
  • 网络Search Approach;Retrieval Approach
  1. 繁体字版中文图书检索途径初探

    On the Retrieval Approach of Donated Books Printed in the Complicated Type of Chinese Characters

  2. 提供高效便捷的知识检索途径是知识管理系统走向实用化的关键,但传统的检索方法会遗漏大量有用信息而不适用于知识管理系统。

    Providing an convenient retrieval approach is the key issue to knowledge management system ( KMS ), but general approaches are not suitable for KMS because they may omit useful information .

  3. 本文对2005年最新版WEBOFSCIENCE数据库的新增检索途径、检索界面和链接功能进行介绍;

    The paper introduced the new retrieval way , search interface , and link function of Web of Science Database in 2005 new ed.

  4. 如何快捷、全面而又准确地从Internet上获得林业信息资源是值得研究的课题。论文根据林业信息的分布,结合作者的实践经验,讨论了林业信息的检索途径。

    The distribution of forestry information were introduced , and some ways of searching forestry information on Internet were discussed in this paper .

  5. FAO网站水产信息资源利用与检索途径

    Utilization of Fishery Information Resource and Search Approach at FAO Website

  6. 对OPAC研究中所提出的改进建议进行了评述,归纳出三种方法:增加主题检索途径,改进书目记录,如增补目次和书后索引再结合自动截断等;

    Three improved methods are drawn from OPAC studies in the paper : ( 1 ) Some subject search approaches are added for enhancement of bibliographic records ;

  7. J-Bisc以菜单方式提供书名、作者名、关键词等检索途径,并支持数据下载和卡片输出等馆内业务。

    J-Bisc supplies book name , author name , and other retrieval approaches through manu way and supports internal business such as unloading data and outputting card .

  8. 有多种检索途径,例如作者、题名、主题或通用关键词等。

    How many ways can you retrieve items in this system ?

  9. 从检索途径看国内检索期刊质量问题

    Reviewing the Quality of Domestic Retrieval Periodicals from Retrieval Channels

  10. 网上林业信息资源的检索途径

    On searching approaches of forestry information resources on the internet

  11. 互联网上免费美术信息资源的检索途径

    Searching approaches for free information resources of fine arts on the Internet

  12. 文章详细介绍了重要的条约文献汇编体系,提供了获取条约全文资料的检索途径和方法。

    It also introduces the ways and methods of full text treaty retrieval .

  13. 美国《生物学文摘》的检索途径和方法

    Retrieval Route and Approaches in the American Biological Abstracts

  14. 失效专利信息资源在科技查新中的利用价值与检索途径

    Utilization Value and Retrieval Means of Invalid Patent Information Resources in Sci-Tech Current Awareness

  15. 论计算机查目系统中分类检索途径的作用

    The Function of Classified Search Way in OPAC

  16. 论网络电子期刊及其检索途径

    On Network Electronic Periodicals and Index Routes

  17. 因特网信息检索途径

    The Approaches of Searching Information on Internet

  18. 检索途径有三种:目录检索、关键词组合检索或代码检索。

    There are three searching approaches : catalog searching , key words searching and code searching .

  19. 信用数据的市场开放度低,缺乏个人信息的正常获取和检索途径;

    Low degree of opening of credit data market , lack of normal access to individual information ;

  20. 该系统具有多种检索途径,既可使用主题法,也可使用分类法进行检索。

    This system can retrieve information in different ways and provides search by both subject method and classification .

  21. 分类主题一体化则直接用于超文本系统,并为用户提供经济有效的多种检索途径;

    Classification Subject Entirety is directly used in hypertext systems , and supplies users with economical and effective search approaches .

  22. 本章主要从检索途径、用户界面以及数据库利用等方面进行比较研究。

    This part mainly makes a comparative study from the approaches of retrieval , user interface and application of database .

  23. 索引是分类法的一种重要工具,提供从主题到类目的检索途径,具有集中显示分散在分类表中有关同一事物各方面的类目的功用。

    Index is an important tool of library classifications , which provides the access to a class number from a subject term .

  24. 本文主要介绍实现关键词检索途径中的抽词处理、检索处理和维护处理方法

    Discussed in this paper are problems along the path of key-word indexing realization , such as word selection , index processing and maintenance methods

  25. 加深著录深度增加检索途径&浅谈多元化、立体式机读目录数据库的建立

    Deepening the Depth of Description and Increasing the Approaches of Index & Briefly talk about the establishment of MARC database with diversification and stereoscopy

  26. 《中图法》只提供分类检索途径,《冒号分类法》既可从分类途径又可从主题途径进行检索。

    The Chinese Library Classification can only provide classification retrieving while the Colon classification can be used to retrieve both by classification and by theme .

  27. 伴随着信息资源的泛滥,人们发现传统的信息检索途径已经愈来愈难以快速的检索到自己所关心、所需要的信息知识。

    Because of the proliferation of information resources , people found that it became harder and harder to retrieval the information that they concerned through traditional retrieval way .

  28. 文章介绍我国及国外科技报告收费与免费的检索途径与方法,同时介绍了科技报告原文获取的途径。

    The paper introduces detailedly how to retrieve science technical reports of China and foreign countries , and introduces the obtaining methods for original text of the science technical reports .

  29. 阐述了网络资源的特点和检索途径,提出了高校图书馆利用网络资源服务于教学、科研的措施。

    This paper expounds the characteristics and retrieval approaches of the network resources , and advances some measures for university library to utilize the network resources in the teaching and scientific research .

  30. 现代方药证治规律研究1.研究方法现代方剂的选择以维普数据库为主要检索途径,结合图书手工检索方式。

    ⅱ Study on the law of modern differentiation therapies and prescriptions (ⅰ) MethodsThe choice of the modern prescriptions depends on the VIP database as the main retrieval , combining with manual retrieval methods .