
  1. 磁存储技术由于其不易丢失数据等优点,已经成为最经济的数据存储技术并得到广泛的应用。

    Magnetic storage is the most economic form of nonvolatile storage for many applications .

  2. 随着信息存储需求的不断提高,磁存储技术作为最主要的存储方式,其研究与发展受到学术界与工业界的广泛关注。

    As the demand for information storage continuously increases , magnetic recording has been widely studied and developed as the chief data-storage technique , gaining intense interest both from academe and industry .

  3. 磁光盘存储技术综述

    Overview of Magneto - optical Disk Recording Technologies

  4. 在磁表面存储技术中一种表示数据的方法,例如改进型调频制。

    A method of representing data in magnetizable surface storage ; for example , " modified frequency modulation " .

  5. 同时身为第二代磁电阻式存储技术(MRAM)的STT-RAM据称还可以弥补第一代MRAM的主要缺点。

    STT-RAM is also said to solve the key drawbacks of first-generation , field-switched magnetic-RAM ( MRAM ) .

  6. 医院信息管理中光盘、磁存储、缩微存储技术比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Light-Disc , Magnetic and Micro Storage in Hospital Information Management