
jiǎn chá jiě shì
  • Procuratorial interpretation;prosecutorial interpretation
  1. 刑事检察解释存在的问题及对策

    Issues about the Procuratorial Interpretations of the Criminal Law

  2. 检察解释制度是我国司法解释制度的两大分支之一。

    Attorney interpretation system is a system of judicial interpretation of one of the two branches .

  3. 这些检察解释在推动检察工作顺利进行,惩治犯罪和维护法制统一方面发挥了巨大作用。

    The prosecution explained in promoting the procuratorial work smoothly , punish crime and safeguarding uniformity has played a significant role .

  4. 最后,针对检察解释存在的问题,本文提出了针对性的建议,更为贴合实际出发完善检察解释制度。

    Finally , prosecutors explained the problems , this paper presents specific recommendations , the more perfect fit reality Attorney Interpretation System .

  5. 刑事检察解释是最高人民检察院在刑事检察过程中对具体应用刑事法律所作的具有法律效力的阐释和说明。

    The procuratorial interpretations of the criminal law are legally effective explanations and interpretations of the criminal law issued by the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate .

  6. 笔者认为,检察解释在我国作为一个社会存在已经有了较长一段时间,贸然全盘否定是不妥的。

    I think procuratorial interpretation exists as one social being for long time in our country , it is improper to totally repudiate rashly .

  7. 再次,本文对检察解释制度当前存在的诸多问题进行了汇总,并从实例出发,点清问题实质所在。

    Again , this article explains the system of prosecuting the many problems that currently exist are summarized , and from the examples starting point clear that the real problem lies .

  8. 检察解释是我国司法解释的重要组成部分,在制定法滞后的情况下,为保护我国社会主义现代化建设,建立具有中国特色的社会主义法制作出了巨大贡献。

    Procuratorial interpretation is one of the important component of judicial interpretation of our country . Protecting the socialist modernization of our country , contributing a lot in setting up the socialist legal system with distinct Chinese characteristics when the Making law lags behind .

  9. 对于刑事司法解释主体二元化所出现的冲突的解决之道,并不在于简单地否定检察解释权的存在合理性,而在于从权力体制上明确两者的权力属性。

    The resolutions of the conflict due to duality of the criminal judicial interpretation body is not lies in simply denying the rationality of the procuratorial power of judicial interpretation , but in clarifying the nature of two powers from aspect of the constitution of the power .