
  • 网络Magnet-diode;SMD;Magneto-diode;magnetodiode
  1. 双注入型磁敏二极管的设计

    A design of double injection type magneto-diode

  2. 本文总结了我们研究成功的一种用磁敏二极管与磁钢组成的新型传感器&磁敏多功能固态传感器。

    This paper is a research report of a new magnet-sensitive multifunction solid-state transducer which is composed of Sony Magnetic Diode ( SMD ) and permanent magnet .

  3. 磁敏二极管是二十世纪七十年代迅速发展起来的一种新型磁敏器件,它具有磁灵敏度高、体积小、响应速度快等优点。

    Magnetic diode seventies which develops in the twentieth century rapidly is a new type of magnetic device , which has high magnetic sensitivity , small size , fast response and so on .