
  • 网络Detector diode;detection Diodes
  1. 适合超声波热压键合,可以取代常用的键合Au丝。宽频带晶体检波器采用混合集成工艺,用热压键合的方法把低势垒肖特基检波二极管的管芯焊接在微带电路上。

    It was able to replace the conventionally used Au wire for Thermosonic welding method . A hybrid integration technology is given here for the broadband crystal detector .

  2. 采用微波混合集成电路设计方法,用二只并联PIN二极管芯片和一只检波二极管芯片,在很小的腔体内制作了微波限幅器模块。

    The microwave limiter modules have been designed and fabricated with hybrid integrated circuit in a small size , it has been fabricated with two PIN diode chips and a single detector diode chip .

  3. 微波晶体检波二极管分段定标方法的研究

    Study on the Subsection Calibration Method of Microwave Crystal Diode Radio - detector

  4. 微波晶体检波二极管的计算机辅助定标

    Computer Aided Calibration of Microwave Crystal Detector

  5. 锗点接触型检波二极管

    Germanium point-contact detector diode

  6. 本文阐述了利用驻波法对微波晶体检波二极管进行分段定标的方法。

    A subsection calibration method for microwave crystal diode detector using stationary wave curve is presented in the paper .

  7. 针对电场探头应用的天线及检波电路进行了讨论,采用线性-非线性的分析方法对偶极子与检波二极管组成的检波电路进行了解析分析。

    The diode circuit of the E-field probe was discussed . A novel linear-nonlinear analytical approach was used here to analyze the demodulation circuit .