
  • 网络retrieval effectiveness;efficiency of retrieval;efficiency;Search Performance;retrieval ratio
  1. 高维索引技术是研究通过建立索引结构来提高高维数据库上检索效率的一门科学。

    Recently , increasing researchers focus on high-dimensional index technology , which is a science of improving the retrieval effectiveness of high-dimensional database by establishment of index structure .

  2. 改进一种基于局部区分区域特征的三维模型检索方法,提高了检索效率。

    Improve a 3D model retrieval method based on the local distinctive region feature which can improve the retrieval effectiveness .

  3. 用信息-摘要算法提高Web信息检索效率的研究

    Using Message-Digest Algorithm for Improving Efficiency of Web Information Searching

  4. DC元数据与网络信息的检索效率

    Retrieval Efficiency of DC Metadata and Net Information

  5. 经过初步实践表明,智能Agent用于提高信息检索效率和减小网络信息过载是可行和有效的。

    Intelligent agent is doable and efficacious to increase the efficiency of information retrieval and to lighten network jam by preliminary practice .

  6. 其中,元素索引是直接对XML文档中的元素进行索引的一类方法,能有效地提高XML结点之间包含关系、文档位置关系的连接,从而提高检索效率。

    The element index directly index the XML element , which can detect the containment relationship , document position relation efficiently .

  7. 该文针对利用GIS现有空间查询接口进行海量遥感栅格数据库空间可视化检索效率低下的问题。

    It is inefficient to visually retrieve image on magnanimous remote sensing raster image data base by some GIS spatial query interface .

  8. 同时有效降低了CPU时间和I/O次数,提高了检索效率。

    It also reduces the CPU time and I / O number and improves the retrieval efficiency .

  9. Web服务发现的研究目标是检索效率(比如查全率和查准率)和自动化程度的提高。

    The main purpose of the research on Web Services Discovery is to increase the search efficiency ( such as recall ratio and precision ratio ) and to realize the discovery automation .

  10. 中文Google和百度是大陆网民最常使用的两个中文搜索引擎,因此对其检索效率的比较分析就显得格外重要。

    Chinese Google and Baidu are two popular search engines in our Chinese users . So it is important to analyse their retrieval efficiency .

  11. 通过大量对比实验,证明了本文提出的算法相对于传统SVM算法有更高的检索效率。

    The large number of experiments shows the approach proposed in the paper has a higher retrieval efficiency compared with traditional SVM .

  12. 为了提高检索效率,需要适合CBIR的索引。

    Hence , the effective and efficient index is needed for CBIR .

  13. PageRank技术分析与搜索引擎检索效率研究

    The Technical Analysis of PageRank and the Efficiency Study of Search Engines

  14. 提高图书馆OPAC检索效率的策略

    Strategies of Improving Literature Search Efficiency by Library OPAC System

  15. 目前,CBIR技术普遍存在检索效率低,查询准确性不高的问题。

    At present , there are the problems of low efficiency and query accuracy in the CBIR technology .

  16. 通过对Google的Pagerank算法的分析,对当前互联网搜索引擎的检索效率的改进与提高提出了自己的看法。

    Based on the analysis of PageRank technique employed by Google , ideas are put forward of improving search efficiency of current internet search engines .

  17. 错误的ISBN影响检索效率。

    Mistakes of ISBN influence index efficiency .

  18. 其中,对遥测数据的存储除了直接XML结构化存储外,还提出了数据分段的方法存储大数据量参数,在实际系统运行中表现出很高的数据检索效率。

    Based on the structural XML storage , the method to storage a large scale of telemetry data in sections is proposed . The index efficiency of the telemetry data is increased obviously in the operation of the practical system .

  19. 研究结果表明:与传统的知识表示方法相比,基于XML的知识库具有检索效率高、通用性良好等优点,特别是能较好地实现异构系统的互操作。

    The result of the research showed that the knowledge base based on XML has a lot of merits such as high search efficiency , being very universal , etc , especially it can implement interoperation between heterogeneous systems better .

  20. 同时,考虑到某些故障领域已经积累了丰富的故障案例,采取CBR(CaseBasedReasoning案例推理)方法会大大提高案例的检索效率,改善故障解决能力。

    At the same time , taking into account the area of some fault has accumulated a wealth of fault cases ; take the CBR ( Case Based Reasoning ) method will greatly improve the efficiency of case searching to improve the fault-solving ability .

  21. 通过采用序列分段平均值技术降维,结合滑动窗口和MBR方法实现子序列相似查询,并利用R+-树作为多维索引结构提高检索效率。

    Piecewise average approximation is used to reduce dimensionality and slipping window combined with MBR to implement subsequence matching . R + - tree is taken as multi-dimen-sional structure to improve indexing efficiency .

  22. 难度感知的混合式对等网络搜索协议:通过结合结构化DHT和无结构对等网搜索协议各自的优点,混合对等网搜索策略能有效提高对等网系统的检索效率。

    Difficulty-aware hybrid search protocol in P2P networks . By combining structured DHTs and unstructured search protocols , hybrid P2Ps have the potential to effectively improve the performance of P2P retrieval systems .

  23. 在EBMT(Example-BasedMachineTranslation)系统中将翻译实例泛化为翻译模板,可以有效的减少实例的存储空间,提高实例的检索效率,而实例匹配更是直接关系到了EBMT系统的翻译质量。

    Example generalization in the EBMT ( Example-Based Machine Translation ) system is very meaningful for both reducing the storage space and improving the searching efficiency of examples , and example matching directly affects the quality of the EBMT system .

  24. 分析kd-tree索引结构及其检索效率,得出kd-tree是一种适合管理点云数据的索引方法。

    By analyzing the kd-tree index structure and retrieval efficiency , we comes to that kd-tree is a suited index method of point cloud data for the management .

  25. 为了提高检索效率,本文针对某几类背景普遍比较大而且颜色纹理较为单一的图像对IRM匹配方法作了些许改进。

    In order to improve the retrieval efficiency , for several categories of images which have large background areas and simple color and texture , this paper makes some improvements based on the IRM method .

  26. 并且,对CM-tree的构造算法进行改进,使得它在结构上有更好的聚类效果,从而进一步提高检索效率。

    And more , to improve CM-tree construction algorithm which makes a better clustering results will improve efficiency in similarity retrieval further .

  27. 结果:在PACS的应用中,放射影像信息管理系统得以完善,病人检查所需时间明显减少,数据信息作到了基本无丢失,出报告时间缩短,胶片用量大幅降低。影像检索效率大幅提高。

    Results : In the usage of PACS , RIS is consummated , the checking time is reduced , and data information is not lost , the time of report is reduced , the dosage of film is largely reduced and the efficiency of image retrieval is largely enhanced .

  28. 用不同类型的图像对这种方法进行测试实验,结果表明查准率和检索效率都得到了提高。

    Experimental results demonstrated that the retrieval effect and veracity are improved .

  29. 提高机读目录检索效率的方法

    The Methods of Increasing the Retrieval Efficiency of Computer-readed Catalog

  30. 实验证实使用机器学习和相关反馈后,图像检索效率得到了较大的提高。

    Image retrieval accuracy raised by using relevance feedback and machine learning .