
  • 网络Beijing LGBT center
  1. 门票部分收入将支持北京同志中心的日常运营。

    Part of the proceeds from the cover charge will go toward the daily operations of the Beijing LGBT Center .

  2. 北京同志中心有幸邀请到了四位知名美国艺术家,一同讨论他们作为同志和艺术家经历,以及他们的身份认同在作品中的体现。

    The Beijing LGBT Center is pleased to host four accomplished American artists to discuss their experiences as being both LGBT and an artist , and how their identity informs their work .

  3. 大家在派对上每购买一张饮料券,我们就会给北京同志中心捐助20元。

    So for every drinks ticket purchased , 20rmb goes to the Beijing LGBT centre .

  4. 由联合国开发计划署、北京大学社会学系和北京同志中心联合实施、由来自全国和当地社区、商业和媒体组织的大力支持,这项调查的目的是为社区和机构组织提供基准信息。

    Jointly implemented by UNDP , Peking University Sociology Department and the Beijing LGBT Center , with great support from dozens of national and local community , business and media organizations , the survey aims to provide baseline information for both community and institutional organizations .