
  1. 北京虽有着雾霾天气位居全球最严重之列的名声,但这并无碍于该城市开放它的高空、举办中国有史以来第一次垂直马拉松比赛。

    Despite its reputation for harboring some of the world 's worst smog , Beijing is offering up its skies to host China 's first-ever vertical marathon .

  2. 赛事组织方称,在今年台北101大楼垂直马拉松比赛中,速度最快的选手以10分52秒攀登完了近390米的赛程,如此短的时间对于极限运动来说真是令人难以置信。

    The fastest runner in the Taipei 101 race this year climbed to the top of 0.24-mile tower in a time of 10 minutes 52 seconds , organizers said , noting that such a time is incredible for the extreme sport .