
mù dì jiě shì
  • teleological interpretation
  1. 并且在解释条约时,坚持约文解释与目的解释的平衡,维护成员方的主权。

    Moreover , in order to protect the sovereignty of the members , the balance between textual interpretation and teleological interpretation should be kept when interpreting the treaty .

  2. 欧盟法的解释遵循统一解释原则,其解释方法主要有文义解释、历史解释、体系解释和目的解释。

    The interpretation of European Union law must comply with the principle of unification interpretation . Its ways include semantic interpretation , historical interpretation , systematic interpretation and teleological interpretation .

  3. 而作为法学方法的目的解释亦是一种十分重要的法学方法

    Teleological method of interpretation is a very important legal science method .

  4. 第三,目的解释在实践中的表现。

    The third purpose is to explain the performance in practice .

  5. 适用与限制:法律解释中的目的解释方法

    The Application and Restriction of Teleological Method of Legal Interpretation

  6. 在前述分析梳理的基础上第四章综合运用文义解释、目的解释、体系强制等方法提出立法上的完善建议。

    Based on the above analysis the fourth chapter proposes the legislative method .

  7. 第四,目的解释的规范化。

    The fourth , the standardization of objective interpretation .

  8. 第二,条约目的解释的关键性以及相关。

    Secondly , the key and related .

  9. 第一章意旨对目的解释的理论做一个概述。

    The purpose of chapter one is to introduce the summary theory of the method .

  10. 目的解释方法及其意义

    Teleological Method of Interpretation and Its Significance

  11. 目的解释并分析卡尔达诺的“黄金法则”。

    Conclusion It pointed out the fundamental position for " the golden rule " in Ars Magna .

  12. 即:文义解释、体系解释、目的解释、限缩和扩张解释等。

    Namely : the semantic interpretation , interpretation of system , objective interpretation , restriction and expansion explanation .

  13. 目的解释是依据立法目的对法律进行的解释,立法目的不完全等同于立法时的目的。

    Teleological method of interpretation works on the basis of the legislative purpose which is not totally as the same as purpose when legislating .

  14. 在刑事审判中,法官们自觉不自觉地运用着目的解释方法来达到最佳的审判效果。

    In the criminal trial , the judges consciously or unconsciously use a teleological method of interpretation to achieve the best effect of judgement .

  15. 法官解释法律的方法智巧虽多,归根结底应服从于终极之目的解释。

    There are a few of methods of the interpretation of law , but they must be in compliance with the supremely teleological interpretation .

  16. 条约的目的解释是关于条约的目标和主旨的解释,属于条约适当性的保障。

    The purpose of the treaty is the treaty interpretation of the target and tenet of interpretation , which belongs to the appropriate security treaty .

  17. 目的解释不仅在一般的国际法实践中有重要作用,在解决世贸争端中也是十分重要的。

    Objective to explain not only in the general practice of international law has an important role in solving the dispute , is also very important .

  18. 本文是通过四个方面进行目的解释方法的框架构建:第一,条约的目的和目的解释。

    This article is through four aspects of teleological method of interpretation of the framework : Firstly , the purpose and objective interpretation of the treaty .

  19. 显然,这些条件经常不能得到满足,从而使历史解释陷于困境,最后不得不求助于客观的目的解释。

    Apparently , that those conditions always can not be satisfied makes the historical interpretation plunge into jam and at last it has to rescue to the objective purpose interpretation .

  20. 在合同条款的解释规则方面,笔者就一般合同条款的解释方法,如文义解释、整体解释、目的解释等方法分别作了论述。

    Regarding the rules of contract interpretation , the dissertation respectively demonstrates the ways to interpret common contractual clauses such as expressive interpretation , integrative interpretation , intention interpretation and so on .

  21. 这部分是介绍了条约解释中文本解释的局限性、条约目的解释方法的法律依据和目的解释方法在条约解释中的地位。

    This part is introduced in the text of treaty interpretation of the treaty limitations , teleological method of interpretation of legal basis and objective interpretation method in interpretation of treaty in the position .

  22. 本文仅以文义解释、体系解释、历史解释、目的解释及合宪解释这五种具体方法为例,对法律解释作为裁判规则的建构方法,加以论述。

    In this dissertation , the author discusses legal interpretation as the constructive method of judicial rules by taking literal interpretation , context interpretation , historical interpretation , teleological interpretation and constitutional interpretation as examples .

  23. 虽然文本解释是条约解释常用的解释方法,但是也是具有一定的局限性,目的解释等解释方法能很好地弥补其缺陷。

    Although the interpretation of the text is the interpretation of treaty interpretation of commonly used methods , but also has certain limitation , objective interpretation , interpretation method can well make up for its shortcomings .

  24. 在解释专利权利要求时,应当采取相对保守的态度。笔者认为我国法院应当建立起字面解释、等同解释、手段+功能解释和区别解释的原则,而对于诸如目的解释等应该谨慎适用。

    Courts in our country should establish the principles of literal interpretation , Equivalent interpretation , means-plus-function interpretation and distinguishable interpretation and also should be cautious to use other interpretations such as intention interpretation and so on .

  25. 目的解释方法是英国特有的一种解释方法,是指按照本领域技术人员所理解的专利权人的意思来解释权利要求,也是一种对权利要求作扩大解释的方法。

    Objective interpretation method , unique to the United Kingdom , which is also a method to broaden the interpretation scope , means to interpret the claims according to understanding meaning of the patentee by the technicians of this field .

  26. 目的解释是以特定目的为根据或向导来对法律进行解释的方法,是现代法律解释理论的一个重要分支,已成为仅次于文义解释的一种法律解释方法。

    The teleological method of interpretation is a way to explain the law according to a specific purpose or wizard . It is an important branch of the modern theory of legal interpretation , has become second only to literal interpretation .

  27. 第三章介绍保险合同解释的一般原则,即文义解释原则、整体解释原则、目的解释原则、习惯解释原则、诚实信用解释原则和补充解释原则,以及各解释原则之间的具体适用标准。

    Chapter three introduces the general interpretation rules , such as literal interpretation , total interpretation , teleological method of interpretation , conventional interpretation , honesty and credit interpretation and complementary interpretation , and also the specific application standard between these rules .

  28. 法官在司法实践中还经常运用论理解释来解释法律条文,通过论理解释也就是法律目的解释,以正确确定法律的原本目的,使其更能符合社会生活实际。

    Judges in the judicial practice often use of interpretation to explain laws , through the logical explanation ( the purpose of law interpretation ), to determine the law was designed correctly , which can make it conform to the actual social life .

  29. 该部分首先对强制性规定存在的价值予以阐释,对强制性规定存在的必要性和有限性进行阐释,从而提出判断合同效力的标准,即立法目的解释标准。

    First of all , setting forth the value of the compulsory rule and explaining the necessity and limitedness of compulsory rule , and then propose a standard to judge the effect of contracts , that is , the standard of legislative purpose of interpretation .

  30. 在对法理学中目的解释的梳理基础上导引出刑法目的解释,即以一定目的为导向来确定法律文本的真实含义,实现规范与事实的对接,及时惩治犯罪,实现预防犯罪的刑罚目的。

    The teleological method of interpretation of criminal law that is a method to determine the true meaning of legal texts by means of a certain purpose , achieving the docking between standard and the fact and timely punishment of crime and the purpose of crime prevention .