质响应之积组成。

    According to theoretical seismogram , the vertical component of displacement of P-wave or S-wave is multiplied by seismic moment , source radiation pattern and the response of the medium .

  3. 在多分量地震勘探资料中,水平和垂直分量都记录有P波和SV波。本文研究了P波和SV波波场分解的方法。

    In multi-component seismic exploration , the horizontal and vertical components both contain P - and SV-waves .

  4. 本文基于GPS网环闭合差三维坐标分量限值相等的前提,从理论上推证出水平分量限值和垂直分量限值的确切比例关系;

    Based on equal limit value of 3-D coordinate component , this paper derives the definite relation formula for horizontal component or vertical one .

  5. 此线的东北与西南,地磁湾扰、磁暴急始等短周期事件垂直分量的变化△z呈现反号。

    △ Z ( Changes in the Vertical field ) for the sudden storm commencements and geomagnetic bays to the northeast and southwest of this line appear opposite in signs .

  6. 利用嘉峪关地磁垂直分量1993-1998年的资料,系统分析了嘉峪关地区地磁场Z分量的年变形态。

    We use the documents about the geomagnetic vertical component of Jiayuguan from 1993 to 1998 to comprehensively analyze the annually changed configuration of the geomagnetic Z component in this area .

  7. 小偏移距时,P波主要呈现在压强及垂直分量上,SV波则主要分布在水平分量上,波场呈分离状态。

    · In short offset case , P wave mainly occurs in the pressure component and the vertical component while SV wave exists in the horizontal component . Their wave fields are separate .

  8. 通过分析颜色空间,提出了在红色分量中嵌入水印的方法。嵌入算法是将在载体的二级小波变换(DWT)的垂直分量上嵌入有水印信息的全息图,恢复水印信息无需载体。

    Hologram watermarking method based on discrete wavelet transform ( DWT ) is proposed , the watermark is embedded in the vertical component of secondary wavelet coefficients of red component .

  9. 用北京台、大连台1983年至1986年的地磁资料,做了地磁总场F相关分析和垂直分量Z差值分析。

    Making use of geomagnetic data from 1983 to 1986 in Dalian and Beijing Observatories , correlative analysis of the total geomagnetic field F and difference-value analysis of the geomagnetic vertical Component Z have been also given in this paper .

  10. 本文提出了基于混沌理论和DWT的数字图像水印改进算法,将混沌加密后的水印图像嵌入至宿主图像的DWT垂直分量中,进行能量划分,确定了自适应的嵌入强度,反映HVS特性。

    We embed the watermark image encrypted by chaos into the vertical DWT component of the host image . According to the energy , we determine the embedment strength to reflect the HVS .

  11. 实验表明,同种类型同种型号的GPS接收机天线之间,其相位中心垂直分量偏差的差值在1mm左右甚至小于1mm;

    It is verified by the practical example that the difference of the same model of same type of GPS receiver antennas phase center vertical component deviations is about 1 mm or less than ( 1 mm . )

  12. 对比各剖面三个分量的峰值加速度的最大值,可以看到,P-SV波的径向分量的最大值近似为垂直分量的2倍。

    From the maximum value of peak ground acceleration ( PGA ) along all profiles , it 's found that the radial component is about 2 times larger than the vertical component .

  13. 地面重锤横向敲击枕木激发的水平分量的SH型横波数据信噪比较高,其垂直分量纵波初至的信噪比不高;

    The S / N ratio in SH-wave data of horizontal components shooting by hammer on the surface hammering at sleeper laterally is higher , but S / N ratio of the first breaks of P-wave in vertical components is not high ;

  14. 大气电场较强的区域主要在20km以下的低层大气区,其垂直分量比水平分量大4个数量级。

    The region with strong electric field is mainly in the lower atmosphere with altitudes below 20km , where the vertical components are 4-orders of magnitude larger than the horizontal components .

  15. 传到建筑物的振动以20Hz以内的低频振动为主,且垂直分量振动幅度高于水平分量。

    The vibration in vertical weight attenuates more slowly than in horizontal weight , and the amplitude in vertical weight is higher than in horizontal weight .

  16. 利用人类视觉模型,提出一种新颖的基于MPEG-2运动矢量(MV)的视频水印方案,通过修改运动矢量的水平或垂直分量达到嵌入水印的目的。

    Based on the HVS ( Human Visual System ) model , this thesis proposed a novel video watermarking algorithm using motion vector for MPEG-2 video stream , which by adjusting the horizontal or vertical component value of motion vector to embed the watermark information .

  17. 模拟结果表明,其磁场垂直分量的变化对这种结构来说是相当灵敏的,采用MOI技术可以用来探测隐藏在紧固件帽下面的缺陷。

    Simulation results revealed that the change in the vertical component of the magnetic field is noticeable for this configuration , and that MOI can be used to detect hidden flaws covered by the fastener cap .

  18. 用Bernese软件进行数据处理时,计算出了各种组合天线之间的相位中心垂直分量偏差的差值,获得了毫米级的精度。

    The differences of antenna phase center vertical component deviations of all combinations were figured out and the mm-level measuring precision was achieved when Bernese software was used to process the data .

  19. 对应试件加载前、静载拉伸过程中不同的载荷水平以及断裂后等不同阶段,分别采用EMS-2003磁记忆诊断仪检测试样表面磁场强度垂直分量信号的变化。

    Normal component of surface magnetic field intensity signals were measure by EMS-2003 metal magnetic memory instrument in the whole tensile process .

  20. 对大多数站所得解的站座标的精度:南北分量是1~2mm,东西分量是2~5mm,垂直分量是5~10mm;

    The precision of coordinates obtained by us for most sites is 1 ~ 2 mm for north south component and 2 ~ 5 mm for west east component and 5 ~ 10 mm for vertical component , respectively .

  21. 应用FHD磁力仪垂直分量分钟值观测资料,初步分析了地震之前的日变空间相关性异常。

    By using the data of FHD vector proton precession magnetometer in the 1.0 min. sampling rate , we preliminary analyzed the anomalies of daily-variation spatial correlation before an earthquake occurred in this paper .

  22. 然后详细推导了水平层状介质条件下,基于Cole-Cole模型中心回线瞬变电磁法阶跃响应的求解及计算方法,并得出了圆回线中心磁场垂直分量的表达式。

    Then the level of layered media is derived in detail under the conditions , based on Cole-Cole model of central loop transient electromagnetic method to solve the step response and calculation methods , and obtained a circular loop center of the magnetic field vertical component of the expression .

  23. 对湿位涡的分析表明,当700hPa附近的湿位涡垂直分量小于0同时湿位涡在等压面上的垂直分量大于0时较易产生大暴雨。

    Further more , the analysis of wet potential vorticity indicates that heavy rainstorms are more likely to occur while the vertical component of moist potential vorticity being less than 0 and the vertical component of moist potential vorticity at the isobaric surface being greater than 0 near 700 hPa .

  24. 地磁垂直分量静日变幅的纬度效应

    Latitude effect on QUIET-DAY variation amplitude of geomagnetic vertical component

  25. 磁场的垂直分量表征介质的水平不均匀性。

    The vertical component of magnetic field can describe inhomogeneity of median .

  26. 海底电缆数据中压力分量与垂直分量的分析与应用

    Analysis and application of pressure and vertical components of the ocean-bottom cable data

  27. 地磁垂直分量日变幅逐日比及其与地震关系的探讨

    Ratio of daily variation amplitude of geomagnetic vertical component and its relation with earthquake

  28. 地磁垂直分量低点位移与青海省中强地震

    A prediction method of geomagnetic low-point displacement and the moderate earthquakes in Qinghai Province

  29. 在本文的结束部分提出了用变分法估算风场垂直分量,并给出了方法步骤。

    The vertical velocity is going to be estimated by using a variational analysis method .

  30. 用有限元法计算二维重力场垂直分量及重力位二阶导数

    Calculation of vertical component of 2D gravitational field and second derivative of gravitational potential by finite